Love System: Changing Destinies - 25 First Love: Mo Xue 23

25 First Love: Mo Xue 23

However after half of incense, there is no commotion. As if... nothing had happen. No one had come to give her any news. She was left alone in her room, as her head maid was sent to monitor the proceeding by her.

"Any moment now..."

She muttered breathlessly while straining her ears for any news or noise. Or anything. However, as the night pa.s.s by, not a peep can be heard. In fact, if one ever ponder serious, not a voice can be heard around that concubine's courtyard. Seemingly unaware of such thing, the lady keep pacing around her chamber, not even realising, blisters have even form on her feet.

Meanwhile, the Prince and his bride is continuing their bed activity until the first light hits the earth. Slumped tiredly on his husband's bed, the soul-changed Consort was left unconscious as the Prince proceed with his morning ablution and walk out of his chamber, but not before kissing his bride good bye.

The Prince make his way to the dungeon, the same place where he was there a few days before, overseeing the punishment for a certain concubine named Ning. His shadow guard appears the moment he step foot inside the dungeon.

"All of them are keeping their silences. Including n.o.ble Son Shen."

The Prince give a small nod, making his way to the questioning room that also serve as the torturing chamber. Multiple torturing devices was spread along one side of the room while on the opposite side, there's a raised platform and some neat table set on top of it. The Prince walks towards the awaiting table and take his seat while one of his attendant immediately come forward and serve him tea.

A plush, thick robe is perch on the Prince's shoulder, to counter the chilling coldness of the dungeon. Not that he need it tho, as he can use his chi to warm up his body.

Sipping leisurely on his chair, the dungeon guards bring in one of their detainees, the n.o.ble son. The handsome man was made to kneel in front of the Prince, just below the platform.

"Your Highness."

The dazed look that was once on the n.o.ble son's feature was replaced with a calm and domineering one, seemingly unafraid. The n.o.ble man is holding on his dignity as a n.o.ble, calmly facing his superior. He know he have made a mistake last night, but in his defences, he's doing it for this kingdom.

"n.o.ble Son Shen, may this Prince enquires, what happen last night?"

The man replies back, saying he got a tip from an insider of the Prince's courtyard, saying that Consort Jae Hee is planning an affair with the delegate from Kingdom of Silla. He recount that the tip says that they even found a hidden name seal inside the Consort's chamber.

"Oh, you mean this?"

The Prince pull out a small pouch from inside his robe and take out the name seal. Putting it on the table, he pour himself another cup of tea.

"You claimed to get the tip last evening and before long you have gather fifty man to ambush my Consort's chamber. This Prince have no idea that n.o.ble Son Shen have acquire such power."

Upon seeing the name seal, it finally dawn on him, that there must be something wrong. If the Prince has already know about the name seal, why doesn't he punished his Consort? Facing such thought, he unconsciously replies back to the question given to him.

"Those are my father's men."

"Fifty martial art expert within a minister's courtyard? Even the Great General Chang doesn't have such amount within his home."

Silence sweep throughout the chamber as the handsome man mull over what has the Prince says. The Prince signal with his eyes to his shadow guard and within seconds two women are being brought by the dungeon's attendants. The smaller one, who looks like a small girl, is smiling brightly with her large eyes glossing around the room. While the other woman, stop her struggle when she saw the man sitting on the platform. She automatically fall to her knees.

"Your- Your Highness."

The handsome n.o.ble man instantly recognizes the latter. She is his younger sister's maid, the one that she bring from home when she enters the Prince's courtyard. The maid was equally shock seeing her lady's elder brother. She was detained last night without any reason when she was out to check on the progress of the planned ambush. Seeing the n.o.ble man, alarm rises in her heart. She know for sure now her lady's plan might have already failed.

Another thing that shock her too is the existence of the small girl, the very same young maid that she had tasked to slip in the small pouch containing the name seal inside the Consort's chamber. However, contrary to how she was treated, the girl was left standing, smiling cheerfully.

What the heck have happen?


"Host, Shen Li have figure out what happen. Concubine Shen's head maid have confessed."

"Did she confess willingly?"

"Not at first, but with the confession of the young maid, she have no way to escape."

Right now I'm laying on my stomach, with my eyes close, listening to Zero Three's report. I wonder how shock that handsome man is when he realized he have been played by his younger sister.

"What about Concubine Shen?"

"Shen Li is pleading with the Prince to let his sister go. He ask to bring his sister home and he promise to never let her act as wilful again."

I instantly open up my eyes when I heard the door open. Turning my head around, I watch the Prince sauntering to my side. Right now I'm on his bed, in his room. The bed is a bid firmer and the room is a bit gloomy to my taste, but it was filled with his scent. A calming musky sandalwood and cinnamon.

"My dear, you're awake? Do you want to rest some more or are you hungry yet?"

The Prince sit next to me, with his warm hand ma.s.saging my lower back. I know he have been giving me his chi but h.e.l.l, my whole body is aching. Not a limb can be move willing.


I mutter low, aware of the hoa.r.s.eness of my voice. Well, what do you expect, we spent more than ten hours on bed doing... that. It was a feat for my body and my a.s.s to still kept intact.

"Host, Concubine Shen has gone berserk. She is making her way here now."