Magi Craft Meister - Chapter 671

Chapter 671

Chapter 671: t.i.tanic

Jin decided to craft a disc-shaped compa.s.s with a 20-centimeter diameter, intending to let it float in oil.

He attached the compa.s.s to the back of a plastic disc created from threads obtained from the grand spider, using a thin resin from the underground spider tree known as GSP.

Given his lack of knowledge about the specific used on s.h.i.+ps, he decided to improvise.

For the container, he utilized quartz and crystal sourced from the material warehouse. The lower portion was crafted from white quartz, the upper portion from transparent crystal, and internally, he filled it with a mineral-based oil.

The choice of a mineral-based oil was crucial; without it, the oil would either solidify or become discolored. Of course, he discreetly brought it from Hourai Island. Once sealed, discerning the type of oil would be impossible.

Alright, loading two of these should be enough.

Father, you seem quite invested in this.

Reikos tone wasnt precisely dissatisfied, but it was a rather slightly curious tone.

Yeah. Its our first s.h.i.+p, and I want it to be a success. Besides, since its a s.h.i.+p Ive worked on, Im determined to make it a success.

His eagerness came from the fact that Jin, Elsa, and Reinhardt had all contributed to this s.h.i.+p. Reiko had no complaints about that.

Thats true. Your name will be remembered as well. Its success is crucial, especially considering it received collaboration from the Magi Craft Meister.

Well, thats true.

And Jin, making use of his spare time, began to create notes.

Father, what are you doing?

Yeah, even though I helped this time, Ive come to realize that I wont always be available to help. So, Im writing down the insights Ive gathered.

Jin has carefully observed the s.h.i.+p. He focused on fixing the issues and weaknesses in this construction method. Therefore, when Jin summarized them, it wasnt just logical but also held real importance.

Alright, this should be enough.

Jin collected his notes on parchment, bound them, added a cover, completing the compilation t.i.tled New s.h.i.+p Memo.

I suppose I can pa.s.s this on to the person in charge.

Jin left the room carrying the New s.h.i.+p Memo and the compa.s.s.

Upon seeing the finished compa.s.s, those present once again wore expressions that acknowledged the greatness of the Magi Craft Meister.

Christoph eagerly received it, contemplating where to attach it.

Meanwhile, Rodrigo appeared as though he had something on his mind.

Rodrigo, is there something on your mind?

Sensing this, Jin called out to him, and Rodrigo responded somewhat fl.u.s.tered,

Uh, well no, its nothing

Are you intrigued by the compa.s.s?

Jin suspected it was likely related to that.

Well, yeah

Following this, Jin intended to craft several referred to as dry types.

In contrast to the wet type, which moves within oil, the dry type is easier to produce but comes with the drawback of the needle taking more time to stop swinging and becoming unusable when rusted.

This knowledge doesnt quite fall under overtechnology, as it was also present in the

Fhrer previously gifted to the Shouro Empire.

Apart from Christoph, the Minister of Magi Technology, Degauss, should be well-acquainted with

Jin chose to pa.s.s the New s.h.i.+p Memo to Christoph.

Oh, Jin, this is really useful. Ill use it as a guide for the next one!

Christoph gladly accepted the memo.

The s.h.i.+ps gangway was expertly crafted, and by the days end, the new s.h.i.+p was nearly finished.

The next morning, a final check was planned, and if everything checked out, the launching ceremony was set for the following afternoon.

It was rumored that the Prime Minister would make an entrance at the launching ceremony in a hot air balloon.

Were finally approaching the finish line.

It was quite fascinating.

Jin, you did an excellent job.

If you say that, Elsa did just as well.

After taking a bath, Jin, Elsa, and Reinhardt were enjoying wine in the dining hall.

Reinhardt had developed a strong fondness for the local wines in this area. Both the Elrich region to the east and the Olsen region to the west of Lake Wa.s.s boasted numerous vineyards, contributing to a thriving wine production.

Todays wine was from the Elrich region, the year 3456.

Its still a young wine, but its tastier than I expected.

As Reinhardt uttered this, he wasnt paying much attention to the food, and was consuming the wine at a brisk pace.

Rein, you should slow down a bit.

Elsa, expressing concern, intervened. Although Jin and Elsa had nearly completed their meals, Reinhardt had only eaten about half and was mainly drinking wine.

Ill tell Berthie when we get back.

With just that sentence, Reinhardts hand came to a sudden stop.

Ugh fine.

Reluctantly agreeing, Reinhardt eventually began eating. Jin sensed that, despite the pending final check, Reinhardt felt a sense of relief now that the s.h.i.+p was finished.

Lord Jin, Lord Reinhardt, Miss Elsa, may I join you?

Rodrigo approached their table.

Yes, please. Would you like some wine, Rodrigo? Reinhardt offered, but Rodrigo declined.

No, I appreciate the offer. Im just here for the company. As I mentioned earlier, my health hasnt been great.

Elsa, feeling uneasy hearing this, spoke up.

Um, excuse me, but why is your health not well?

Yes, until recently, I drank too much.

If its alright, Id like to examine you later.

Elsa suggested.


Seeing Rodrigos puzzled expression, Jin explained.

Despite her appearance, Elsa was recently appointed by His Majesty as the Royal Healing Arts Pract.i.tioner, so shes quite skilled in the healing arts.

For a moment, Rodrigos face showed a hint of joy upon hearing this, but in the next instant, it returned to its usual expression.

No, its okay. More importantly, I have a proposal.

What is it? Please, have a seat.

Reinhardt offered a chair.

Thank you. Well, the thing is its a bit awkward to say, but its about what happens if the s.h.i.+p sinks. Do we have any plans for that kind of situation?

If the s.h.i.+p sinks?

Even Reinhardt, renowned for his composure, frowned slightly.

Considering the launching ceremony had yet to happen, discussing what to do if the s.h.i.+p sank might seem premature. However, Jin had a different perspective.

Lifeboats, is that what youre suggesting?

Jin had also forgotten about it.

In the current world, s.h.i.+ps on Earth are equipped with lifeboats for all crew members.

The tragedy of the t.i.tanic occurred because there werent enough lifeboats. Even if there were lifeboats, the debate revolves around whether all of them could be launched in the short time before sinking and if the crew could be evacuated.

Youre right. Thats what I mean.

With Jins understanding, Rodrigo became more enthusiastic.

Lets discuss this in a meeting tomorrow morning.

Thank you for taking charge of it.

Having heard Jins words, Rodrigo bowed and left.

Jin called Reinhardt and Elsa to his room.

Both seemed a bit upset after hearing about the sinking discussion.

While this might not fall within your technical expertise,

Jin then shared his knowledge about the sinking of the t.i.tanic.

So, prioritize women and children

Both listened silently to the story.

So, its true that its not an uplifting topic. But theres no s.h.i.+p thats guaranteed not to sink. So

No, thats enough. I understand, Jin.

Jin, I get it.

Reinhardt and Elsa both nodded with seriousness.

I believe we should also utilize some of those rubber boats crafted in the Klein Kingdom.

To be more precise, they were crafted in the village of Kaina, not the Klein Kingdom, and both Jin and Elsa were the ones making them.

Ah, those could indeed be useful.

Not only for leisure but also for situations like this.

Exactly. Additionally, everyone on the s.h.i.+ps crew should wear life jackets.

Lifebuoys, rubber boats, life jackets these were the topics the three planned to address in the discussion the following day.