Lords Of Mayhem: One Wild Ride - Lords of Mayhem: One Wild Ride Part 19

Lords of Mayhem: One Wild Ride Part 19

Joey pushed aside the urge to jerk her hand back. She didn't like her space invaded. A chill went through her body. There was an oily, artificial feel to him she didn't like.

"The feeling is mutual, Levi," Juliette greeted.

Joey nodded, smiling as she studied him, searching for signs that would explain her apprension.

He looked nice enough. His eyes were warm and the hand he kept on the small of Evonne's back spoke volumes. He was into her. "I'd love to stay, but I need to head home and pack for a trip. I'll be able to spend more time with you during the wedding. Congratulations on the happy event."

He said all the right things, in just the right tone, but Joey wasn't buying what he was selling.

"I'm sorry to hear that. We were looking forward to getting to know you," Joey said. He sighed.

"I know. I was too. It was last minute, but when duty calls and the contract is already signed, I'm not left with much of a choice," Levi said. He flashed a toothpaste-perfect ad, and she couldn't help but feel there was something sinister behind that perfect exterior.

"I understand that, minus the travel." Joey said, playing his game. The monster didn't hide their true nature as much once it thought had you under its spell.

He laughed. "As a graphic designer, you know the time and energy that goes into bringing someone else's vision to life. I tip my hat to you."

They talked for a while, and he checked his watch. "I'm sorry. I wanted to meet all of your friends, but I have so much to get ready."

"I know. Hil will be sad she missed you though," Evonne said.

"We'll all get together when I get back? Dinner somewhere?" Levi suggested.

"That'd be great," Juliette said.

"Wonderful. It was nice meeting you ladies." He turned to Evonne and delivered a sweet kiss onto her upturned lips. "I'll talk to you before I fly out tomorrow."

"Okay, have a safe trip," Evonne said with a sigh.

"I always do." He grinned and turned on his heel, striding from the restaurant with determined steps.

"Wow," Joey whispered with awe.

Evonne giggled. "Yeah, that my boo. What's the verdict?"

"I liked him," Joey replied, shrugging.

"I did too, but you know without Hil's weigh-in, the jury is still out," Juliette added.

Evonne snickered. "I know, but two against one are odds I like."

Hil rushed toward them, flustered. "I'm so sorry you guys. It took me longer than I anticipated, wrapping up that paragraph."

"It's okay, Hil. We're used to it," Evonne said.

"Okay." Hil sighed and sank down in her chair heavily. "Deadlines are like a person with a gun standing behind you telling you to write."

"Aaah, you love it," Juliette said.

"I do. I must be a masochist." Hil shook her head.

"So, we met Levi," Joey said, smirking.

"What? No. The one time I'm late?" Hil said.

"It's okay. He said we'd do dinner when he got back from his business trip," Evonne said.

"Good." Hil smiled, and shot Joey and Juliette a look that said they'd talk later. "Now, what's going on that we had to send out the 9-1-1?"

The weight descended on Joey's shoulders once more and she began to relay her tale.

"So, let me get this straight? This is Wanderer's little girl?" Tiny asked from the head of the table in the meeting room.

"Yes, but she didn't know that until this month," Moose answered.

"Yeah, I got that part." Tiny shook his head and whistled. "That's fucked up."

"Very." Moose rubbed his hand over his face.

"Must be why Wanderer looked like he got hit by a semi-truck. He looked like he'd gone a few rounds with concrete. You can't keep shit like that under wraps and get away with it," Hawk said.

"Especially not when her mother's father is a brother," Tiny said.

"A real son of a bitch, from what I hear. Blood or not, if he steps to Joey crazy, I'm going to put him down," Moose seethed.

"So you plan on keeping her?" Tiny raised an eyebrow.

"Fuck, I don't know, man. I mean I care about her, but this puts a whole new spin on things. I don't know what he's going to demand to make it right, and I won't be forced to make her my old lady. We work because we do things on our own terms."

"I understand that, but you know we need to keep this working relationship in good shape," Tiny said.

"Yeah, I gotcha." Moose sighed.

"It doesn't seem like she was malicious with this. I got no quarrel personally. I'm sure this shit is fucking her head up way worse than it is ours. The librarian is good people and I like her friends, Joey especially. She fits well with us. Given what I know about her mother now, it makes more sense." Tiny shook his head and smirked. "Damn, you know how to pick 'em."

Moose rolled his eyes. "I guess."

"We've heard my opinion, but it's mandatory we put it to a vote. All in favor of letting Moose and Joey continue as-is, as long as he squares shit away with Wanderer, say aye."

The chorus of ayes bolstered Moose's spirits. His brothers had his back. The rest of the decision was up to him.

"Good. Now you know what you need to do, man. I'm not saying you have to go out today. Give yourself a minute to settle and chill out, but don't leave it too long." Tiny met his gaze.

Moose nodded. "I won't."

"Good, then let's call this meeting, and get back to enjoying our Saturday."

"All right, you heard Tiny. I'm calling this meeting at..." Moose glanced down at his watch. "Two thirty-five p.m." He brought down the gavel, and tension drained from his shoulders. The hard part was over. His family had his back. Now he had to make up his mind about what he wanted, how far he'd go.

"Come on, you look like you could use a drink." Tiny patted him on the back.

Shooter chuckled. "I don't know about that."

"A little hair of the dog that bit you then," Tiny offered. He steered him to the bar and sank down on a stool beside him. The universal signal Tiny wanted to talk. "Can we get two brews down here?" Tiny called out, nodding at the dark-haired girl behind the bar.

She nodded, walked over to the fridge and quickly returned. She placed two brown bottles on the bar, popped the caps and walked off.

"How you dealing with this, man? I don't want to see you losing your head and making bad decisions." Tiny took a swig of his beer.

"I don't even know how I feel." Moose shook his head. "I get it's not her fault, but it still feels shady."

"Probably because the truth came from Hawk." Tiny shrugged.

"Yeah..." Moose said.

"Look, it's not my business to pry, but I don't want you to blow your top. Shit's too serious right now for us to be breaking down from the inside out," Tiny warned.

"I know."

"Good, 'cause I need to count on every member of my council." Tiny turned his head and stared at him.

"You can."

"Let's keep it that way."

"Without a doubt." Moose knew his loyalty always rested with his family first.

Tiny finished his drink, tapped on the bar with his knuckles and stood. "I'm off. Boston's been sick. I want to make sure her stubborn ass is staying off her feet."

Moose smirked. To be so tiny, Boston stood up to Tiny like a fucking trooper. A feat not many men twice her size could claim, with the exception of Hawk. He watched Tiny leave and drank his beer slowly. He didn't want to lose Joey. That much he knew. She fits into his lifestyle, and they were a good match. Who knew if he'd find that again? The issue came with commitment. Did he want to link them for the rest of their lives? He'd never been a coward. But the thought struck terror in his heart. The shit with the Eights showed him how fast perfect could change. Would a fight between them, or tension affect his brothers? It sounded silly, but bikers took their fatherhood damn seriously. It all boiled down to what kind of man Wanderer was.

"Deep thoughts?" Shooter asked.

"Yeah, man. This whole thing working hinges on Wanderer. Joey essentially hasn't changed. She's not the type to force anything and I believed her when she told me how things went. He's the unknown factor. It's obvious he wants her with him."

"Yeah, but after this long, I'd say he doesn't have a right to stake his claim," Shooter said.

"Don't matter what we think. You know the rules as well as I do, brother." He gripped the beer bottle tightly.

"Yeah, I know, Moose." Shooter shook his head. "What do you plan on doing?"

"Having a talk with Wanderer. What the fuck else am I going to do?" Moose retorted. He finished off his beer. "Not today though. I'm liable to take his fucking head off with the state my mind is in."

The next week was slow torture. He'd grown used to Joey in his bed, a major part of his life. He missed her wit and her laughter. The time for pretense was gone. He'd fallen for her. Sick of the games, he put on his vest and walked out of his room...a man on a mission. Today, he'd see Wanderer and set this shit straight. The bike ride was made on autopilot. It bugged the fuck out of him, but the man held his future in his hands. He pulled up to the gate and a prospect immediately came down and let him in.

"Is someone expecting you?" the short blond asked.

"No, but I'm pretty sure Wanderer will fit me in if you let him know Moose is here."

"All right, follow me into the clubhouse."

Moose walked behind him, scanning the area. There weren't many people there. He'd lucked out catching Wanderer in at all. A man with many hats, the president often spent more time away than at home.

"Wait here."

"Yep." Moose took a seat at the bar.

"Can I get you something?" A brunette in a skin-tight black mini-dress leaned forward, showing her creamy cleavage.

"Naw, I'm good." He sent her a look, letting her know he meant it in more ways than one.

She huffed, tossing her curls over her shoulder. "Suit yourself."

"Hey, he said you could come back now." The prospect sounded nervous and perplexed.

Moose almost felt bad for him. It wasn't easy to start at the bottom rung and work your way up. They rode prospects hard, but it was worth it in the end to become part of a family that would lay down their lives for one another. The rules kept them honest and open. It was a way of life you couldn't understand until you experienced it firsthand.

"Thanks, kid." Moose stood and walked down the hallway to the office at the end. He stepped through the door and reminded himself to keep his cool and remember this man wasn't just Joey's long-absent father. He was the president of a powerful M.C. they had an alliance with.

The bruises on Wanderer's neck were fading from black and blue to yellow and green. The black eye had faded. It wasn't the norm to get hit in the face when you were spilling blood. Someone must've been really pissed off on Joey's mother's behalf. "I wondered if you were going to show up," Wanderer greeted him.

"It was a lot to take in."

"I can see how that'd be true." Wanderer nodded. "Close the door and have a seat." He gestured toward the chair across from his desk.

Moose complied, sinking down into the black-leather seat. He placed his hands on the armrest. I'll let Wanderer take the lead. I'm a guest in his house.

"What are your intentions with my daughter?"

"To be happy with her."

"Nothing else?" Wanderer frowned.

"It hasn't even been six months. I like her, I respect her and we have an understanding. It's enough for us. I don't know if you realize but growing up with just her mother did a number on her. I'm not sure she even wants what you're trying to impose."

"So you're saying she wants to be some fly-by-night with no claim?"

"She has plenty of claim," Moose defended. He tightened his hands on the arms of the chair, careful to keep his voice even and his tone low.

"Really? Because we both know it doesn't mean shit unless she's an old lady."

"Sweetheart's a respectable title we're both happy with."

"For how long? And then what will she have once you use her all up?"