Lost Lenore.
by Charles Beach.
Volume One.
Chapter I.
The first important event of my life transpired on the 22nd May, 1831.
On that day I was born.
Six weeks after, another event occurred which no doubt exerted an influence over my destiny: I was christened Rowland Stone.
From what I have read of ancient history--princ.i.p.ally as given by the Jews--I have reason to think, that I am descended from an old and ill.u.s.trious family. No one can refute the evidence I have for believing that some of my ancestors were in existence many hundred years ago.
The simple fact that I am in existence now is sufficient proof that my family is of a descent, ancient and n.o.ble, as that of any other on earth.
Perhaps there is no family, in its wanderings and struggles towards remotest posterity, that has not experienced every vicissitude of fortune; sometimes standing in the ranks of the great; and in the lapse of ages descending to the lower strata of the social scale, and there becoming historically lost.
I have not yet found it recorded, that any individual of the family to which I belong ever held a very high position--not, in fact, since one of them named Noah constructed a peculiar kind of sailing craft, of which he was full owner, and captain.
It was my misfortune to be brought into existence at a period of the world's history, when my father would be thought by many to be a man in "humble circ.u.mstances of life." He used to earn an honest living by hard work.
He was a saddle and harness-maker in an obscure street in the city of Dublin, and his name was William Stone.
When memory dwells on my father, pride swells up in my soul: for he was an honest, temperate, and industrious man, and was very kind to my mother and his children. I should be an unworthy son, not to feel pride at the remembrance of such a father!
There was nothing very remarkable in the character of my mother. I used to think different once, but that was before I had arrived at the age of reason. I used to think that she delighted to thwart my childish inclinations--more than was necessary for her own happiness or mine.
But this was probably a fault of my wayward fancy. I am willing to think so now.
I was a little wilful, and no doubt caused her much trouble. I am inclined to believe, now that she treated me kindly enough--perhaps better than I deserved.
I remember, that, up to the time I was eight years of age, it was the work of two women to put a clean shirt on my back, and the operation was never performed by them without a long and violent struggle. This remembrance, along with several others of a like nature, produces upon me the impression, that my parents must have humoured my whims--too much, either for my good or their own.
When I was yet very young, they thought that I was distinguished from other children by a _penchant_ for suddenly and secretly absenting myself from those, whose duty it was to be acquainted with my whereabouts. I often ran away from home to find playmates; and ran away from school to avoid the trouble of learning my lessons. At this time of life, so strong was my propensity for escaping from any scene I did not like, and betaking myself to such as I deemed more congenial to my tastes, that I obtained the soubriquet of _The Rolling Stone_.
Whenever I would be missing from home, the inquiry would be made, "Where is that Rolling Stone?" and this inquiry being often put in the school I attended, the phrase was also applied to me there. In short it became my "nickname."
Perhaps I was a little vain of the appellation: for I certainly did not try to win another, but, on the contrary, did much to convince everybody, that the t.i.tle thus extended to me was perfectly appropriate.
My father's family consisted of my parents, a brother, one year and a half younger than myself, and a sister, about two years younger still.
We were not an unhappy family. The little domestic cares, such as all must share, only strengthened the desire for existence--in order that they might be overcome.
My father was a man without many friends, and with fewer enemies, for he was a person who attended to his own business, and said but little to any one. He had a talent for silence; and had the good sense not to neglect the exercise of it--as many do the best gifts Nature has bestowed upon them.
He died when I was about thirteen years old; and, as soon as he was gone from us, sorrow and misfortune began for the first time to show themselves in our house.
There are many families to whom the loss of a parent may be no great calamity; but ours was not one of them; and, young as I was at the time, I had the sense to know that thenceforward I should have to war with the world alone. I had no confidence in my mother's ability to provide for her children, and saw that, by the death of my father, I was at once elevated from the condition of a child to that of a man.
After his decease, the work in the shop was carried on by a young man named Leary--a journeyman saddler, who had worked with my father for more than a year previous to his death.
I was taken from school, and put to work with Mr Leary who undertook to instruct me in the trade of a harness-maker. I may say that the man displayed considerable patience in trying to teach me.
He also a.s.sisted my mother with his counsel--which seemed guided by a genuine regard for our interests. He managed the business in the shop, in what appeared to be the best manner possible; and the profits of his labour were punctually handed over to my mother.
For several weeks after my father's death, everything was conducted in a manner much more pleasant than we had any reason to expect; and the loss we had sustained seemed not so serious to our future existence, as I had at first antic.i.p.ated.
All of our acquaintances thought we were exceedingly fortunate in having such a person as Mr Leary, to a.s.sist us in carrying on the business.
Most of the neighbours used to speak of him in the highest terms of praise; and many times have I heard my mother affirm that she knew not what would become of us, if deprived of his a.s.sistance.
Up to this time Mr Leary had uniformly treated me with kindness. I knew of no cause for disliking him; and yet I did!
My conscience often rebuked me with this unexplained antipathy, for I believed it to be wrong; but for all that, I could not help it. I did not even like his appearance; but, on the contrary, thought him the most hideous person I had ever beheld. Other people had a different opinion; and I tried to believe that I was guided by prejudice in forming my judgment of him. I knew he was not to blame for his personal appearance, nor for any other of my fancies; but none of these considerations could prevent me from hating Matthew Leary, and in truth I _did_ hate him.
I could not conceal my dislike--even from him; and I will do him the justice to state that he appeared to strive hard to overcome it with kindness. All his efforts to accomplish this were in vain; and only resulted in increasing my antipathy.
Time pa.s.sed. Mr Leary daily acquired a greater control of the affairs of our family; and in proportion as his influence over my mother increased, so did my hostility towards him.
My mother strove to conquer it, by reminding me of his kindness to all the family--the interest he took in our common welfare--the trouble he underwent in teaching me the business my father had followed--and his undoubted morality and good habits.
I could not deny that there was reason in her arguments; but my dislike to Mr Leary was independent of reason: it had sprung from instinct.
It soon became evident to me that Mr Leary would, at no distant period, become one of the family. In the belief of my mother, younger brother, and sister, he seemed necessary to our existence.
My mother was about thirty-three years of age; and did not appear old for her years. She was not a bad looking woman--besides, she was mistress of a house and a business. Mr Leary possessed neither. He was but a journeyman saddler; but it was soon very evident that he intended to avail himself of the opportunity of marrying my mother and her business, and becoming the master of both.
It was equally evident that no efforts of mine could prevent him from doing so, for, in the opinion of my mother, he was every thing required for supplying the loss of her first husband.
I tried to reason with her, but must admit, that the only arguments I could adduce were my prejudices, and I was too young to use even them to the best advantage. But had they been ever so just, they would have been thrown away on my father's widow.
The many seeming good traits in the character of Mr Leary, and his ability for carrying on the work in the shop, were stronger arguments than any I could urge in answer to them.
My opposition to their marriage--now openly talked about--only engendered ill-will in the mind of my mother; and created a coldness, on her part, towards myself. When finally convinced of her intention to become Mrs Leary, I strove hard to overcome my prejudices against the man: for I was fully aware of the influence he would have over me as a step-father.
It was all to no purpose. I hated Mr Leary, and could not help it.
As soon as my mother had definitively made known to me her intention of marrying him, I felt a strong inclination to strengthen my reputation as a runaway, by running away from home. But such an exploit was then a little too grand for a boy of my age to undertake--with much hope of succeeding in its accomplishment. I did not like to leave home, and afterwards be compelled to return to it--when I might be worse off than ever.
I formed the resolution, therefore, to abide in my mother's--soon to be Mr Leary's--house, until circ.u.mstances should force me to leave it; and that such circ.u.mstances would ere long arise, I had a painful presentiment. As will be found in the sequel, my presentiment was too faithfully fulfilled.
Volume One, Chapter II.