Lost Lenore - Part 19

Part 19

But the magistrate, mayor, or whatever he was, that sentenced me, had too much respect for me to allow the captain to have his own way; and I was lodged and fed, free of all expense, until the `Hope' had sailed.

"After coming out of the gaol, I went straight to the boarding-house, in hopes of finding you still there; but I larnt that you had gone away, the next day after I was jugged; and the old woman could not give any account of where you had drifted to. I thought that you had joined the `Hope' again, and gone home. I've been everywhere over the world since then; and I don't know how I could have missed seeing you before now!

"I came to San Francis...o...b..y in an English ship--the captain of which tried to hinder the crew from deserting, by anchoring some distance from the city, and keeping an armed watch over them. He thought we were such fools as to leave San Francisco in his ship for two pounds a month, when, by taking another vessel, we could get twenty! He soon found his mistake. We larnt him manners, by tying and gagging him, as well as his first officer, and steward. Then we all went ash.o.r.e in the ships'

boats--leaving the ship where I suppose she is now--to rot in the bay of San Francisco.

"After coming up to the diggings, I had no luck for a long time; but I'm now working one of the richest claims as ever was opened."

During the day, I told Stormy the particulars of my visit to Dublin; and the trouble I was in concerning the loss of my relatives.

"Never mind 'em!" said he, "make a fortune here--and then make a family of your own. I've been told that that's the best way to forget old friends, though, for myself, I never tried it."

Stormy's advice seemed wisdom: as it led me to think of Lenore. Before parting with my old messmate, I learnt from him where he was living. We arranged to see each other often; and as soon as we should have an opportunity of dissolving the respective partnerships in which each was engaged, we should unite and work together.

Stormy was the first friend who took me by the hand--after I had been turned out upon the cold world; and time had not changed the warm attachment I had long ago conceived for the brave sailor.

Volume One, Chapter XXII.

On leaving San Francisco, Guinane had declared his intention of going to the Stanislaus river; and his acquaintances, left behind in that city, had been directed to write to him at the latter place.

One Sat.u.r.day morning, he borrowed a mule from one of the neighbouring miners, to ride over to the post-office for his letters.

The miner owning the mule, was just going to his work; and pointed out the animal to Guinane. It was grazing on the hill-side, about half a mile distant from our tents. In addition to pointing it out, the owner described it to be a brown mule, with rat tail, and hog mane.

He then brought the saddle and bridle out of his tent; and, placing them at d.i.c.k's disposal, went off to his work.

d.i.c.k proceeded towards the hill, caught and saddled the mule, and, bidding me good-day, rode off on his journey.

I was expecting him back that evening; but he did not return. I felt no concern on account of his remaining absent all that night. The next day was Sunday; and knowing that he would not be wanted to do any work on the claim, he might, for some purpose that did not concern me, have chosen to stay all night in the town.

Sunday evening came, without Guinane; and, fearing that some accident might have befallen him, I resolved to start next morning for the post-office, should he not return before that time.

The next morning came, without bringing back the absentee; and I set out in search of him.

After going about five miles, I met him returning; and, to my surprise, I saw that he was afoot! I was still more surprised as he drew near, and I obtained a close view of his face and features. Never in my life had I seen such a change in the person of any individual, in so short a time. He seemed at least ten years older, than when he left me at the diggings two days before.

His face was pale and haggard; and there was a wild fiendish expression in his eyes, that was fearful to behold. I could not have believed the eyes of Richard Guinane capable of such an expression. His clothing was torn to rags, bedaubed with dirt, and spotted with dry blood. In short, his whole appearance was that of a man who had been badly abused.

"What has happened?" I asked, mechanically--as soon as my surprise at his appearance permitted me to speak.

"I can't tell now," said he, speaking with much difficulty. "I must have water."

I turned back; and we walked on towards our tents, in which direction we had not far to go, before arriving at a coffee-shop. There he drank some water, with a gla.s.s of brandy; and then, ordering a breakfast, he went out to have a wash in the river--an operation of which I had never seen a human being in greater need.

He ate his breakfast in haste--scarce speaking a word until he had finished. Then, starting suddenly from his seat, he hurried out of the house; and moved on along the road towards the place where our tents were pitched.

"Come on!" cried he. "I cannot stop to talk. I've work to do. I want revenge. Look here!"

He stopped till I came up--when, lifting the long dark hair from the sides of his head, he permitted me to see that he had _no ears_!

"Will you aid me in obtaining revenge?" he asked.

"Yes," I answered, "with my body and soul!"

"I knew you would!" he exclaimed. "Come on! we have no time to lose."

As we walked homeward, I learnt from him the particulars of the terrible misfortune that had befallen him.

On the Sat.u.r.day morning, after starting off for the town, he had got about a mile beyond the place where I had met him, when he was overtaken by a party of four Mexicans.

Before he was well aware that they had any intention to molest him, a lazo was thrown over his shoulders; and he was dragged to the ground-- where his arms were instantly pinioned.

By signs, he was made to understand: that his captors claimed the mule, upon which he had been riding.

Guinane could speak but few words of Spanish; and therefore could not make the Mexicans understand, how the mule came into his possession.

After holding a consultation amongst themselves, they took his revolver from him; and, whilst three of them held him, the fourth cut off both of his ears! They then mounted their horses, and rode away--taking with them the mule Guinane had borrowed from the miner.

After going about three hundred yards, they halted, took off the saddle and bridle--which they did not claim to own--threw them on the ground, as also Guinane's revolver; and then continued their course.

Nothing can be said to justify these men for what they had done; but probably they could have alleged some excuse for their conduct.

They undoubtedly believed that Guinane had stolen the mule; and they knew that if one of their own countrymen had been caught in a similar act, he would have been fortunate to have escaped with his life. They saw no reason why an American should not be punished for a misdeed--as well as a Mexican.

Guinane pursued them at the top of his speed, insane with grief, and burning with indignation.

They soon rode out of his sight; but he continued on after them--until he fell exhausted to the earth. He must have lain for some hours in a state of insensibility, partly caused by loss of blood--partly by the fatigue that had followed the wild raging of his pa.s.sions.

It was night when he recovered his senses; and in his endeavours to reach home, he had wandered among the hills, in every direction but the right one.

I have said that he recovered his senses. The expression is hardly correct. He only awoke to a consciousness that he still existed--a horrible consciousness of the inhuman treatment he had been submitted to. His most sane thought was that of a burning thirst for vengeance; but so intense had been this desire, that it defeated its own object, rendering him unconscious of everything else, and to such a degree, that he had only discovered the right road to our camp a few minutes before I had met with him.

"The truth is," said he, as he finished telling me his story, "I returned to the place where I lost my ears, with the insane hope that I might meet the Mexicans. After having a look at the place, I recovered my senses once more, enough to direct me towards the only object for which I now care to live and that is, revenge. I'm not in so much haste for it now, as I was an hour ago. There's plenty of time. I'm young, and will find them sometime. Come on! Come on! How slow you walk!"

We were then going at a pace that might be called running.

On reaching our tents, we learnt that Guinane had actually taken _the wrong mule_! The miner from whom he had borrowed it, had not thought it necessary to describe its brands. Not supposing there was another mule in the neighbourhood, in any way resembling his own, he had not imagined there could be any mistake.

From some diggers, we learnt that the Mexicans we wished to find, had encamped for the night--near the place where Guinane had caught the mule; and it was not strange they had accused him of having stolen it.

On recovering the animal, in the manner described, they had returned to their camp, and shortly afterwards had resumed their journey. By making some inquiries, we found that they had gone southward.

As they had no mining tools along with them, we came to the conclusion, that they were on their way home--into some of the northern provinces of Mexico. If so, we might easily overtake them, before they could pa.s.s out of California.

We lost no time in making preparations for the pursuit--the most important part of which was the providing ourselves with good horses.

In due time, this difficulty was got over, although my bag of gold dust was much lighter, after the purchase of the horses had been completed.

By daybreak of the next morning, we were ready for the road. Guinane kept urging me to expedition--in pursuit of those who had awakened within his soul a thirst for vengeance, that blood alone could a.s.suage!

Volume One, Chapter XXIII.