Chapter Thirty-One
Who Allowed You to Learn?
Xuanji did not understand the meaning behind the words on the small journal, but it was already Spring in the 15th year of Emperor Qingjia's reign -
Hesitantly, she called for the blue-eyed man, but was met with silence. Yet this journal was like a prophecy, and she did not dare leave it at Fengjiu Palace, hence she could only bring it along with her as she left for Chuxiu Hall.
Afraid that the tea would cool, Xuanji was about to come forward from her hiding spot when she saw the door to Chuxiu Hall open.
Two people strode out.
That striking face - it was him… and next to him stood a gentle and refined woman - his Empress.
The Empress was the only woman who had not visited her quarters to seek an alliance with her.
Xuanji had always harboured grateful feelings towards this elegant woman. No matter her motives, the Empress was the only person who had pleaded mercy on her behalf the day the Empress Dowager had wanted to sentence her to death.
As the Empress of Xi Liang, it was only expected for Yu Mixiu to possess benevolence and serenity of character. Yet it was also true that as the Emperor's only legal wife, there was no reason for Yu Mixiu to vie with the other concubines.
Xuanji gave a half-smile as she looked at the two of them, lightly embracing.
A moment later, Long Fei-li removed the cloak on his body and wrapped it securely around the Empress's small frame.
Yu Mixiu was a restrained person, but she was ultimately still a beautiful and young woman. Her face reddening, she curled closer into Long Fei-li's embrace.
After a long moment, she said softly, 'Your Majesty, the others will be arriving soon. I should take my leave. Don't be too hard on yourself - you have to take greater care of your health.'
Long Fei-li's fingers brushed across her hair as he said, 'Xiu'er, it has been difficult on you. You have to be more concerned about Jin'er.'
Yu Mixiu raised a hand to wipe at the corner of her eyes. 'To be able to share your burden is my blessing. I will remind the others to not make things difficult for Sister Jin.'
- 'You cannot touch Consort An's people.'
An Jin… Xuanji suddenly remembered Long Fei-li's words that day in Qiuying Pavilion.
Long Fei-li, within this palace, did you also have someone you held dear in your heart? Someone you want to protect with all your abilities?
As Xuanji lowered her gaze, Long Fei-li had already re-entered Chuxiu Hall.
Xuanji smiled faintly. Just as she made to take a step forward, she hurriedly shrunk back once again.
From the entrance of the courtyard, Qingfeng appeared, leading a small-framed eunuch behind him, their footsteps urgent.
Qingfeng's expression was unusually tense, and the eunuch's head was bowed extremely low.
As they neared, Qingfeng raised his hand and the few guards keeping watch at the doorway immediately welcomed them, before they withdrew to make a patrol around the courtyard. Without even announcing their arrival, Qingfeng and the eunuch entered Chuxiu Hall.
Without reason, Xuanji's heart hammered as her eyes followed their movements. When the two of them entered Chuxiu Hall in a hurry, an item fell from the eunuch's body.
After a moment's hesitation, Xuanji quickly walked out from her hiding spot. Before she could bend down and retrieve that item, a voice sounded from her back, and she immediately placed her foot on top of that item, hiding it from view.
'Who is it?'
Xuanji turned. Lowering her head, she replied respectfully, 'This humble servant is here to serve the Emperor tea on Xia Sang's orders.'
The eyes of the few guards shone brightly, and one of them said to her, 'Wait here for a moment. I'll announce your arrival.'
Xuanji tensed. 'Yes.'
Pretending to be re-arranging her robes, she swiftly bent down and scooped that item into her sleeves.
At this moment, the door to Chuxiu Hall abruptly swung opened.
'Who is making so much noise? The Emperor has been feeling unwell. Are you going to be responsible for disturbing his rest?'
The person who appeared at the doorway was Xia Sang.
One of the guards said respectfully, 'Answering eunuch Xia Sang, this eunuch here says that he is on your orders to deliver tea to His Majesty.'
Hearing the deferential words from the guard, Xuanji had a sudden realisation that though Xia Sang was a young man, he had already risen high in the ranks of Long Fei-li's trusted aides. Other than Xu Xi, the head of Internal Affairs, Xia Sang was likely his deputy.
Even without the guard's explanation, Xia Sang's keen gaze had already landed on Xuanji as he observed her. With a wave of his hand, the few guards immediately withdrew.
Through creased brows, Xia Sang said, 'Concubine Nian, why are you dressed in this manner?'
Xuanji saw his slightly displeased expression, and knew Xia Sang must have jumped to the conclusion that her arrival here today harboured a motive like Long Fei-li's other concubines.
She forced herself to smile, and said, 'I heard that His Majesty has been feeling unwell. This is a pot of ginger tea. I came only to give him this.'
'Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. I will deliver this to His Majesty on your behalf.'
Xuanji wanted to take a look at Long Fei-li. When Xia Sang came forward to receive the tea tray, she hesitated and did not release her hold.
At this moment, a toneless voice suddenly issued from within Chuxiu Hall.
'Xia Sang, who is it?'
That voice held a hint of huskiness and fatigue.
Was he okay…
Without reason, Xuanji's heart ached.
'Your Majesty, it is Concubine Nian,' Xia Sang answered in a low voice.
The person within the room fell silent.
Crestfallen, Xuanji released her tight hold on the tea tray, slowly turning to leave.
'Let her enter.'
Xia Sang pushed open the door.
Her heart hammering with uneasiness, Xuanji entered.
Within the room, there was a surprising number of people - Long Zijin and Qingfeng were both there. But one thing was strange, for the eunuch who had entered together with Qingfeng was nowhere to be found.
Finally, her gaze landed on the man who sat behind the long desk. The man's face was as severe as cut gla.s.s even as he leaned gracefully against the arm of his chair, his eyes slowly taking in her person.
At one corner, Xu Xi stood, waiting to attend to him.
Long Zijin who sat at the opposite chair laughed, 'Your Highness… you have a unique way of dressing.'
Xuanji pretended not to have heard his words, her eyes remaining on that man.
Beneath his eyes were faint hues of greenish-black.
In a deep voice, he said, 'Why have you come?'
From the doorway, Xia Sang moved forward with the tray of tea as he said, 'Your Majesty, Concubine Nian is here to deliver a cup of tea.'
Xuanji hurriedly received the saucer and placed it atop Long Fei-li's desk, before saying quietly, 'I heard them say that you were ill, so this is a cup of ginger tea -'
The man's chilly voice interrupted her.
'Take it away. I don't need it. In the future, do not come over – this is not a place you should come.'
Xuanji did not reply. Lifting her sleeves, she poured some tea from the teapot into the small jade cup. Steam danced through the air as the fragrance of the ginger tea dissipated.
'I… I did not have any other intentions. This way of preparing tea… I learned it from Ruyi…'
The cup of tea was scalding to the touch, and she carefully brought it closer towards him.
'Who gave you the permission to learn from Ruyi?'
The cold sneer which flickered across his face was the only foreshadow of the ruthless force which knocked against her hand in the next second… the entire cup of tea spilled across the table and onto the back of her hands.
It was scalding; it was painful.
But when she had been learning the art of preparing tea from Ruyi, she had already experienced this burning pain numerous times. Other than a slight recoil from her hands, she did not scream.
And - this was all the result of her own stupidity.
She bowed her head and did not look at that person. Taking out a handkerchief, she wrapped it over his hands, carefully wiping away the droplets of tea which had splashed onto him.
Bending down, she picked up the shattered cup.
No wonder others often said that jade shattered easily - today, she finally witnessed how jade was no more difficult to shatter than gla.s.s.
She had only just stood up when her hand was s.n.a.t.c.hed into his warm grasp.
As she followed the direction of his eyes, she saw that his attention was intent upon the back of her hands, scarred with numerous faint burns.
Within the room, no one spoke, as though their words had been stopped in their hearts.
Gently, she removed her hands from his, and said softly, 'I made you angry again.'
His hands seemed to still.
Her heart heavy, she suppressed the tears in her eyes and finally raised her head, her expression blank -
Only to meet his face. His brows were lightly creased.
She did not even have the time to see clearly the expression on his face when the voice of an imperial guard travelled from the doorway.
'Your Majesty, Minister Yu, Lord Lin and Lord Xiahou are here to seek an audience with you.'
Long Fei-li glanced at Xia Sang. Rising from the desk, he walked around her and out of the door.
A crowd of people followed swiftly behind him, exiting the room. As they left, Qingfeng glanced at her.
Now, within the room, only she and Xia Sang remained.
Xia Sang stamped his feet, anxiety written all over his face. 'If it were only Lord Xiahou, all will be fine. But Minister Yu and Lord Lin are extremely traditional and conservative. If they were to discover Your Highness here… you should find a place to hide.'
Xuanji's eyes swept across the room, only to see another small part.i.tion towards the back. A crystal curtain hung before it, gently swaying, the crystal beads hypnotising to the eye. From the faint cracks which she could see from her line of sight, it appeared that a bed and couch lay within.
The eunuch who had disappeared earlier… he was actually hidden in there all along, wasn't he?
Xuanji smiled, and suddenly wanted to tell Xia Sang to let her hide in there just like that eunuch.
As she glanced at the desk, her heart sunk.