Lord Of The People: My Explosion Rate Is 100% - Chapter 656

Chapter 656

Chapter 656 Conditions for purchasing the Kingdom Token!

This transaction will end soon.

However, the trading chat group established by Zhou Zhou did not disband, but chose to keep it.

In this way, you can continue to use this chat group next time when there is a trading of the Kingdom Token.

In addition, Dragon Lady Lords and Undead Lords can also invite Blue Star Lords who they think are powerful to join this chat group and participate in the future Kingdom Token auction.

"It won't be long before several new Blue Star Human Kingdom forces will emerge from the Blue Star Human Race."

Zhou Zhou thought to himself.

As the main behind-the-scenes driver of this incident, he himself didn't feel much in his heart.

As many Blue Star human kingdoms as possible.

Anyway, it won't cause him trouble, but it will benefit him a lot.

For example, this transaction, the price paid by the Dragon Lady Lord and others in order to obtain the Kingdom Order.


Except for the three lords, the Dragon Lady Lord, the Undead Lord, and the Xuantian Lord, who will follow his lead in the future, and the lords under their command will offer both hands and one-third of the territory after encountering Zhou Zhou's army. Kingdom wealth outside.

The dragon lady lord also promised to give the Scorching Sun Kingdom 100 sub-dragons with dragon blood, and their strengths range from lower bronze to upper silver!

The undead lord will give the Kingdom of the Scorching Sun a golden-ranked pure-blood bone dragon!

Lord Xuantian will be in charge of the spiritual root detection of the citizens of Scorching Sun Kingdom in the future.

And the other party also promised that they will apply to Xuantianzong, and in the future, a branch of Xuantianzong will be established in the territory of Scorching Sun Kingdom, so that those with spiritual root qualifications in Scorching Sun Kingdom can enter the sect and have immortal skills to practice!

In this way, the qi refiners and leaders who came out of the Xuantianzong sect will naturally serve the Scorching Sun Kingdom!


The materials needed to establish Xuantianzong, the Heart of Mist, and other materials needed to be provided and purchased by the Scorching Sun Kingdom.

Scorching Sun Kingdom also needs to provide wages for the Xuantian Sect Qi Refiners who came to establish branch sects.

About this.

Zhou Zhou readily agreed.

He is also a Qi Refiner himself, so he naturally knows how powerful a Qi Refiner is.

Although it is impossible for every qi refiner to be as strong as his chaotic body, as long as a group of qi refiners can be cultivated for his territory, even the most ordinary qi refiners, according to Zhou Zhou's judgment , is also comparable to a kingdom-level combat professional, or even an empire-level combat professional.

Anyway, he is still worried and has nowhere to spend.

The right to invest.

After recalling the conditions given by these three companies.

Zhou Zhou smiled slightly.

These three Kingdom Tokens can be exchanged for so many benefits, Zhou Zhou thinks it is very profitable.

Otherwise, these three extraordinary superior Kingdom Tokens would be of no use to him if kept, and they could only be left in the King's Treasure Box to eat ashes.

He didn't think too much, opened Lord Xuantian's chat box, and typed:

[Lord of the Scorching Sun: How do you plan to let me take you to eliminate the black martial lord? ]

[Lord Xuantian: Actually, I know the location of His Majesty's territory. ]

Zhou Zhou didn't care very much when he saw his reply like this.

After the previous few exposures, the location of his territory has already been considered semi-public. Lord Xuantian knew it, and he was not very surprised.

[Lord of the Scorching Sun: Then what? ]

[Lord Xuantian: Not long ago, I found a broken ancient teleportation array near the territory. This ancient teleportation array should have been left by a former monk. ]

[Lord Xuantian: After I reported this ancient teleportation array to the senior officials of Xuantianzong, a ninth-order array mage from the Transcendence Tribulation Period (legendary level) took action. After repairing it, he found that it led to a dilapidated fairy Zong ruins. ]

[Lord Xuantian: When we found this Xianzong ruins, there were no treasures in it, but the formation master repaired the ancient teleportation array, and gave it to us in Xuantian City, saying that it was used as a treasure. The last retreat of our Xuantian City. ]

[Lord Xuantian: Then I went there personally and found that the location of the Xianzong ruins is actually very close to His Majesty's Scorching Sun Kingdom. According to the calculations of my scouts, His Majesty's soldiers set out from the border of Scorching Sun Kingdom. It only needs to travel more than 50 million kilometers to the north to reach this Xianzong site. ]

In fact, more than 50 million kilometers is still a very long distance for the vast majority of blue star lords.

But Lord Xuantian believed it.

This distance is definitely not a long distance for the strongest lord of the ten thousand races in the last event!

In fact, it is true.

Zhou Zhou was a little surprised when he saw the words typed by Lord Xuantian.

More than 50 million kilometers is indeed very close.

To know.

The Starry Night spaceship under his command, after absorbing the spaceship technology obtained from the Lord Father God, its skills in all aspects have improved by leaps and bounds!


His top-notch Starry Night, the flight speed per hour has increased from the previous eight or nine thousand kilometers per hour to more than 500 million kilometers per hour!

More than 50 million kilometers?

His Starry Night arrived in five or six minutes.

[Lord Xuantian: If Your Majesty is at ease with me, you can send troops directly to the Xianzong ruins, and then go directly to my territory through the space teleportation array, and then go to the territory of the Black Martial Alliance. ]

[Lord Xuantian: The territory of my Xuantian Alliance and the Heiwu Alliance are not far apart. It will be very convenient for Your Majesty to rest or go out. ]

Seeing this, Zhou Zhou didn't hesitate much, and agreed directly.

This is the confidence brought by strength.


He won't take precautions against anything.

I saw him take out a book of contract, and then write down the content of the two people's conversation, including the transaction of the Kingdom Order.

After writing.

Zhou Zhou checked it carefully again, and after confirming that there was no problem, he signed it himself, and then sent it to Lord Xuantian for his signature.

Different from Zhou Zhou.

This is the first time Lord Xuantian came into contact with this thing.

After a long time.

He carefully signed his name on the contract book and completed the contract.


Zhou Zhou looked at the golden balance mark that had appeared on his palm, and a smile appeared on his face.

With this paper contract.

The other party is truly credible.

[Lord of the Scorching Sun: Send me the location. If there is no accident, I will go there tomorrow morning. In addition, you send me a copy of the war information such as the distribution of troops and forces of the Lord of Black Armor, don't say you don't have it. ]

The two blue star lord alliances have been in conflict with each other for such a long time, it is suspicious without the other party's war intelligence.

[Lord Xuantian: Of course there is. ]

After speaking.

Less than two or three seconds.

Zhou Zhou received a paper document from the other party.

After Zhou Zhou opened it, he glanced at it, and then he was amazed.

The Heiwu lord and his Heiwu alliance... are not as strong as the Aurora Kingdom when the country was on the verge of extinction.

Keyboard man, right?

I will be playing Keyboard Man tomorrow!

Zhou Zhou thought maliciously in his heart.

(end of this chapter)