After the Second World War, a healthy and proper diet was considered adding as much fat and protein to food as possible. This was because people were starving. Even after the war, there was a famine for 10 years! Therefore, it was believed that the human body should receive a lot of proteins and fats in order to restore their strength.
After well-fed years, the concept of nutrition has changed, they came to a new conclusion that there should be a balanced diet between proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. In addition, calories were calculated for how many categories of workers, office workers, food are needed ... how much food is needed for pregnant women, the elderly, children, middle-aged people. Everyone wanted to count, not taking into account the individual characteristics of a person. Shove the data into the computer and get a miracle result, saying then it's not us ... but the computer. There were enough idiots before. And who writes computer programs? Then there was no artificial intelligence.
Each person consumed his rate of energy, it depended on his height, weight, metabolic rate, and physical activity. This was influenced by climate, lifestyle, alt.i.tude.
Energy consumption was calculated in the 60-70s of the 20th century - 1-kilo calorie per 1 kg of weight every 1 hour.
The usual energy expenditure of a city dweller a.s.sociated with office work was determined at the rate of 2500 calories, but with physical labor, such as digging the earth and carrying heavy loads, it additionally increased by 2500 calories. Therefore, the food for the office employee was lighter than that of the worker or loader. This was the setting for proper and healthy nutrition.
Scientists created standards for daily calorie intake for each category of citizens. Then compiled tables of calories for foods. And one category of people was given one type of product, another. This was considered the right and healthy approach.
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This gave rise to the fact that they began to compile tables of the content of amino acids in products, the source of protein, carbohydrates, fats. Then cholesterol was an important element in the diet of people.
They enjoyed eating soups from the spinal cord, shook out the spinal cord from the bones and ate it. This was especially practiced with nomads. Although urban residents are also addicted to this. In 100 grams of brains, there was 2800 ml g cholesterol! Now they would call it horror, eat so much bad cholesterol in one meal!
The role of vitamins was exaggerated, therefore they were eaten by handfuls, chemical vitamins and not natural ones, which caused problems with the deposition of salts in the joints in people.
The most important sources of vitamin B1, B2, PP, C, A and then there are tables with the name of the products and the amount of mg of these vitamins in them.
After that, attention was paid to the availability of a source of calcium, iron, and food products were divided into groups, on the basis of which, tables were prepared on a balanced diet for different categories of workers.
Scientists went further, they determined the cost of 1 calorie in cents.
The whole life of a person is one big experiment of scientists who cannot fully study all the consequences of a particular concept of healthy eating. 10 years pa.s.s, scientists say, oh, we were wrong ... so you do not need to raise your health. The concepts of healthy eating have changed again. New cookbooks were written again. And why was there something new to look for when the healing cuisine of the Chinese and Persians had already been developed for thousands of years? Many generations have eaten this healthy food and have lived up to 100 or even 130 years! On the other hand, in those days the environment was cleaner, there was no industrial pollution. However, the world was not calm, viruses, bacteria, the level of medicine is not very high, wars, raids, high taxes, robbers. Everywhere has its pros and cons.
Then there was a skew with raw juices, a skew with meat, some medical scientists said they need to eat less meat, others more.
After that, a doctrine appeared about different blood groups and their special diet, which products are suitable for these blood groups and which are not.
Then, the doctrine of separate nutrition appeared.
Own menus, what you can eat and what you can't.
And now, Dara, I was looking for a table of products that can be combined with others and which cannot. This, too, was far from the most faithful and correct version of a healthy diet. But this table was in trend in 2030. Therefore, Dara, and drew attention to this information.
However, after looking at the data, he realized that this is nonsense, nonsense, and complete absurdity.
Dara decided to trust in the knowledge of the system for selecting products that he had to try and evaluate their healing properties.
The task was interesting, tasty, to try, select, test everything on yourself and prepare for sales and inconspicuous treatment of patients, according to the goal of the system.
There were a lot of cases!