Chapter 667: Knowledge and Peace
Mr. John, you dont seem to be a spy.
Daros words reverted to his initial polite tone.
Oh, well
Yes, please join us at our location.
With great pleasure.
In this way, Mr. John managed to earn some trust for the time being.
Wow, John, youre impressive. Winning approval from Mr. Daro is quite an accomplishment. Hasnt it been about two years since Tenkunhan?
Well, that person wasnt very useful.
John, Oliver, Maya, and Daro engaged in conversation over lunch, which mainly consisted of dry bread.
But its genuinely remarkable, John. Youre sure to receive a warm welcome.
Maya said with a slightly envious tone.
Um, in the West, does that imply that Magi Craftsman and Magi Engineers are highly regarded?
Daro nodded in agreement.
Well, thats the general idea. Youll understand the details when you go there.
Since John didnt want this topic to be discussed too much at the moment, he decided to change the subject.
That bicycleWhats its purpose?
Oh, that? You just ride it and move around.
Ride it? Wouldnt you fall? Arent they designed for carrying something?
Upon hearing those words, Maya swallowed the dry bread she had in her mouth and stood up.
Ill show you how it works.
With those words, as if on cue, Maya ran towards the shed, quickly grabbed the bicycle, and returned.
Ready? Like this, you sit here
Maya straddled the saddle, placed her feet on the pedals, and slowly started riding.
Wow! Shes, shes riding!
Oliver, seemingly witnessing it for the first time, exclaimed in amazement.
Why doesnt she fall?
John, who knew the theory but purposefully raised that question, observed as Maya confidently rode back after completing a lap.
Hehe, its all about getting used to it. Well, I dont understand that talk about gyros or whatever.
Gyros. Once again, a term that shouldnt exist in this world. Mr. John found himself growing more intrigued by the West.
Oliver, lets keep the bicycle thing confidential.
Oh, um, yes, I understand.
Despite being caught up in the excitement of finding someone like John, who could even repair bicycles, Daro and Maya regretted revealing the bicycle to Oliver.
For the time being, they opted to keep it a secret. Maya appeared determined to journey west with the bicycle. Upon hearing this, Oliver was profoundly disappointed.
Well then, Mr. John, take care.
Yes, it was a short time, but I appreciate your hospitality.
On the morning of the 28th, John and Oliver exchanged farewell greetings. Oliver explained that he couldnt or wouldnt go any further west.
Beyond this point, only those acknowledged by them are allowed.
Oliver mentioned.
Thanks to you, I managed to acquire valuable items at a reasonable price.
The Cali settlement, mostly populated by individuals from small countries and the Shouro Empire, functioned as an intermediate base. Even if an investigation were to be conducted, living outside the borders was the only fact that could be acknowledged, resulting in no crime, just a stern warning.
Oliver, engaged in business with them, faced a similar situation. As long as they couldnt pin down the operation on the ground, it couldnt be considered a crime. The truth was, despite the presence of diverse ethnicities, it wouldnt be punishable unless caught in the act.
Well then, Maya, take care!
Yeah, Oliver, you take care too!
Waving goodbye, Oliver set off on his journey. As Olivers figure vanished, John, Maya, and Daro also initiated their journey westward.
By the way, that golem horse he mentioned, that sounds amazing.
Maya, pedaling on her bicycle, expressed her admiration.
Absolutely. We cant even imagine it.
Daro, also cycling, agreed.
The road they were currently traveling on was dirt but adequately packed, enabling the bicycles to run at about 15 kilometers per hour.
Both Maya and Daro possessed considerable leg strength.
Today, were heading to the town of Seki.
Seki Town has some interesting things. Im looking forward to it.
Covering a distance of just under 60 kilometers, they reached the town of Seki around 2 p.m., taking breaks at the villages of Aaji and Seto along the way.
In comparison to the villages they had pa.s.sed through, Seki Town was more than five times larger.
Before them stood a robust stone wall, its gate wide open. However, as soon as the three of them pa.s.sed through the gate, it closed with a resounding noise. A thick bolt was also secured, making it not easily pa.s.sable.
Welcome to our country, Mizuho.'
Mizuho Is that the name of your country?
Yes. It seems to mean a country filled with Mizumizus.h.i.+ho, although we dont know what Mizumizus.h.i.+ho means.
It sounds mysterious.
Responding with these words, Mr. John quickly a.s.sociated the term with (Mizuho), wondering if Mizumizus.h.i.+ho could be translated as lush ears of rice. However, he lacked the evidence to support this, so he chose to remain silent for now.
The group then entered the town. Many buildings were single-story stone structures with wooden roofs.
The ground was covered with leveled gravel, but noticing that the golem horse wouldnt leave hoof prints suggested some form of hardening treatment.
John, riding the golem horse, attracted attention. People on the street turned to look.
The attire of the locals was not significantly different from that of the Shouro Empire, although their skin tones were all light brown.
As they walked, John continued to observe the surroundings.
I am the deputy mayor of Seki town.
As they approached a particularly large building in the central area of the town, Daro spoke.
We have the responsibility to determine whether you pose a threat or not. If we have been impolite, please forgive us.
Oh, dont worry about it. Im not bothered.
John smiled at Daro.
Thank you. Well then, would you like to meet the mayor first?
John dismounted from the golem horse and parked it in front of the building. As it wasnt a living horse, there was no need to secure reins.
The structure, functioning as the town hall, was unusually two stories high, with an attached wooden watchtower.
Invited into the building, John, accompanied by Maya, was led into a room of about 8 tatami mat size, likely a reception room. A table that could accommodate around six people was set, and John was seated at the seat in the back.
Daro took the seat directly opposite John, positioned to the right when facing him.
Maya brought four of water, one for John, and the remaining three were arranged after his. One gla.s.s was placed in front of Daro, while Maya herself took a seat at the left end.
The remaining central seat was taken by the man who entered last. He had dark skin, sun-browned hair, brown eyes, a st.u.r.dy build, and appeared older than Daro.
Welcome, guests.
The man was the first to speak.
I am Crow, the mayor of Seki town.
I am John Dini, a Magi Craftsman specializing in magical engineering, or as they say in the Shouro Empire, a Magi Engineer.
Hmm, I heard a little from Daro. He said youre a very skilled Magi Engineer.
Oh, no, its not that impressive.
Theres no need to be modest. Just fixing Daro and Mayas bicycles shows you have extraordinary talent. John, can you also be of service to our country, Mizuho?
Crow asked straightforwardly. John replied slowly.
Of course.
In return, what do you desire? Money? Power?
John had a prepared answer.
Knowledge and peace.