Love System: Changing Destinies - 3 First Love: Mo Xue 1

3 First Love: Mo Xue 1

"I'm sorry, host. But... It will get better in time."

I doubt it.

I slowly open up my eyes and saw an elaborate bed canopy greeting me. A dark green brocade with gold threads decorating it, creating a majestic image. But somehow, it carries a hint of gloominess. Sitting up slowly, I can feel my whole body is aching. Looking down at myself, I can see that I'm wearing a single layer sleeping wear. A pale pink silk sleeping wear, the one that I once saw in some tv dramas.

s.h.i.+t... I'm in...

Horrified with the thought that cross my mind, I hurriedly turn my gaze around. A large room, filled with lavish furniture, made out of expensive wood, with wall decoration made out of expensive looking silk and brocade, all in dark and gloomy colour, and some sculptures made out of jade and other materials are proudly place in each corner.

"Zero Three... don't tell me... that I'm now in Accient China?"

"Yes, host. Right now you are occupying the body of Jun Jae Hee, the Consort of the Tian Mo Kingdom fourth prince, Prince Mo Xue."

Oh my G.o.d! This whole thing is real? I'm not dreaming. It's real. Playing my hand on the bed cover, I can feel how soft it is. It's... real.

But wait...

"What do you mean by a Consort to a prince? I'm a guy. How can...?"

"Host, we have been taking note on you and... we have found out that you are... bent. So..."

I mentally facepalmed myself. Yes, I'm bent. A bottom to be exact. But...

"I get it... but, we are in Ancient China for G.o.d sake. Does h.o.m.os.e.xuality exist here? And... to no less, a prince? Doesn't the royalty care whether the marriage will bring them offspring or something?"

"Host, I think it's time for you to receive Jun Jae Hee's memories."


The host was brought to a parallel world, where the human race don't only have man and woman as genders. In this world, they have something that is call gers. A ger is a man, that is capable to borne a child, making them quite special. A ger also boast to be much more delicate and talented than normal woman, making many of the men desired to be with them and many women despise them. However, right at that moment, the gers are very spa.r.s.e as many would exploit them for their own purposes.

Jun Jae Hee is the Consort of Tian Mo Kingdom fourth prince, Prince Mo Xue. Their marriage is an alliance and was arranged by Jae Hee's father, the King of Silla, as a peace offering. Living sheltered and pampered as the only ger in the royal family, Jae Hee was actually quite afraid when he found out about the news. He was nervous to venture out to an unknown place, leaving his family and all he knows dear. However, he understands, this is a sacrifice that he have to make, for his kingdom.

He have heard how the prince have accepted the alliance willingly, thus he too had hoped, that the prince will accept him whole heartedly. Who would have known, he would only land his gaze once on his handsome prince, on their wedding day, before he died, on his untimely death.

Being a prince, Mo Xue has a harem full of woman. It's not that he is a player, as most of the women are the offering from the officers that wants his favour. Mo Xue has accepted them all, without them knowing that never once has the prince ever visited their daughters.

The women in the harem have no real status, as they are not officially married to the royal family, despite their fathers being a high ranking officer. Spending their day harping their nails and fight to get the prince attention, these women were thrown into shock, when they heard the news of the prince royal marriage.

On the first week upon Jae Hee's arrival, he have suffered multiple humiliation and sneak attacks. All this is possible as the prince was suddenly being call away to the border due to some issues. The women in the harem have gang up and decided to make a mess out of the newcomer, ensuring that Jae Hee would never dare to compete with them later. The final straw was when one of the concubine's maid accidentally slip in too many wolf's bane inside the Consort's porridge and kill him by accident.

"So, Jae Hee is dead?"

"Yes, host. He died. He was sick for a while after one of the concubine trip him at garden's lake. The porridge was also spike by them, but they were actually planning to put blue cohort, not wolf's bane. The maid who done the deed misplace the herb at first place and make the mistake."

Jae, now Jae Hee, sat in silence, as he remember the past life of the original Jae Hee. He s.h.i.+vers in disgust over the act of those shameless concubines. He knows what herbs like cohort and wolf's bane do. He have read enough novel to understand the train of thoughts of these type of jealous beings.

"Zero Three, can you check, how many cohort or wolf's bane in my system right now?"

"Just a moment, host... I've check your body. There are still a tiny portion of both drug in your system, but I can flush them all out at this moment. Would you like me to do so, host?"

"If you don't, will it affect me later?"

"Not, really. Your body will naturally flush them out by itself, given that you no longer consume them."


The newly soul-changed Consort let out a small smile, planning his revenge. He might be a loser in his real life, but right now, he plans to make a different.

"Oh yeah, what is my mission here, Zero Three?"

The Consort is finally given a glimpse on his target's future. The Prince. On the surface, the prince seems to be cold and silent man, a man without many words, and perceive as someone who have no interest in anything. He is also one of the many princes in the Kingdom, and he is one who don't really care about the throne. Being cold as he was, he is the best a.s.sistant and confidant for the Crown Prince, Mo Tang, the second prince of the kingdom. Despite being borne from different mother, Mo Xue and Mo Tang have grow up together, away from the other princes. Fully supporting his elder brother, he can even move the mountains to ensure the Crown Prince place on the throne.

However, after meeting with a certain woman, Jia Ru, everything changes. Princess Jia Ru seems like a wonderful woman, cheerful and a bit rebellious, easily captures the heart of the prince with her cute antic. Both of the princes. This has driven a wedge between these two princes and later, as Jia Ru being promoted as the Crown Princess candidate's, Mo Xue is desperate to become the Crown Prince himself. He betrays his brother to get his love, without knowing that Jia Ru is actually a spy, and not a Princess from a foreign country as she first claim to be. Later... He is destined to fall from grace, being killed by his brother. Without the strong help from the fourth prince, the Crown Prince is helpless, making the kingdom falls, as Jia Ru the spy, makes her moves.

"Your mission, host, is to prevent Mo Xue from falling in love with Jia Ru. As I said before, you can use any measure to complete the mission given. A thousand points will be given upon completion."

"Okay, then. Anything for my prince."