Love At Last - Part 6

Part 6

aThat depends on who else is going to be at this party,a Vicky said evasively.

Allie stopped and looked to the heavens. aGet a sitter.a She heard Vicky chuckle on the other end. aYou invited Inspector OaHaraagood! See you at seven-ish,a Vicky said and hung up.

aShe is a lunatic,a Allie conceded and set the phone on the desk.

Allie shook her head as she watched Paul walk out as if he were going to the gallows when he grudgingly left to pick up Nick and Jocelyn.

An hour or so later, Allie heard Jocelyn calling her from the living room. aMy G.o.d, that was fast.a Allie ran out from the kitchen as her children hugged the life out of her. She was grateful to see Paul smiling as he watched. Jocelynas friend Marcie stood behind them.

aG.o.d, you two feel so good. How was the flight?a Jocelyn nodded happily. aFine. It only took two hours, and thatas even stopping in Milwaukee.a Allie grinned as she watched Jocelynas blue eyes dance with happiness. aAre you taller? Your hair seems lighter, and youave cut it. I love it.a Jocelyn ran her fingers through her hair. aI did cut it, but Iam gonna let it grow back.a aHey, Mom. I missed you,a Nick said.

aOh, Iave missed you, too.a She looked at Nick, who was hanging up their coats. He looked the same, more like his father. His soft hazel eyes smiled as he kissed her.

aMan, what smells so good?a aIam making a few things for the party. Vicky and Mike are coming. So is Rita and her firefighting date,a she added, and both siblings sported confused looks. aIall explain later. Oh, and Toni OaHara, you donat know her. Sheas a friend of mine. She works for the Chicago Fire Department.a Jocelyn laughed. aSheas not Ritaas date, is she?a Paul snorted. aShe could be,a he added dryly.

Jocelyn glared at her father and grabbed Marcieas hand. aDad, Mom, you remember Marcie.a Allie glared at Paul, as well, then smiled and took Marcieas hand. aYes, Marcie. How are you?a aIam doing well. Thanks for inviting me, Mrs. Sanders. I wonat be much trouble. Iave got an aunt Iad like to see on Friday.a aItas no trouble at all, honey. You can stay here or at your auntas. You know youare welcome.a aThanks again.a She turned to Paul. aMr. Sanders. Nice to see you again.a Paul had the decency to redden as he took her hand. aItas nice to see you, as well.a He let go of her hand. aWell, whoad like something to drink?a aNothing for me just yet, thanks,a Marcie said.

aMe either, Dad.a aIall help you, Dad.a Nick followed him to the kitchen.

aMarcie, my dad didnat mean anything.a Marcie held up her hand. aNo worries. I know he didnat. Your dad is cool, Jos.a She turned to Allie, her big blue eyes sparkling. aSo who is this firefighter Toni? Iam a.s.suming sheas a sister.a Allie laughed. aYes, sheas gay and way too old for you.a aNow, now, Mrs. Sanders,a Marcie scolded playfully.

aHow did you meet her?a Jocelyn asked.

Paul came out of the kitchen along with Nick, each holding a gla.s.s. Allie told them how she came to meet Toni at Market Days. All three were enthralled by the story.

aShe chased him down? No s.h.i.t,a Nick said.

Jocelyn watched her mother. aWell, then Iam glad you invited her. Iad like to thank her for coming to your rescue.a Jocelyn put her arm around her motheras waist. aNow whatas to eat?a Allie got them settled into their old rooms and gave Marcie the sofa sleeper in the den. When she came out, she looked at Paul, who did not look in a festive mood.

aWhatas the matter?a Allie asked. aIs everything all right at work?a Paul nodded. aItas fine, Al.a He took a deep drink from his gla.s.s. Out of the blue, he leaned over and kissed Allie on the cheek. aHappy Thanksgiving, sweetie.a Allie pulled back, and again, she saw sadness mingled with fatigue when she looked into his hazel eyes. Allie was about to say something when the timer went off in the kitchen. aOh, h.e.l.l,a she said. Then the doorbell rang.

aIall get it!a Nick called out.

Paul laughed quietly and pushed her toward the kitchen. aIall go take a quick shower.a Nick opened the door to see an attractive older woman standing there, hands full of some type of floral arrangement hidden by the wrapping. Nick noticed the genuine smile and smiled back. The woman juggled the gift and offered her hand.

aYou must be Nick. Youare just as your mother described you.a Nick laughed and took the hand, surprised at the warmth and strength behind the shake. He returned it in manly fashion. aThanks, but my mother is a little prejudiced.a He blushed as he stepped back. aYou must be Toni. Camon in.a Toni stepped in and wiped her shoes on the mat. aSome weather,a she grumbled.

aToni.a Allie walked into the living room, drying her hands on a towel. aYouare right on time, Inspector,a she said warmly as Toni grinned and offered the gift.

aYou didnat have to do that,a she said. aBut Iam glad you did. I love getting flowers.a aGood. I didnat know what to get, but it was nice of you to invite me to a family gathering.a Toni handed her coat to Nick. aThanks.a aItas beautiful,a Allie exclaimed as she unwrapped the flowers. It was an autumn arrangement in an adorable woven basket.

aWhew! Iam glad you like it. I have no clue about these things. A friend of mine owns a shop on Halsted. Now he knows these things,a she said and winked.

Allie laughed and nodded in understanding.

Toni looked up as a young woman walked into the living room. She blinked twice. aYou have to be Jocelyn. Your mother should be a writer instead of an artist. She has described you two perfectly.a Toni offered her hand.

Jocelyn smiled and took the offered hand. aThank you. Itas nice to meet you, Ms. OaHara.a Toni waved her off. aOh, G.o.d, please. Call me Toni. I feel old enough as it is.a aThis is my college roommate, Marcie.a Toni put out her hand. aNice to meet you, Marcie.a aSame here.a Marcie shook her hand and held on to it for a moment longer before letting it go.

As Toni and Allie exchanged quick glances, Allie then saw Jocelyn give them a curious smile.

aWhat can I get you to drink, Toni?a Nick asked, rubbing his hands together. aIam the bartender tonight.a Toni laughed. aIall have a beer. Whatever you have is fine.a aComing right up. Marcie, you ready now? Why donat you come with me and make a decision?a Allie noticed the flirtatious grin on her son, and they headed off to the kitchen. For a moment, Allie, Toni, and Jocelyn stood in silence until Jocelyn laughed.

aIad better go tell Nick that Marcie would have a better chance with you, Toni. My poor brother is barking up the wrong lesbian.a Toni let out a whooping laugh as did Allie as Jocelyn disappeared into the kitchen.

aI take it your daughter knows about me?a Toni asked.

aYes, do you mind? Ia"a aOf course not. Iam glad you feel comfortable with it. Thanks for inviting me, Alana. I mean it.a aWell, I talk so much about my kids I thought you should put a face with the names,a she said. She was inexplicably happy right now as she looked up into Tonias gray eyes.

Nick handed the black ale to Toni, who raised an eyebrow. aGuinness? How did you know?a She looked at Nick, who shook his head and pointed to his mother.

aYou were drinking it after that football gameaa Allie started.

aFootball?a Jocelyn asked in complete amazement as she and Marcie joined them.

aFlag football,a Toni said. aBut it still gets rough.a aMarcie plays on the team at college.a Marcie grinned. aYep. Itas brutal.a aI hear ya,a Toni agreed. aBut youare much younger than I am. I think it was my last season,a she said and rubbed her backside.

Allie laughed openly as she remembered that not too long ago. aYou looked exhausted after that game,a Allie said. She noticed the astonished look on her childrenas faces. aWhat?a aI donat know which is more amazing,a Jocelyn said. aThat a woman plays footballa"a aOr Mom went to watch,a Nick finished for her. There was an instant delay. aI choose Mom watching,a Nick said deadpanned.

Paul walked into the room while they continued laughing. aWell, the party must have started.a Allie was glad to see he had showered and changed and appeared ready to have a good time. aThere you are. Come here, I want you to meetaa Paul walked up to Toni. aYes, Iave heard the story. Itas nice to meet you, Toni. Paul Sanders,a he said evenly. aThanks for helping Allie.a Toni looked him in the eye. She had been smiling as he approached. aItas a pleasure to meet you, as well, Paul. It seems as though I know all of you,a she said warmly and offered her hand.

When Paul hesitated for the slightest instant, Allie held her breath. Then he reached out and shook Tonias hand. Mercifully, the doorbell rang and the party started. Soon, everyone had arrived and the c.o.c.ktails flowed, as did the hors daoeuvres. Allie dashed to the kitchen and peered in the oven.

aCan I help?a Toni asked in a low voice.

Allie jumped up and laughed. aGood grief, donat sneak up on me like that. Yes, get that plate over there on the sink, will you? I had no idea everyone would like these so much. Thank G.o.d, I made enough.a Toni quickly retrieved the plate and brought it to her side. aTheyare delicious. Now tell me what the deal is with Vicky.a Allie turned bright red and blinked. aD-deal?a she asked with a weak grin.

Toni narrowed her eyes in suspicion. aSheas been at my side since she arrived.a She ran her fingers through her thick hair. aNot that I mind having a pretty woman at my side. However, she makes me nervous with her husband right there. I have a feeling sheasaa She stopped and leaned against the sink.

Allie arranged the appetizers on the plate. She got another Guinness and poured it, handing it to her friend. aOkay. Let me explain. Sheall kill me, but you have a right to know.a Toni took the offered stout, took a healthy gulp, and listened.

aSee, Vicky, well, she and Mike. See, they likeaVicky, well, Vicky has this thing about,a she stumbled and stopped.

aLesbians?a Toni offered.

aYes,a Allie said in a relieved voice. aThank you. You understand.a aNo, not really.a aOh, do I have to spell it out?a aSpell it out? Alana, you havenat completed a full sentence,a Toni argued with a grin.

Allie took a deep breath. aOkay. Vicky and Mike have very good s.e.x when Vicky fantasizes about other women. Okay?a Toni threw her head back and laughed. aYouare kidding?a She laughed and shook her head in disbelief. aWell, Iam glad I can contribute to somebodyas good s.e.x life.a Allie laughed along but saw a trace of sadness in the gray eyes. She picked up her gla.s.s of wine, took a drink, and watched while Toni stared at her gla.s.s. Allie wasnat sure if she wanted to get into a discussion about Tonias s.e.x life. She remembered her own fantasy a few weeks back. Still, she didnat like the sad look on her face.

aEverything all right?a she asked tentatively.

Toni blinked and looked up. She gazed into Allieas eyes and smiled. aEverything is fine,a she said in a low soft voice. She then eyed the plate and reached out.

Allie pulled the plate back and Toni pouted severely. aOh, here. You child.a Allie offered the plate.

Toni grinned like said child and took one, popping the crab cake in her mouth. She rolled her eyes dramatically. aMan, those are good,a she exclaimed with a mouthful.

She took another as Allie waited patiently. aI have other guests,a she reminded her.

Toni grinned evilly and taunted her friend with the tasty morsel. aYum. Want some? Itas so good with a gla.s.s of wine,a she teased and put it to Allieas lips.

Allie rolled her eyes and opened her mouth. Toni placed it into her mouth and Allie bit down and grinned as she pulled the entire morsel into her mouth. Tonias finger followed innocently.

For a nanosecond, both women blinked as Tonias middle finger lay against Allieas warm lips. Toni then s.n.a.t.c.hed it away as if burned.

Allie quickly chewed the crab cake, and as they both turned, they saw Jocelyn and Marcie standing in the doorway with an empty tray. Allie saw Jocelynas curious looka"again. And Marcieas stupefied look, but she was also smiling.

aWe, umaa Marcie started and looked at Jocelyn.

Jocelyn blinked. aOh, yeah, weaa She stopped and held out the empty plate to Allie.

Toni gratefully took another crab cake and said, aYou gals better get these away from me before I eat the entire tray.a Mercifully, Jocelyn said nothing; perhaps she and Marcie didnat see Allie practically sucking on Tonias finger. But by their reactions, Allie figured that wasnat the case. Allie avoided Toni completely as she scooted around her and grabbed the empty tray from Jocelyn.

aHey, Mom, is it okay if I have a gla.s.s of wine? Iall be twenty-one in three months,a she asked. aAnd Marcie is already twenty-one and Nick isaa aUm, sure. Have whatever you like, sweetie,a she said.

aSweet!a Jocelyn headed for the bottle of wine on the counter. Toni shifted out of her way.

Allie quickly filled the tray with the remaining crab cakes. As she walked toward the kitchen, she turned to see Jocelyn taking a sip of wine.

aWhat are you doing?a Allie asked seriously.

Jocelyn blinked. aY-you said I could have some.a aI did not,a Allie argued.

aMom, yes, you did.a Jocelyn looked at Toni, who chuckled quietly.

aYes, you did,a Toni a.s.sured her fl.u.s.tered friend. aMom.a Marcie nodded, as well.

Allie glared at Toni, then at her laughing daughter. aIt was a mistake for you two to meet. I can just feel it.a She sighed and walked through the swinging door.

aSo, Toni? Youare a lesbian firefighter?a Marcie asked.

Jocelynas eyes grew wide as she drank her wine.

aGuilty on both counts, kiddo. But Iam an inspector now. Take it slow with that wine. I donat want your mother mad at both of us,a Toni said to Jocelyn as she laughed.

aI understand Mom told you she paints? She never talks about that. I wish shead start again,a Jocelyn said seriously.

aWhy did she stop?a aWell, she never had time. Two kids, teaching, taking care of all three of us,a she explained in a sad voice. Then she smiled. aShe used to take me to the art museum when I was a little girl.a aI know.a Toni smiled. aMonet.a Jocelyn c.o.c.ked her head and glanced at Marcie. aYou seem to know a good deal.a aYes. Your mother and I have had wonderful talks. How she used to take you after she dropped Nick off at school and sit for hours.a aThatas right,a Jocelyn said, amazed at the information Toni had.

aSo youare studying to be a nurse,a Toni said, and Jocelyn nodded. aYour mother says when you were a little girl you used to nurse your stuffed animals.a Toni grinned as she sipped her beer.

Jocelyn blushed. aG.o.d, Iam going to kill my mother.a Marcie laughed. aI hadnat heard that one.a aDonat be angry,a Toni said with a laugh. aYour mother loves you very much. I love to hear about your antics as kids.a With that, Nick came into the kitchen. aHey, what are you three talking about?a he asked as he eyed Tonias dark beer.

aHave one. Thereas plenty there, and Iave just about reached my limit,a Toni offered.

aMomas been storytelling, Nick,a Jocelyn informed him.

Nick cringed and drank the stout beer. aOh, G.o.d, what did she tell you?a aNothing much. Nice scar on your chin, though,a she said into her gla.s.s.

Nick blushed to the tip of his nose. Jocelyn squealed with laughter. aI donat remember,a he grumbled.

aI do!a Jocelyn insisted.

aShut up, Jossie,a he warned playfully.

Marcie leaned into Toni. aThis is fun. Iam an only child.a aSo you were your parentsa favorite?a Toni grinned and drank her beer. Marcie feigned indignation.

Nick and Jocelyn were still bantering, so Toni and Marcie leaned against the counter and watched the sibling exchange.

aYou tried to fly and jumped right off the couch,a Jocelyn said, laughing. aYou tripped and your pants came off!a Nick avoided Tonias face. aThey did not!a aDid too!a aWell, how about you? Talking to your teddy bear after the aaccident,aa he countered sarcastically as he laughed.

Now Jocelyn avoided Toni, who just watched the happy bantering.

aSeems Mr. Bear fell off his bike,a Nick said, trying not to laugh.

Jocelyn glared. aYour faceaa aYour mamaas face,a Nick mumbled.

Jocelyn was hiding her amus.e.m.e.nt. aWell, at least he kept his pants on.a Toni laughed, snorting beer all over the kitchen as she started choking. Brother and sister roared with laughter. Nick slapped Toni on the back.

aPut your hands up over your head,a Jocelyn ordered.

Toni coughed and raised her hands, while Nick helped to beat the cough out of her.

aWhat in the h.e.l.l did you do to her?a Allieas voice called out.

Allie ran to Toni, who was trying to catch her breath.

aShe snorted beer through her nose,a Nick said quickly and slapped her back again.

aNick, honey, youall break a vertebrae.a Allie gently pushed him away. She looked at Toni whose face was finally a normal color.

Toni took a deep breath and blinked. aWow. I was choking,a she said seriously.

Allie raised a disturbed eyebrow at all three of them. aIam not going to ask what you children were doing.a aIam innocent,a Toni said, causing Nick to spew his beer all over the kitchen.

Someone pushed the kitchen door, sending Allie flying into her children and Toni. Paul winced as he poked his head in. aSorry. The natives are getting restless for more food.a He walked into the kitchen and glanced at Toni, who smiled. Allie commandeered Nick, Jocelyn, and Marcie to help bring out another tray of food and refreshments.

This left Toni alone with Paula"and an empty gla.s.s.

For a moment, neither said anything. Then Paul cleared his throat. aSo youare a firefighter?a aAn inspector now. Less wear and tear.a aI bet,a Paul said, fixing another drink. aLive in Chicago?a aYep. Have an apartment a few blocks off the lake.a aMust be a nice view.a He leaned against the counter swirling his drink.

aIt is. Itas beautiful even in the winter.a Toni smiled. aIf Chicago in the winter can be beautiful.a Paul chuckled. aWell, at least the Cubs canat be losing.a aOh, Paul. Theyad find a way.a They laughed, easing what little tension there was. Toni crouched down and looked in the oven. aWonder if theyare done?a Paul looked, as well, and opened the oven. He took the pan out and set it on the top. aAllie is a good cook. I hope these wonat be missed.a He picked up a mini eggroll and tossed it back and forth in his hand, blowing on it at the same time.

Toni laughed as he tossed it to her. She blew on it a couple of times before taking a tentative bite. aAlana is a very good cook.a Paul glanced at her while he ate. aAlana?a Toni stopped in midchew but said nothing.

aItas a beautiful name,a Paul said, watching her as he drank. He reached over and tossed her another eggroll.

Toni nodded as she caught the hors daoeuvresa"she believed she caught his meaning, as well.