Lucifer's Descendant System - Chapter 277

Chapter 277

"Oh, we weren't planning on fighting, so we didn't bring our stuff. We have to go home and get our equipment and come back so we can fight at the arena."

"Oh, right! I completely forgot about that," Noah quickly acklowledged his lack of understanding. 'How come... Oh, right, the Family hasn't participated lately, and they really didn't react like they wanted to join at all until Michael reminded them I was here... Is it that those people are really that powerful... No, it must be that they have been lacking confidence,' he thought, as he saw the Leader dealing with the manager who came to attend to them.

"No, keep the number, I'll cover for one person." Noah overheard the Leader saying such a thing to the manager. They had already said that they would split his bill, but he was planning to pay it alone.

'Guess he really is that reliable,' Noah thought, as he related to Michael's behavior. In the future, he understood such gestures would help him hold on to the loyalty of those under him. Especially the people who would be by his side, in both power and influence. There are people whom it's easier to keep happy by such small gestures, rather than anything grandiose, and looking around the table, he could spot a few such people. Their expressions were of gratitude, rather than anything else, like thinking he was stupid for doing it. 'I guess those are the people who really need the money they are earning. To think even in the C Blessed Rank people would still be living day after day like me...' Noah felt relieved as he understood this kind of financial situation was common even in this level.

"Please pay your tabs and go get ready. We meet at this place in an hour at most. From here we head together to the Arena. Make sure you are safe." The leader's words made Noah furrow his brows.

'What does he mean with that...' Just as Noah was immersed in thought he could perceive some wicked intent from a place not that far away from him. His face turned sour. "So it is about them..." he murmured.

The leader noticed the change in his expression, and just nodded. Noah took this as a sign, and stood up.

"Thank you all for today's treat. I live a bit further from here, so I'll be taking my leave."

"See you in a bit," one of the blessed waved at him, propted him to do the same, before standing up from the table and walking out of the restaurant. Before reaching the exit, thought, he overheard a conversation between the healer and the leader.

"Why did you scare him like that? It's not liek they'll do anything that could danger him!" she said, walking across the table as to not bring too much attention.

"Because. You know the kind of thing those people pull off every time. Even if he is not in danger for his life, it doesn't hurt to be careful. If he gets injured of even delayed enough to miss the time, we'll have a rough time out there," Michael responded as if it were obvious.

"But still..."

"I know you like him, and so do we. There's no evil in being extra wary of those people..." Seing the Leader's face stiffen as he stared at the table where those from the family from earlier were, Noah understood this was out of Michael's good will. 'I guess it's fine... After all, he didn't lie, he just didn't tell me they would not aim for my life, only to delay me.'

With that in mind, Noah left the place, making his way towards the place where the valet would bring his car to. He knew that in this place there was no need to even ask. Not long after he made his way to the side of the road, his car slowly rolled in front of him, the valet walking out with a sour smile.

"What is it?" he asked the man with his poker face expression.

"I'm sorry I made you wait, Sir. When I got there, someone had drained the tires flat, so I had to fill them up," the valet explained apologetically. In contrast, Noah felt it was impressive that he managed to bring the car this fast even after such an event had happened. Moreover, he felt it was more like the person was trying to be a small nuissance, rather than being an actual problem.

'So this is the extent of the length those people will go? So petty...' he thought, as he wondered whether slashing the tires wouldn't have been much more effective. 'No, had they done that they would incur the anger to the higher ups of the family. If they only go this far, even if we were to complain about it, we'd just be brushed off... Such players...'

"Here. Take this much." Noah transfered some money to the valet, as he walked around his car to the opened door on the driver's side.

"This much... My Blessed Sir, is this really okay? Did you not make any mistake?" the valed asked with widened eyes as he checked his phone.

"No, it is the right amount. I will be looking forward to your services and loyalty in the future," Noah brushed him aside. 'It wasn't even that much. Just enough he won't allow anyone make a move on my people,' he thought, understanding he'd be coming here at least once every two weeks in the future. 'Having someone to ensure this stuff doesn't happen again will be good for peace of mind.' His train on thought was interrupted as he felt animosity coming from another valet who was waiting by the entrance of the restaurant. As he turned and saw who his sight was directed to, and the strange smile on his face, Noah knew he was up to no good.

"Hey," he raised his voice, waving, as he walked back towards the restaurant. "Wait a second." He turned around and told the valet, who bowed.

"N... Noah? What is it?" the shy healer said while looking at him blankly, her hand extended to grab her keys from the valet. Her car was clearly parked a little ways forward. More than would be usual for this restaurant's service. Also, the car was clearly already there when she came out.

"Didn't you say you liked my care? Come with me, I'll drop you by on my way home," he said.

"Really?!" she responded with enthusiasm. "I mean, thank you. But you know my car is already here..." she fell back a bit, trying to hide her anticipation.

"It's not a problem, is it? They can always park it again. Come, I insist." Noah's eyes squinted as he saw the valet retract his hand with her keys, clicking his tongue.

"If you insist... I'll help myself." As the healer slowly walked towards his car, his valet ran and opened her the door while he went around the car once again.

"Take a look on that valet of hers for me. Tell me if you see anything suspicious." The valet widened his eyes as he heard the words this man had whispered as he passed by him. Was this man telling him that guy was up to no good?

"Yes!" Without really understanding his own reasons, the the valet agreed, running back to his position and getting the key to the car of another blessed who had come out of the restaurant and was yet to have it gotten for.

"These two... they really are getting together very well," the bearded warrior said, as he saw the female healer get into Noah's car with her eyes shining.

"Hahaha... These two may grow even closer in the near future. I hope they will become a solid backline for us," the leader said to him, as he watched the dark car set off into the distance.

"This classic interior is so beautiful! Thank you so much for taking me with you this time!"

'Even after this long her enthusiasm doesn't die down... Just how much does this woman love classic cars...' Noah smiled wryly as he laughed her gratitude as her love of cars taking the best of her. "It's not that big of a deal, rather, those guys at the restaurant might have planned to get their hands on yo uso we wouldn't have a healer for the arena today."

The healer's eyes widened, as she came to understand the deeper meaning of her actions. "So you invited me to protect me..."

"Ah, yes, sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your pride or anyting like that. It's just that if something were to happen to you I'd blame myself and would not be able to fight properly today so," Noah started to ramble. He himself was surprised at this behavior of his, it was not normal for him to be nervous around people. 'Get a hold of yourself! She's your group's healer, nothing more!' But as he tried to convince himself, her voice rung, and he turned his head to see her cutely blushing while silently staring at her hands.

"Thank you for protecting me," she said, lookign up to him with puppy like eyes.

Please read the author's notes down here! he he he :3