so, lucy want to go in big city for being independent and she convenience her parents for this .
she rich in to big city know as Mumbai
and her parents give her three months only to live here life independently. lucy is so excited because she finally rich in Mumbai and with her friend which she meet in social media
after s.h.i.+fting. they decided to she the city Mumbai now lucy started to find job because of her contact, education and sincerity she finally found a job of reporter.
now in this job with her there ate 3 more reporters are hires. in this she met to rahul
who very smart guy. form day1 of their job they fighting each other for small thing. but after a week they helping each other.
one day in official party. lucy met to a guy who is very much attractive and luck is also a beautiful so . the got one night stand with each other. after 2to3 days she found that guy was her friend's boyfriend she feel so shame