Lord Of The People: My Explosion Rate Is 100% - Chapter 645

Chapter 645

There is no point in hiding.

A total of 100 million enemies are attacking, how can this be concealed?

That being the case.

Then it is better to say it directly.

As for Zheng Yuanqi's ability, he still trusts him very much.

He believes that Zheng Yuanqi can solve this situation.

"Leave it to me, Your Majesty!"

Zheng Yuanqi said respectfully.

Just as Zhou Zhou thought.

Zheng Yuanqi, as an old man who has served as the prime minister of the two countries, has never seen such a situation.

At this time, he already had a series of solutions and coping methods in his mind.


The most critical.

It still depends on the victory of the frontal battlefield.

Otherwise, the frontal battlefield is lost.

It doesn't matter how well he arranges the rear.

Zhou Zhou nodded.

After arranging all this, he felt much more at ease.

"With a strong force of around 100 million, direct confrontation is not the best option."

"I need to find a way to weaken it first."

Zhou Zhou thought silently.

After Zheng Yuanqi left, Zhou Zhou endured the exhaustion of his soul and continued to record the various high-level blood inheritances in his mind.

These advanced bloodline inheritance.

On the one hand, Zhou Zhou asked Wen Ya to record it as a teaching material for training the territory personnel.

on the other hand.

He also used it as a payment for the two questions he asked Bodhi Zun before.

After paying the reward, Zhou Zhou took out another high-level bloodline inheritance, handed it to Bodhi Zun, and changed it to the number of inquiries for a common question.

[What question do you want to ask? Speak. ]

Bodhi said lazily.

"Those misty monster legions approaching my territory, why did they come to me specifically? Or are they just dropping by?"

Zhou Zhou asked.

[Of course I came to you. After all, you are the strongest lord under the two activities of the Supreme Will, and even the Supreme Will favors you very much. ]

[These scarlet forces have finally come out to invade the Supreme Continent in an all-round way, how could they not come to catch you? ]

[Take you back and dedicate it to the scarlet lord, the scarlet lord will definitely give you a lot of rewards. ]

Zhou Zhou secretly said in his heart that it was true.


I made such a big name in the two activities of the Supreme Will.

It would be strange if the scarlet lord or the scarlet mist monster forces under the scarlet lord didn't respond at all.

[Another reason is that they want your racial artifact. ]

at this time.

Bodhi Zun reminded again.

"Racial artifact?"

Zhou Zhou was taken aback, "You mean Lucky Star?"

[Not just lucky stars. ]

[The other two racial artifacts in your hand, they also want it. ]

Bodhi Zundao.

[Why do they need so many racial artifacts? Do they work? ]

Zhou Zhou frowned.

[Yes, they have a method of 'pollution', which can pollute racial artifacts into 'scarlet holy artifacts'. ]

[This scarlet sacred artifact is similar to the racial artifact, but it has no racial restrictions and can work on any scarlet mist monster. ]

[Their only limitation is that the scope of influence of the effect of the holy artifact is limited. ]

[So the Crimson Mist monsters, in order for more Crimson Hallows to cover more Crimson Mist monsters, are hungry for racial artifacts of any race. ]

Zhou Zhou frowned.

This kind of secret.

Even those high-level bloodline inheritances in his mind are only vaguely mentioned, but they have never been so detailed and clear.

It is worthy of being the Bodhisattva who claims to be omniscient.

"Thanks, I understand."

Zhou Zhou nodded.

have to say.

It is convenient to have such an almost omniscient existence around.

And this Bodhi statue is really interesting.

Although it always says it will only answer one question.

But other derivative questions about this question, as long as they don't go too far, it will answer it in most cases.

Love love love!

At this time, Zhou Zhou knew the purpose of the other party's visit, and he felt more at ease.

at this time.

Suddenly there was a lot of footsteps shaking the ground outside.

Zhou Zhou went out to have a look, and it was indeed Bai Yun and the others who had returned.

After a while.

The blessed land of the senior lord.

In a study room.

Zhou Zhou sat at the desk, looking at the war list that Bai Yun had just brought over in his hand.

Today they wiped out a total of more than 86 million fog monsters, and recaptured 33 extraordinary high-level space transmission arrays, 7 epic high-level space transmission arrays, and 3 legendary high-level space transmission arrays!

Under the blessing of the title of King of Loot and the title of strongest lord.

A total of:

2360 legendary fog hearts, 251200 epic fog hearts, 8101260 extraordinary fog hearts, 42503900 diamond fog hearts, 146 million1200 platinum fog hearts, More than 300 million gold-level mist hearts, more than 711 million silver-level mist hearts, and more than 1.06 billion bronze-level mist hearts!

Various skill books 2 billion 16 million 8990! 2.878 billion 1100 pieces of various equipment!

Basic materials 10180 billion units!

Basic element gem resource 7.2 million units!

Advanced elemental gem resource 2.1 million units!

320,000 Yuan Crystals!

70160 Bronze-level lord talent crystal fragments!

5 epic lord talent crystal fragments!

1 epic scarlet lord talent ball!

31 Holy Spirit-level Faith Crystals!

16 "Secrets of Heroes' Inheritance"!

3 copies of "Book of the Gods" (lower level of middle god)!

Three extraordinary statues of the ancestors of the Blue Star Human Race.

in addition.

Under Zhou Zhou's special order.

Bai Yun and the others specially brought back the corpses of 21 legendary-level mist monsters and 3 corpses of lower-level gods and lower-level scarlet gods.

These enemies.

They were all killed and preserved by the army led by Bai Yun today.

Each of them can produce god-level loot!

This is roughly what the loot looks like.

Light see here.

A smile appeared on Zhou Zhou's face.

Let's not talk about anything else.

Today's battle.

In terms of the benefits of the Mist Heart alone, he has obtained a total value of more than 150,000 Legendary Mist Hearts!

In the future, he no longer has to worry about not being able to afford the goods in the Lord Mall.

Also includes epic scarlet lord talent orbs and other loot!

They are also very good.

among them.

The epic scarlet lord talent ball surprised Zhou Zhou the most.

Because this means that he will add another epic-level senior lord talent today.

Put it in the moment when Lord Blue Star just arrived.

This lord talent is enough to create a top blue star lord!

There is no rush to use this lord talent ball for now.

Finally, in terms of improving the combat power of soldiers.

Today is the day down.

The total number and strength of Zhou Zhou's soldiers has also been greatly improved.

In addition to the 2,561,636 fog monster troops that he himself instigated.

With the blessing of the Extraordinary level of instigating rebellion, the lord members of the Star Alliance handed over 20% of the instigating forces to him, and the number reached 2,861,250 fog monsters!

The two add up to 5,422,886 fog monsters!


Not counting the strength of the Star Alliance, the total strength of Zhou Zhou's troops has reached 47,547,748!


There are 3,353,682 black iron soldiers!

Bronze level soldiers 6 million 1806 people!

10,028,900 silver rank soldiers!

Gold rank soldiers 16,079,169 people!

10,662,850 people at Platinum level!

Diamond level 1,251,860!

Extraordinary level 168,850!

Epic level 625!

Legend level 6!

in addition.

Ye Raksha Sword God-Xu An broke through to the legendary intermediate level!

Blood Fire Sword Spirit-Bai Yun, Dragon Horse Spear General-Wu Xin, Shifang Martial Emperor-Feng Luo broke through to the lower level of legend!

Mind Arrow-Wu Tu breaks through to epic lower level!

Primitive Eldar-Ansel broke through to the superhuman level!

Others also have their own different strength enhancements.

Zhou Zhou looked at the war list and nodded slightly.