Lefty sat down with Ben next morning as he was having breakfast in the Savoy Grill. A toothpick indicated he himself had already eaten, and he began without preliminaries: "Well, it's war."
"Blitz or site?"
"Blitz, I'd say. Sol and Delany."
"What's Delany done?"
"You heard what happened last night?"
"I'm reading about it."
"If it was just tipping that girl, O.K. It wasn't friendly, but after them sharpshooters you seen with Jansen, Solly knew what to expect. But about an hour before the Castleton bulls got there, a Delany guy shows up, a guy that takes care of his horses, over at the Jardine stables. And he takes Arch Rossi out. He takes him out of the Globe and over to the Columbus. Sol, he don't like that. If the kid has to die, he could die just as good in Castleton, couldn't he? In a hospital, with good doctors taking care of him? Dumping him in the Columbus, right in Solly's own hotel, Solly takes that personal."
"He's taking steps."
"Where is is Delany?" Delany?"
"He's in Chicago, but he'll come back."
"If coaxed?"
"On proper inducements, he'll come."
"Where's Rossi?"
"I don't exactly know."
Lefty stared vacantly at the hat stand across the room, laid the toothpick in an ashtray. "So it'll be an O.K. war, if that's getting us anywheres, and Solly, of course, he'll be nice and happy. Just the same, it's not Delany."
"Then who is it?"
"I figured it might be you."
As Lefty turned his cold, vacant stare full on Ben's face, Ben lit a cigarette. He let the match burn for a moment, and from the interested way he looked at it, one might wonder if he was testing, to know if his hand was trembling. When there was not the slightest flicker, he blew the match out, and asked languidly: "You tell Sol that?"
"What'd he say?"
"He didn't believe it."
"But you, my old pal, you believe it, don't you?"
"Listen, Ben, I'm your pal, but this ain't the candy business. In this racket you can't take chances, and if you're crossing us, the pal stuff is out. Couple of things look pretty funny to me. If there was a couple of sharpshooters with Jansen the other night, both pals of Delany, why didn't you know it? Seemed a little off the groove that Solly had to find that out. And why would Delany start something? He's sitting pretty. On the bookies he gets his cut and it's not hay. He's got a nice daily double and he don't even have to stay here and watch it. Why would he bust it up?"
"And that leaves me, hey?"
"It could."
"Oh, yeah?"
"Lefty, you're playing it safe, you got to do that. You got to feed me a lead and watch my face, just like I'd do for you, just like all pals got to do to each other in this swell business we're in. But you don't really think it's me. If you did you'd just rub me out and that would be that. Even if you halfway thought it was me, you'd have fed me a phoney just now, on where you're keeping Arch Rossi, and then if I ran to her with it you'd have me. When you didn't do at least that much I know you're not really bearing down."
"O.K., Ben. But it's somebody, somebody, and I'm worried." and I'm worried."
"I'm a little worried myself."
"Then we're both worried."
"Two beers, and they're on you."
Around nine, when Ben went back to his hotel, the day clerk said a lady had called, twice. He went to his room and dialed June, getting no answer. In five minutes his house phone rang, and when June spoke he gave her the number of his outside phone. Only when she had called him on this did he let her go ahead. "Something's happened, Ben."
"O.K., give."
"It's the boy that took Rossi out of the Globe."
"And what about him?"
"He showed up at Jansen's about an hour ago, and Jansen called me. I wouldn't let them come to my apartment, but I met them outside, and-I don't know what to do with him. He's been wandering around all night, and he's afraid to go home, for fear he'll be killed, and he can't go to the police, because they're hand-in-glove with Caspar, and-"
"Where are you now?"
"In a drug store, and he and Jansen are outside-"
"Don't say who I am, but get him to the phone."
In a few moments the boy was on the line, and Ben talked with the stern tone of a Governor, or at the very least of a prosecuting attorney. "What's your name?"
"Herndon, sir. Bob Herndon."
"And what's this about Arch Rossi?"
"Nothing, sir. I swear I never knew he was mixed up in the Castleton robbery. Me and Arch, we went to school together, and we was buddies. Then I didn't see him for a while, and then yesterday he called me, over at the Jardine stables, where I work for Mr. Delany."
"Bill Delany or d.i.c.k Delany?"
"Mr. Bill, sir."
"What do you do for him?"
"I take care of his horses, sir, all six of his polo ponies and his two thoroughbred mares. Of course I got to get help exercising them, but-"
"O.K., so Arch Rossi called you?"
"Yes sir, he said he'd been hurt in a car accident, and he was in Room 38 at the Globe, and would I call a taxi and come over and get him out of there. I thought it was kind of funny, and I couldn't do anything till six o'clock, when I was off, but then he called again, and when he said he had plenty of dough I called a cab and went over there. There were three other guys there, and they cussed Arch out and told him to get out and stay out. So I figured if it was a car accident, maybe the car was stolen. Then from the way Arch began talking in the cab I knew he was shot. Then when we got to the Columbus and I was helping him in through the service entrance I heard somebody say: 'Holy smoke, here comes one of those Castleton rats,' and I looked around and it was a guy that runs the Columbus for Caspar by the name of Henry Hardcastle."
"You know Henry Hardcastle?"
"I seen him at the track plenty of times."
"He know you?"
"I'll say he does."
"Herndon, what are you lying to me for?"
"Mister, I'm not lying."
"If Rossi was shot, why would he be leaving the Globe, unless he got orders? And if it was orders, why don't you say so? And if you're working for Caspar, what's the big idea, going to Mr. Jansen and handing him a lot of chatter about being afraid to go home?"
"I don't work for Caspar."
"Then it don't make sense."
"It makes sense if you heard what Arch was saying in the cab. He was shot, see? And he was laying up with three guys that he was afraid would knock him off just to get rid of him. And nothing was being done about him except a b.u.m doctor would come in every day and tell him he was getting along swell. But from the way the other three were whispering he knew he wasn't getting along swell, and he figured his only chance was to get to Caspar, so-"
"O.K. Now it makes sense. Go on."
"That's all, except when I tumbled to what it was all about I beat it, and when I got home my sister was yelling out the window at me to go away, that they were after me, and I had to beat it again. And I been beating it ever since, and I don't know who you are, Mister, but if you got some place I can go, then-"
"Is the lady still there?"
"Yes, sir."
"Put her on and get back to the car."
When June answered again, Ben spoke rapidly and decisively. "O.K., the first thing you do, you shoot this bird over to Castleton. Have Jansen take him over in person, and start at once. As soon as they're gone, get over to Jansen headquarters, call the Castleton police and let them know what's coming. Then sit tight. Be at Jansen headquarters all day, just in case."
"Have Jansen take him in person?"
"That's it. We're playing in luck, terrific luck. This Hern-don, he's just a lug that curries horses. But he curries them for Delany, and that's all we need. Solly fell for it last night, and he'll keep on falling for it if we just let him. We got him chasing his own tail and he don't know it."
"I'm terribly excited."
"Get going."
"I'm off."
Hanging up, Ben sat down on the unmade bed, his watch in his hand. At the end of fifteen minutes he dialed the Pioneer. Pioneer. "City desk, please...h.e.l.lo, you want a tip on that bandit, Arch Rossi?" "City desk, please...h.e.l.lo, you want a tip on that bandit, Arch Rossi?"
"What do you think?"
"O.K., I can't tell you where he is, but I can tell you where his pal is, and if you hop on it, maybe you can get some dope from him."
"I'll bite, where is he?"
"Caspar was after him, for dropping Rossi at the Columbus. He was afraid to go home, and he went to Jansen. So Jansen's taking him to the Castleton cops, for protection and maybe some evidence. They started ten or fifteen minutes ago, in Jansen's car."
"Who are you?"
"Little Jack Horner."
"O.K., Jack. Thanks."
When the first editions came out, it developed that the newspaper had done what Ben no doubt expected. It had chartered a special plane, and had reporters and photographers waiting when Jansen walked into Castleton police headquarters with Herndon. In the big room, Ben and Lefty read silently, studied the pictures of Jansen, of Herndon, even of Rossi, in a blown-up snapshot that somebody had dug up. The buzzer kept sounding, and Lefty kept jumping up to admit various personages: Jack Brady, secretary to the Mayor; Inspector Cantrell, of the Police Department; James Joseph Bresnahan, ace reporter for the Pioneer; Pioneer; photographers, bellboys, telegraph messengers. The Bresnahan interview broke for the financial edition, and Lefty began to curse when he read it. It was mainly Bresnahan, in an F. Scott Fitzgerald picture of Caspar, as though he were a great Gatsby of some credit to the town. But it was quite a little Caspar, too, in an interview that gave no names, but intimated all too plainly that if the citizenry wanted to know more about Rossi, or of the various scandals that had recently rocked the town, it might ask a certain society racketeer who knew much more than many might think. photographers, bellboys, telegraph messengers. The Bresnahan interview broke for the financial edition, and Lefty began to curse when he read it. It was mainly Bresnahan, in an F. Scott Fitzgerald picture of Caspar, as though he were a great Gatsby of some credit to the town. But it was quite a little Caspar, too, in an interview that gave no names, but intimated all too plainly that if the citizenry wanted to know more about Rossi, or of the various scandals that had recently rocked the town, it might ask a certain society racketeer who knew much more than many might think.
In the five-star final, there was a picture of d.i.c.k Delany, standing beside his car, about to depart for Chicago, where, it was explained, he would interview his brother, as special correspondent for the paper, and find out what truth there might be in the Caspar charges, or in the various rumors that were flying around. When he saw this, Ben managed a fair imitation of a snicker. "Say, that's a laugh-they're hiring d.i.c.k Delany to drive over to Chicago and interview Bill on what Solly's saying about him."
"I see they are."
"I guess Sol's not in any real danger."
"How you figure that out?"
"If they really mean it, why don't they put a real reporter on it? What's the idea of sending d.i.c.k Delany, that stumble-b.u.m that don't hardly know right from left? To me, that looks quite a lot like a coat of whitewash."
"To me it looks different."
"Yeah? How so?"
"What you say, that would be O.K. if Solly had it doped right. If Delany was was back of this stuff that's being sprung by the Jansen people, and especially that girl, then sending d.i.c.k over would be about the dumbest play they could think up, because it would just be helping him cover up. But if Solly's got it wrong, and Delany's a little sore, and wants to shoot off his mouth, then d.i.c.k would just be the perfect guy for him to talk to, wouldn't it? To back of this stuff that's being sprung by the Jansen people, and especially that girl, then sending d.i.c.k over would be about the dumbest play they could think up, because it would just be helping him cover up. But if Solly's got it wrong, and Delany's a little sore, and wants to shoot off his mouth, then d.i.c.k would just be the perfect guy for him to talk to, wouldn't it? To me me-of course n.o.body pays any attention to what I say around here any more, and it's just one mug's opinion-but to me it looks like they straightened Solly up for the old one-two and no bell to save him. First they send Bresnahan over here and get him to shoot off his face, and you'll notice d.i.c.k's got that paper in his hand even while he's having his picture taken. If Bill needed anything more to open him up, that would do it."
Carefully, Lefty read the Pioneer's Pioneer's write-up of Mr. Bill Delany; of his start as a hostler in the Jardine stables; of his rise to riding instructor, to exhibitor of mounts at local horse shows; of his acquisition of various runners, particularly Golden Bough, a winner of purses some years before; of his reputed share in several tracks; of the rumors that connected him with organized gambling. As to this, however, the write-up of Mr. Bill Delany; of his start as a hostler in the Jardine stables; of his rise to riding instructor, to exhibitor of mounts at local horse shows; of his acquisition of various runners, particularly Golden Bough, a winner of purses some years before; of his reputed share in several tracks; of the rumors that connected him with organized gambling. As to this, however, the Pioneer Pioneer was quite sketchy, and even jocular, as though n.o.body really believed the rumors, except perhaps Mr. Caspar. Then it went on to relate the strange relationship between Bill and his brother d.i.c.k; how the older brother self-effacingly kept behind the scenes, letting the younger brother do the family manners; how this last "tall, handsome, hard-riding man-about-town" had quite captured Lake City's imagination; how he entered horses at the leading tracks, played in local polo games, belonged to several clubs, including the Lakeside Country Club, and had been reported engaged to several of the younger members of the social set. As to his brains, or lack of them, the paper had nothing to say, unless something was to be inferred from the paragraph: "Yet it is an open secret that the man behind the silks is not d.i.c.k, but Bill. Not that d.i.c.k is merely a 'front' for his quite active brother. On the contrary, he leads a pretty full life on his own account. And yet it is Bill, not d.i.c.k, who captains the ship, buys the gee-gees, decides where they are to be entered." was quite sketchy, and even jocular, as though n.o.body really believed the rumors, except perhaps Mr. Caspar. Then it went on to relate the strange relationship between Bill and his brother d.i.c.k; how the older brother self-effacingly kept behind the scenes, letting the younger brother do the family manners; how this last "tall, handsome, hard-riding man-about-town" had quite captured Lake City's imagination; how he entered horses at the leading tracks, played in local polo games, belonged to several clubs, including the Lakeside Country Club, and had been reported engaged to several of the younger members of the social set. As to his brains, or lack of them, the paper had nothing to say, unless something was to be inferred from the paragraph: "Yet it is an open secret that the man behind the silks is not d.i.c.k, but Bill. Not that d.i.c.k is merely a 'front' for his quite active brother. On the contrary, he leads a pretty full life on his own account. And yet it is Bill, not d.i.c.k, who captains the ship, buys the gee-gees, decides where they are to be entered."
Lefty shook his head. "You got it wrong, Ben. If the Pioneer Pioneer was all, they mean it plenty." was all, they mean it plenty."
"What do you mean, if the Pioneer Pioneer was all?" was all?"
"I told you, we're taking steps."
"Oh, that's right, I forgot."
"Maybe one too many."