Lucifer's Descendant System - Chapter 85

Chapter 85

For the first time in a long while, Noah was really out of breath. After teleporting so often and using so much control over the flames, Noah was both exhausted physically and mentally. Even though the burning of the monsters had recharged Noah's energy, the cry of the monsters he burned ended up attracting more monsters from the dark, and they found themselves amid hordes of monsters that came and went.

During the battle, Noah had consumed the corpses of at least three monsters completely just to keep from running out of energy. Fortunately, the technique he had created during the last battle was quite useful when dealing with a lot of enemies, and with a supply of energy from the monsters he was burning during the battle, Noah could abuse this technique even more.

Something that could be said with certainty was that if at the end of the battle a table appeared tallying who contributed most to during this raid, Noah would definitely be in first place with a large margin of advantage compared to second place.

This was so much so that while Noah gasped with fatigue on the floor, even though he had no injuries, their team healer was there using his own Blessing on him to help with the wear and tear he had undergone.

If seeing Noah using that tactic wasn't shocking enough, seeing him using it more than once was even more shocking. Every time they thought Noah was running out of energy because of his slowdown when teleporting and using that ability, he suddenly increased his speed and caused even more damage than he had caused before.

Even Mufag had his jaw dropped. He had seen battles of powerful beings before, but he had never seen someone like Noah who teleported and killed so many monsters so quickly with that strange flame of his.

While Noah breathed heavily on the floor, he looked at the statistics window itself, angry at having not reached the goal he wanted.

He was so tired that even though he saw that there were only 3 exp points left to raise the skill , he was not willing to attempt searching for them. Noah felt like a marathon runner who had run 160 kilometers (100 miles) and right after he stopped to rest and breathe, someone came up asking him to run another 10 kilometers. If that person had appeared a few minutes earlier, he could have continued without problems, but now his muscles had relaxed to rest and he was incapable of even being able to take two steps.

'Damn it. If I knew there were only 3 exp points left I would have continued the battle for a few more minutes to keep my adrenaline high. But that's not a problem. In the next battle I will definitely raise the level of this skill,' Noah thought, a little frustrated with himself.

"Guys, look at this..." The lightning magician was making electric arcs between his fingers to light the area while searching around the compartment with BigBull, since Noah's flames had gone out, save for only the flickers from some of the still burning monster corpses, but the light from those flames was not enough to see far from where they were...

Noah, who was still lying on the floor panting, looked to the side and saw what the lightning magician was pointing at. In front of him, illuminated by the white light of the rays between his fingers, it was possible to see a body - the body of a dwarf.

Seeing a corpse of a dwarf, Mufag ran in that direction to try to recognize the corpse, without knowing whether he hoped it to be his father, or that his father was not a corpse. Unfortunately, or fortunately, Mufag did not recognize the corpse. It was probably the corpse of some random dwarf who had escaped from the cabin.

As they walked further down the car with electric rays illuminating the area, they gradually found more corpses every few moments, but none of these corpses were Mufag's parents, until suddenly they found something that looked like a mountain, but it was not a mountain made of dirt, but a mountain made of corpses.

Looking at it, Mufag started to tremble and murmur words like "It can't be..." "Please don't..." "What do I do?..." while crying in despair. It was not even necessary for Noah to translate what he was saying so that BigBull and the lightning magician could understand what he was feeling and both of them put a hand on the little dwarf boy's shoulder to try to comfort him.

Even though they were unable to communicate with Mufag directly, through Noah they talked to the boy and discovered that he truly had a life that was not just spawned by a Fortress, so they ended up developing empathy for the boy who had probably lost his whole family on this train. Seeing the boy break down emotionally like that made everyone's hearts feel heavy.

Unfortunately this concern for Mufag was not the only thing they had to deal with in that place, as while they tried to comfort the boy who looked at the pile of dwarf corpses and hoped that his parents were not there, a great pair of bright eyes appeared from behind the pile of corpses.

Seeing the pair of eyes, all 16 Blessed were momentarily frozen. Even Noah, who was very breathless from tiredness a few seconds ago, now held his breath in anticipation to see what this big bright eyed monster was going to do.

Even though he was tired, the adrenaline pumping through Noah's body once again made him forget about tiredness and he unconsciously increased the rate of flames burning in the dead monsters to regenerate even more energy for himself to use.

Without exception, in the minds of all the Blessed, a word immediately appeared when they saw that big pair of bright eyes that appeared to be a few times bigger than the previous monsters they had to deal with.

"The Boss..." That's what they thought as they stared at that big monster that stared at them as if they were the next delicious meal he would have, even though the space in front of him was packed with corpses of all shapes and sizes made completely of dwarfs.