For the past fifteen years, my life in the notorious group 'the hybrids' has always been the same. All we ever do is train and coming up with new attack plans while searching for our prey. Then once found, everyone goes hunting while I stay in the camp and train some more.
My overprotective father, the leader of the group, thinks it's best if I stay at camp since I'm not really needed in any of the attacks. The members of the group are like my family and the only friends I have. According to my father, no one can be trusted, they will all let you down and stab you in the back at the end.
I've always been raised by the hybrids, the group was formed years before I was born. However we seem to be focused on a particular family. We seem to only want "the girl", which is what she's referred to since no one actually knows her name. She's all my father ever talks about. I asked why but he just told me it was none of my business.
She must be really special to get all my father's attention. Even me, his only son, never caught his attention. Not even once! All I ever wished was my father to cared about me like he did for this mission. I never really met my mum. Apparently, she died a painful death during my childbirth.
I watch my once gentle father slowly go mad. He seems to get worse each time each attack ends up a failure. He spends all his time in his office thinking of new attack plans while waiting for news from his spies on where our prey's location is.
I am not really interested in being in a notorious group. I don't want to spend my life hunting innocent people down and destroying their family. And I definitely don't want to be like my dad.
Although, I have always wanted to go on one of the attacks. I just want to see who we are making all this fuss about. Also because I want to know how good it feels to have your prey all wrapped around your finger and how devastating it feels to feel them slip through your fingers.
I guess I just want to understand how my father feels.
I want to know if there's a chance of him being the the father he was. I can't remember the last time I saw him smile. He is always angry especially after each attack. And worst of all he takes it all out on me. I am the one that gets to feel the power of his wrath.
I can't remember the last time he told me he loves me. All he ever does is shout and nag. All I want is for us to be like one of those normal although slightly disgusting families I read about in books.
I just want the father I had a long time before he was changed by failef plan and built up frustration. But I guess I can never get all that until one of these attacks is successful.
I can't wait to get out on the field helping in the attacks. I was promised I could go on my very first attack on my sixteenth birthday, which is in a week and two days.
My father seems to be very confident about this particular attack. It's gonna be the breakthrough we have all been hoping for. This could be the miracle I've been wis.h.i.+ng for.
And maybe I will get a chance to see "the girl". I hate her despite the fact I know nothing about her. I know it's deemed unacceptable to judge someone before getting to know them, but some things can't be helped. And its not only because I have been told all my life she's dangerous and she's out to kill us. It's mostly because of what she's done to my father. It's simply all her fault and I can't wait to get my revenge.