Love System: Changing Destinies - 45 First Love: Mo Xue 43

45 First Love: Mo Xue 43

I was...


I'm just pregnant! Not disable! There's no harm in bowing! My stomach is not even showing yet!

I can feel my cheeks getting a bit warm, flushes embarra.s.singly upon hearing such thing. I glance a bit to the Crown Prince and what did I see?! That man is smirk teasingly at me!

Ughh! I'm blus.h.i.+ng hard for sure. Stupid Prince!


While our pregnant ger is having a hard time controlling himself from smacking the head of his own husband, the antagonist of their story is leisurely strolling onto the public horse stable with her entourage. With, of course, the second son of the fallen Shen family, Shen Zhe.

The attendant of the stable have put out one leg to stop Shen Zhe upon seeing him as the latter make his way to the section where the n.o.ble family keep their spare horses. That section also hold a selection of better breed of mares and stallions, all ready to be hired by affluent customer.

"Much apologies, this section is reserve for the n.o.bles only. Please proceed to the other section, customer."

Despite the firm, professional tone of the attendant, Shen Zhe can hear the huge amount of ridicule behind it. He can barely contain his anger, with his fingers clenching in a tight fist, while trying to maintain his composure.

Thank goodness, Shen Zhe thought as he glance back, relieve to see that the princess is standing a bit far from him, thus a.s.suming the woman that he's trying to woo didn't see his humiliation.

"Good brother," Shen Zhe approach the attendant closer, "I'm aware of my own status. However, can't this good brother make an exception? You see, I'm escorting the kingdom's guest. Her Highness wants to go sightseeing along the plains. We, as the humble citizen of this kingdom, must give the very best for the royal guest, don't we?"

The attendant gaze fall on the woman in question. His eyes lingers a tad longer than necessary, cleary enamoured with the demure and beautiful young woman. The attendant turn his attention toward Shen Zhe, eyeing him up and down, contemplating.

The whole kingdom knows about the fall of the Shen's. Their family can no longer be considered as n.o.ble. Households that use to vie the Shen's sons for marriage are no longer within sight. It was only due to the Emperor's generosity that they are able to keep their house and a.s.sets.

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"Please, good brother. You certainly can't give the princess some random horses, would you?"

Shen Zhe hides his shaking fist, trying his best to sweet talk the young attendant before the latter finally relent. The young attendant proceed to open up the barrier while Shen Zhe walks back to escort the princess. After pa.s.sing the threshold, Shen Zhe glare back at the young man, vowing in his heart to give him a payback for his humiliation.

His mind starts to wonder about the incident yesterday, where he was stopped from entering before the Fourth Prince's courtyard, in front of the ma.s.sive crowd. When he strode back to his own house, whispers of ridicule greet his ears. Even his brother, who was once a young man of valour, now looking a bit haggard, warned him and asked about his intentions for escorting the princess.

He sure have his own plans, but he won't share it with his brother. In his mind, Shen Zhe was thinking about how their father was right, Shen Li is straight as a stick. Their family have fallen into the deep pit, their father and baby sister were gone and the eldest still want to praise them?

"Elder Brother, we have to get back what was ours! We have to bring the glory back to our own family. Do you know how the public ridicule you, humiliating me, when we step outside?" The younger Shen bang his hand on the table, startling the white and blue porcelain tea set that once belong to their mother.

"Ah Zhe," the elder brother sigh, "this might not seems fair to you, but this is what he have to live by. What our father and younger sister did were considered as treason. They're plotting against the royal family! If His Majesty wishes to follow the appropriate punishment, both of us will not be sitting here right now. We will either be dead or be sent to the labour camp."

"Both will be better than to suffer the daily humiliation." Shen Zhe replied with a huff. "You were once a candidate of a first rank junior officer, Elder Brother, and now? A mere a.s.sistance of the palace clerk!"

"Ah Zhe, if you are truly embarra.s.sed by this, let's move away from the city. We can sell everything that we have here and start a new life somewhere. How's that?" The elder of the two starts to compromise.

"Why would I run away like coward? No! This is my home, this is my place. Hear me, brother. I will get back what I deserve!"

"Mister Shen, aren't you coming?"

A melodious call jolted the man awake. He finally realized that he is not at home facing his elder brother, but instead, outside, intending to carry his intentions forward.

Shen Zhe schools his features, showing a sunny smile, was.h.i.+ng away his elder brother disappointed look, before turning to face the princess that was already equipped with a beautiful grey mare.

"I'm coming, Princess Jia Ru."

The man walk toward the princess, churning a plan to eliminate all that wronged him by using her, not knowing that a certain woman is planning to use him for the same reason.


"He must felt so humiliated."

I hid my smile before my cup, hearing Zero Three's report on the incident at the public stables. It's a pity that I can't see it for myself, but...

I lift my eyes to the brothers in front of me. One with the helpless look, smiling apologetically at me, while the other... let just say, I got myself a dog.


After my small victory of intercepting the Crown Prince, and suffer a ma.s.sive embarra.s.sment by my husband, I lead them to the nearest tea house, claiming to be hungry. The manager immediately ushers us to their best private room and my husband ordered the best tea and suitable snacks from expecting persons.

I mean, that is literary what he said! I strongly have the urged to really smack him on his head that time.

"Consort Jae Hee, I heard you have done a great job on the welcoming ceremony yesterday. How was the preparation for the banquet?"

I glance over the stiffen up puppy by my side. He tighten his fingers firmly on his chopsticks, pausing for a second before moving a piece of pastry to my plate. I squeeze the back of his slowly, before answering his brother.

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Highness. The preparation is going well. You don't have to worry. I'm a.s.suming that His Majesty will head the banquet tomorrow?"

I keep a small smile, trying my best to entertain the Crown Prince when his younger brother clearly won't do so. The Crown Prince share a knowing smile with me, before he answers.

"I'm afraid not. Royal Mother doesn't feel too well this past few days, so Royal Father decided to accompany her. He had asked me to lead the banquet. Royal Father have already sent the notice to inform you, perhaps you two missed it?"

s.h.i.+t! Now how on earth I'm going to prevent the Crown Prince from meeting that imposter?