Lucifer's Descendant System - Chapter 190

Chapter 190

(Author's Note: I like the number in this chapter because it is the number of the police in my country. Instead of 911, in Brazil we use 190. Yes, that was just unnecessary information haha.)

Noah was amused to see the last pair of clients leaving the place he was using as an "office". These negotiations were much more productive than he could have imagined. With these three customers alone, he earned more than $30,000. That was more than he would gain by breaking into a Rank E Fortress solo. By his calculations, it would be more than he would gain from breaking into a Rank D Fortress solo.

"So much easy money... Now I won't even need to invade as many Fortresses to be able to make money, and I still have 6 imps with me. I can leave one with Carlos for him to protect himself and I will still have 5 more left. I hope that when the skill level goes up, the amount of imps I can summon increases," Noah said to himself after teleporting to the hotel room and taking off his mask.

"I'm already reaching people at the top of society in Eyrin. If I can get more Rank C families to rent my imps, in a short time I'll practically have an enviable network of contacts, not to mention that I can't wait to see my Exp points rising again, hehe." He was beaming with happiness; things were going much better than he imagined.

After seeing the list of emails he had received, Noah realized that contacting people with little money would be a problem for him, as these people would only hire the imps for a short time, and maybe even hire just one imp. Now dealing with those people who had no lack of money, that was the real deal since they didn't even think so much about the profits that the imps would make, but rather how much the imps would be useful despite the price.

When Carlos learned that the negotiations had gone well, he was extremely happy. His business mind had already started to work even harder so that they could expand the business and make even more profits.

A few days went by. Noah and his team managed to advance easily in the championship, finally arriving at the day of the grand final.

Fortunately, on those championship days, some clients broke into Fortresses with the imps to test the strength of the little guys, and Noah was very pleased with the results he received.

Both his Level and received a lot of exp points. For him to acquire that amount of points alone he would need to invade at least one Rank E Fortress solo, or even invade two or three Rank D Fortresses with a group.

But luckily he didn't have to do any of that. Just playing in the league and hanging out with friends after the games he got as much recourse as he would get if he were working. Not to mention that the money he earned in total was also much higher than he would have received if he had to work alone for this.

(Author's Note: As some of you have been longing to see Noah's statistics, here it is. For those who don't really care, just look at the numbers that have changed and have a good read.)

"Hehe, life is truly beautiful." Noah laughed to himself after taking a shower and seeing how much his status window had changed. "I just hope to receive another wing mission soon. Gliding is really useful, but not so much. For now, teleporting is more practical than just gliding from one place to another. Now, truly flying free would certainly be more useful."

"Come on, Noah! It's time for the championship final in a little while!" James shouted at Noah outside the hotel room door to make sure he wasn't sleeping.

"I'm on my way!" Noah shouted back and finished dressing for breakfast with his friends.

Noah thought he would have more fun during this championship, but he got to a point where other teams were no longer challenging him. As much as there were one or two Blessed Rank D teams on the roster, the skill was always enough to deal with these people, and when it wasn't, he just needed to use to deal with them.

While he imagined that he would have many challenges and would need to overcome himself more and more to advance in the championship, in fact, the teams seemed quite the same with very repetitive Blessings. The strategy to deal with them had never changed much... until the present moment.

For some reason, Leroy's team had fallen to the Lower Bracket, so even though Noah made it to the final, he hadn't yet faced Leroy's team, which was the favorite to win the championship. After seeing Leroy's Blessing, Noah knew the battle would be very problematic for him.

Leroy was not just any any regular old Blessed, he was a peak Blessed Rank D who just needed a slight push to reach Rank C, that is, he was really strong.

That was not to mention that Leroy's Blessing was unknown to Noah. As much as he knew what the Blessing did, Noah didn't know if it would be effective against him, and what he could do to avoid it if it really was.

If Noah were to use all the skills he had, he was sure he could scrub the floor with Leroy as if he were an old towel. But as he was controlling himself and hiding many cards up his sleeve, Noah didn't know if he could deal with him just with what he had demonstrated. 'Maybe I should show a little more in this battle...' he pondered.

Noah was considering showing more during the battle, but not everything he knew. After all, even if he lost the championship, he wouldn't lose too much without being victorious. The final prize was $100,000; divided between each of the team members it would be $20,000.

That money for the old Noah, the Noah who had just left Rank E, could be a lot, but for the current Noah, the Devil who could get $30,000 in a single day without any effort on his own part... that money didn't mean too much anymore.

In addition, with the $129,000 he had in his bank account, Noah was not even short on money. He could put another $100,000 into Maggy's treatment and that wouldn't even be missed by him, since he could get it back in no time with the rental of imps.

But that also didn't mean that he would not dedicate himself. It just meant that he wasn't going to give 100%. But at least 90% effort was guaranteed, and Noah believed that would be enough to deal with Leroy.

Passing by the audience of the championship, Noah heard that they were having a lot of fun.

"Bro, I really want to know who will win today! Will Lucifer win?" a random man asked.

"I think so. Leroy lost a match to a team of hackers, while Lucifer alone beat a team of hackers without even the help of his team," another man responded naturally.

At that moment, a fat man who was close to them invaded the conversation and gave his own opinion. "But Leroy didn't even use his secret skill in that fight. I think if he had used the Shout he has, those hackers could hardly have won. And I'm sure that against Lucifer he will use this Shout. I think Lucifer will not be able to go against this Shout with his teleportation, since it is a hard counter."

"You're right... I'm worried now. I really hope Lucifer wins; I don't like Leroy."

"I find it difficult for Leroy to lose. After all, with how powerful his Shout is, Lucifer will have nothing to do and will be vulnerable."


I don't have a single day without something happen in my life that cause some troubles to write. Sorry guys...

[1/13 Extra chapters.] [1/2 Daily Chapter.]