Love System: Changing Destinies - 30 First Love: Mo Xue 28

30 First Love: Mo Xue 28

"You told me Jia Ru will only come in... Let me check... yeah, she's not supposed to come in another fifteen days! How on earth is she's coming here sooner?"

"... As I've told you before, host, your existence has change the future. Everything that I've told you about this world is slowly changing to adapt to your existence and your decision."

What... So now I'm responsible for this mess? It is not my choice to be sent here in the first place. Plus, everything I do is for the sake of completing my mission.


"On the positive side, host, you can achieve your goal sooner."

"You- how on earth can I make the Prince fall in love with me when it was first determined that he will fall in love with that woman?"


The sleeping ger looks so calm and content laying on his husband's bed, taking his afternoon nap. However, the soul-changed Consort is actually inside his system s.p.a.ce, loudly cursing on the change of course.

"Host, I'm talking about your main mission."

The young man instantly went silent. The truth is, he have forgotten that his main mission is to prevent Mo Xue from getting together with Jia Ru while the task of making the Prince fall in love with him is just a side mission.

Yes, he has truly forgotten about that. Instantly sober, he slowly take a seat on the white floor, crossing his leg beneath him, with both elbows perch on his knees and letting his chin rest on his knuckles. This is his thinking pose, the one that he usually dose when he is needed to re-scramble his thoughts.

Not long afterwards, he let out a long sigh.


For the first time, the system sounds worried, but it doesn't get notice by the troubled host. Changing out his pose, he stretches his leg outward while slowly lay his body on the hard floor.

"Nothing. You're right. Can you give me details on Jia Ru? I need to understand her motive before planning anything."

He lay down on the floor, crossing his ankle and folding his hand under his head, getting comfortable while listening to his system's explanation on the story's main villain.

Jia Ru is an orphaned at the age of six, that was later bought by a mercenary army from the pleasure house. She was later trained in the art of seduction, as well as the art of poisoning, espionage and hand to hand combat among other thing. She eventually become one of the best spy among the underworld and proceed to pay her way out from the mercenary army that bought her. She has since then create her own one man business, selling her skill in espionage to the highest bidder.

Her latest task, is to infiltrate Tian Mo Kingdom and gains military and political intel. Her employer is one of the far away nation that have long l.u.s.ted upon the vast and rich kingdom.

"So, let me guess, she's going to use the ident.i.ty of that nation's princess to visit Tian Mo?"

"Yes, host. Their letter of intent should be coming in the next few days and supposedly, the Emperor will ask the Fourth Prince to organize a welcoming celebration."

"I see."


Now I understand the story. In the original, after my death, I mean, Jae Hee's death, the Emperor might think that this 'princess' will be a great match to my-... the Prince. Hence the party.

But since I'm still alive, who's going to do so?

"Zero Three, how many princes are there that is still haven't got a Consort?"

"Apart from the sick Sixth Prince, the Crown Prince, the Seventh Prince and the Ninth Prince, host. However, the Ninth Prince haven't come of age yet and the Seventh Prince have left the palace and stay at the temple with his mother, training in monkhood."

"Ah... wait, wait. If that woman was intended to be my- ehem, to be the Fourth Prince next Consort, how come she later be the Crown Princess candidate?"

"She found some opportunity to meet with the Crown Prince, host, and charmed him out."

Charm my a.s.s! This is one scheming snake!

[Side mission, task six:

Stop Crown Prince from meeting Jia Ru. 200 points.

Bonus task:

Find another Crown Princess candidate. Extra 50 points.]


"How come the points is so high for this task? It is double from the tasks before."

"This is due to the fact that this incident is already pre-destined to happen, host, based on the original story."

Gos.h.!.+ Now I'm really going to change the destiny, am I?


"My dear, wake up."


The Prince gaze fondly on his lazy, sleepy bride, playing with his hair that is fanned out on the soft silk bedspread. The soul-changed Consort is already out from his s.p.a.ce a few moments before and is finally taking a nap, but the Prince who doesn't know it is insisting on waking him up.

"Xue Er?"

Sluggishly trying to get up, the ger rub his sleepy eyes, clearing his sight while stifling a small yawn. The Prince instantly bring him into his embrace, rubbing his back and distributing his chi to give his bride some energy.

"It's time for dinner. Are you still sleepy, my dear?"

The Prince curve out a small smile when he feel a few nods on his neck. His bride, conscious or not, scoot closer to him, returning the Prince's hug while snuggling his face on the crock of his husband's neck. Warm breath was exhaled slowly on the Prince's neck, as he heard a soft snore right beside his ear.

"Be good. You have slept for a long time."

After waiting for a while, the Prince realized that he would not get any of his desired respond. He expertly switch his bride position and lift him up from the bed, walking towards the back room.

He have tasked his attendant to prepare for a hot bath for his bride. The Prince was actually looking forward for it, as always. Their daily 'exercise' during afternoon bath time is always enjoyed by both of them. However, for today, he decided to forgo it once, seeing how sleepy his lovely bride is.

He strip them both and immediately bring his bride into the hot tub, letting the latter to lean on his front. Using the cloth provided, the Prince slowly wash his bride, taking his time to memorize each nook and crany. He finally notice a hidden mole behind his bride's ear which was usually hidden by his long l.u.s.trous hair. The Prince drop a chaste kiss there, before pulling them both up and starts drying the up, his bride first.

The pale ger is not totally unconscious. From the moment his husband drop them inside the hot bath, he have been stirred awake. But even he doesn't know why, his whole body felt lethargic, thus, he welcome such pampering.

He subconsciously snuggle deeper into his husband's embrace as soon as they left the tub, seeking for warmth. The Prince continues to provide his bride with his chi while listening to his soft, warm breath on his neck.

However, his chi was slightly deviated, when the pale ger utter some words to his ears.

"Love you."