Love System: Changing Destinies - 10 First Love: Mo Xue 8

10 First Love: Mo Xue 8

"Ah, this Prince should have guess so. Xiao Er!"

The Prince called out for the maid, while entertaining himself by watching the crimson taint that have started to spread over his bride pale cheeks. He give out commands to serve the meal, before taking hold of his bride's hand, guiding him out of the bed.

Jae Hee, feeling embarra.s.sed for the nth time, followed his husband meekly, while covering his flushed cheek with his free hand. Upon seating over at the table, he was made aware by how close the Prince is, making his body rigid under an unknown pressure.

The chamber went silent once again, with the Consort being shy and stiff on his seat, fidgeting his fingers nervously, while the Prince, with an arm on the table, holding his head, playing with his bride's long luscious hair, with a small grin on his face.

Tok tok.

"Your Highness, the food is ready."

Jae Hee pull up from his reverie and his attention fall directly on trays of food that was presented before him. Xiao Er come with few other maids and start to serve multiple plates of mouth watering dishes. The Consort's eyes gleam in excitement, making the Prince chuckle unconsciously.

The maids turn their head around, seemingly shock with their master sudden act. Never once in their life heard their master's act of happiness, not once, alone or with others. Especially not within the distance of any other concubine in his harem.

But now, they are witnessing it first hand, the stoic, cold faced prince is expressing his happiness towards his bride, even if the Consort is quite oblivious to it. Now they understand, this Consort can't be slighted.


I'm hungry!

And all this looks so delicious.

Oh, wait.

"Zero Three, can you check, if any of this dishes got poison on it?"

Well, once bitten, twice shy. Call me paranoid but I don't want to live that experience of being poison again! At least, not in the near future.

"Don't worry, host. All the dishes here are safe to eat. But, be careful. There are two dishes that the original body is allergic to."

Ah, thank G.o.d for the warning. I rake my brain, try to remember which food that I'm... I mean Jae Hee is allergic to. Found it!

Without waiting further, I grab hold of my chopsticks, awkwardly. I can't really use chopsticks well, but... so does Jae Hee. He would always use spoon during his meal in his kingdom, which was the custom over there. Chopsticks are just use to transfer the meal to their eating bowl, not to eat with.

Well, the scenario is perfect for me, getting all awkward and sloppy using chopsticks. I don't care. I just want to eat.

"My dear..."

Ahhhhh! I forgot about the Prince!

"Zero Three, why don't you remind me of him?"


I slowly put my chopsticks down and turn to my right. He keep the same pose as before, with his head on his palm, eyeing me from my side.

"You-r Highne-ss, I..."

He slowly wipe the side of my lips with his fingers, before licking the remaining stain. I gulp watching him. How manly!!!

Jae, stop ogling!!!!

"Here, for you."

He pull out a wooden rectangular box from his sleeve and give it to me. I always wonder, do the sleeve have some secret pocket or something? They always manage to keep things in it.

Jae, focus!

"What is it?" I found myself ask.

I trace the outer surface, feeling the smooth design that was carve on it. A flower, five petal blossom take s.p.a.ce at the center of the box with intricate leaves weaved around it. The box itself is beautiful.

"Open it, my dear. The gift is inside, not the box itself."

"It's beautiful."

[Hidden task, unlocked.

Make the Prince happy of his achievements. 5 points.

Number of times: 20 times.]


[Hidden task: 1/20 completed.

Total points gained: 5 points.

Points collection: 35/1000 points.]


I was dumbfounded with the sudden flashes inside my mind. I just got points for making the Prince happy?

"The box is the Prince's craftsmans.h.i.+p, host."

Ah... Now I understand. I take a peek at my so called husband, finally understanding the hidden pleasure within his eyes. Without further ado, I open the box slowly, trying to decipher what's inside.

The item is hidden within the fold of a blue satin cloth with some red and green embroidery, depicting flowers and leaves, and was tied with a string. I carefully unravel it, and out were a long stainless steel spoon and a pair of stainless steel chopsticks, both with an exquisite detail on the handle.

I recognize this. It's the same type of spoon and chopsticks that Jae Hee use to have back in his kingdom. This type of utensil is a bit different with the one from this kingdom, which all of them are made from marble or porcelain.

"Are you happy, my dear? Now you can have your meal comfortably."

I turn towards him. He does this for me? I mean, for Jae Hee. d.a.m.n, now I'm being jealous of the dead Consort.

"Shh, don't cry. Come, let this Prince accompany you eat."

I don't even realized I'm crying until he brush his callous fingers on me. I don't know what have come on me, but I take hold of his hand and drop a peck on the back of his palm. I come back to my sense when I watch his eyes widen in surprise.

Argh!!! What have I done!


"I'm sorry. Thank- thank you, Your Highness. I... Jae Hee will use it well."

The Prince stop his bride hand that was trembling, as the latter take out the new set of utensils, to use. The Prince gently take hold of his chopsticks and serve his bride well, filling his bowl with dishes.

The Consort went silent over this and decided to return the gesture. At first his hand still contain a slight tremor, mainly for being nervous. But as the night progress, they both starts enjoy each other company, eating to their heart content, sharing small exchange once in awhile, with a shy smile from the bride and a satisfied grin from the husband.

However soon, the dinner come to an end.

"My dear, here. You have to drink your medicine."

Jae Hee frown upon seeing the blue porcelain bowl that contains the bitter liquid. Even if he collapsed this morning after taking it, he still remember the aftertaste. The soul-changed Consort really hate it!

"My dear?"

The bride threw out a pitiful look, sending hint that he don't want to drink it. His hopeful look brings a tug in the Prince heartstrings. But even then, he knows that his bride still need to drink it. He keep the same features, making the Consort oblivious to his state of mind. Thinking that his plea was left unheard, he unconsciously sulk, turning his gaze downward.

Seeing the lovely profile of his bride, the Prince inwardly sigh, making a decision. Without notice, the Prince gulp down the bowl, keeping the liquid inside his mouth, the bring up his bride's face by the chin, transferring the liquid by his kiss.

Taken aback by this, Jae Hee's eyes widen in surprise, while his mouth readily accept the substance, as the bitter medicine flowing down his throat.

The Prince didn't break the kiss even after all the liquid had been fully transferred. He slip in his tongue, savouring his bride inner cavities, dancing it together in complete harmony. The Consort unknowingly respond with such measures, letting out a small mumbled moans, making those who listen, blushed furiously.

Jae Hee seems to have forgotten about the remaining maid that's still standing inside her chamber. With his eyes closed, drown in pure bliss, he was completely unaware of his surroundings. This fall into his husband's hand. The Prince wave them all out, without breaking the kiss, as his eyes were eyeing his bride's reaction.


The kiss break at the same moment the bride feel himself in the air. Clutching his husband's neck frantically, he realizes the Prince is carrying him, and they were moving, until the Prince stop and he feel his body is being lowered.

"My dear..."


[Side mission, task three:

Make the Prince stay for the night. 10 points.

Bonus task: (Pick one)

1. Having a light skins.h.i.+p with the Prince. Extra 50 points.

2. Having intercourse with the Prince. Extra 100 points.]
