Lord Of The People: My Explosion Rate Is 100% - Chapter 632

Chapter 632

Chapter 632 Long! The secret method of the eye of disgust!

And what he said is also part of his true thoughts.

When there were few people, everyone was anxious for survival every day, and they were all focused on survival. How could they care about whether they were of different races or not?

The more alien races come, the stronger the territory will be, and the higher the probability of surviving the war of the lords of the ten thousand races. At this time, the citizens are eager to see as many alien races as possible.

on the contrary.

If there are more people of the same race in the territory, the pressure of survival will be greatly reduced.

Then this race will naturally instinctively start to xenophobia to ensure the orthodoxy of blood and status.

At that time, it was not a simple matter to promote the harmonious coexistence of multiple races.

"In fact, so far in my territory, there are still some individual violent conflicts."

"The reason for the conflict between them is mostly because of previous hatred."

"In order to deal with this situation, Zheng Yuanqi has set up many life and death arenas in the territory. If both parties agree, they can sign a life and death certificate, and then fight for life and death on the arenas."

"Once a victory or defeat occurs, regardless of life or death, the grievances and grievances between the two parties must be written off, so that future generations cannot be affected!"

"Zheng Yuanqi's idea of setting up a life and death arena is."

"The grievances of our generation are best resolved in our generation."

"There is no need to implicate the unborn next generation."

"They don't know anything, they haven't done anything, and there is no need to accept the follow-up poison of the war, so our future generations will always be unfortunate."

"I didn't have a better solution, so I asked Zheng Yuanqi to do what he wanted."

Zhou Zhou said.

Actually, he didn't say anything.

That is the existence of those who initiate life-and-death duels, most of them are the few monster and alien leaders who joined later.

As for the peoples of the human race and some other peoples of other races, few people will take the initiative to initiate a life-and-death duel.


Because since his rise to the present, especially after the small resurrection technique, his soldiers have maintained an astonishing record of 0 deaths!

No one died, so naturally there was no deep hatred.

Naturally, no one would initiate any life-and-death duel in idleness.

Only a very small number of foreign soldiers who were instigated to rebel, because they witnessed their own people being killed by human soldiers and other foreign soldiers, they would launch a life-and-death duel with some dissatisfaction.

But this kind of quantity is also very small.

Because whether it is the high loyalty brought about by instigating rebellion, or the newly promoted peace and prosperity, they subconsciously refrain from doing things that affect the peaceful atmosphere of the territory.

In addition, they also enjoyed the benefits of the small resurrection technique, saw more and more foreign races, became the leaders of the Kingdom of the Sun, and saw that they worked with themselves to build the Kingdom of the Sun and the friendship in battle and many other factors...

the most important

It is the peaceful social atmosphere that has been missing for a long time.

So unless it is a really deep hatred.

Otherwise, not many people would initiate a life-and-death duel.

So that.

The arenas of life and death set up by Zheng Yuanqi are idle most of the time.

It may be turned on once or twice a week and then it will be gone.

Haros and Zewu also felt a lot of emotion when they heard the words.

On the Supreme Continent, how to solve the various bad 'traces' left by the war has always been one of the major concerns of the major lord forces.

But no one has any good solution to solve it.

Even if it is the power of a god-level lord.

Maybe only by the power of time, when all this is turned into history in books, people will gradually forget this day of blood and fire.

Then Zhou Zhou didn't say much. He first went to gather all the soldiers, including the lords and soldiers of the Star Alliance, as well as the mysterious caravan, and then they went through the space teleportation array together to a dark place next to Qianhuan Small World, which was captured last night. In the iron-level territory.

After the army is teleported here.

Neltharion, who was in charge of stationing here, flew over immediately.

"Your Majesty."

It said in a low voice.

"Nothing happened last night, did it?"


Nesarion shook his head.

Zhou Zhou nodded.

"Let's go."

he said.

Then through Zheng Fugui and his mysterious caravan, they entered the small world of fantasy again.

In the small world of Thousand Fantasy.

Zhou Zhou and the others had just appeared in the small world of Thousand Fantasy, and they were taken aback by the scene they saw.

Because they saw Kabu and more than a hundred Phantom Clan not far away from them, they seemed to know that they would appear here and waited here specially.

at the same time.

Zhou Zhou also saw a Phantom Clan wearing a yellow-brown robe.

He was standing alone in one place, and the other Huan Ming clansmen seemed to be very afraid of him, and kept away from each other, looking at him from time to time with fear in their eyes.

Zhou Zhou narrowed his eyes.

This guy

When he came yesterday, he didn't see it.

"The King of the Sun..."

At this time.

Kabu and the other Illusionists saw Zhou Zhou and the others, their eyes lit up, and then they seemed to flee away from the Illusion in the tan robe and came to them.

"Why are you here?"

Zhou Zhou asked.

he asks.

"It was calculated by 'Long'."

Kaboo said in a low voice.

"Is it 'Long'?"

Zhou Zhou looked at the mysterious being in the tan robe.

"What Long!? He is the devil who eats our people!"

"He called us over, he must have good intentions!"

"We must be careful, that guy might be holding back something bad!"

"Maybe he called us here as a conspiracy!"

Other members of the Illusory Fate tribe were obviously very afraid of the 'Long', a member of the Illusory Life Clan. They all said excitedly as if they were stimulated by the words.

"Yes, that's him."

Kabu said in a complicated tone.

Zhou Zhou looked at 'Long'.

He has a keen sense and can sense that this 'Long' member of the Huanming tribe is also looking at him at this time.

However, what surprised Zhou Zhou was that at this moment, he suddenly felt that the other party's breath of life was like a candle in the wind, obviously dying soon.

"Your Majesty the Sun."

"I know what you want?"

at this time.

A hoarse voice reached Zhou Zhou's ears.

It was Long's voice transmission.

"You know what I want?"

Zhou Zhou frowned.

"What you want is probably more than 10,000 years ago, our Huan Ming Clan found the divination method and the Bodhi Zun that potential the position of the main invasion general of the Scarlet God Kingdom, isn't it?"

Long Road.

"How did you know?"

"Our Illusory Fate Clan has reached the point where it is today, and it is still valuable in our hands. It is nothing more than those few things. It is hard to guess."

Long said lightly.

"How about we make a deal?"

"What deal?"

"If you can leave here with the members of the Illusory Fate Clan, I will give you the 'Secret Technique of the Eye of Heaven's Annoyance', the 'Dafa of Sealing the Heavens and the Earth' and the Bodhi Zun that has one use left."

"If you can't take the Illusory Fate Clan out of here, I will still give you the 'Secret Method of the Eye of Heaven's Annoyance' and the 'Sealing the Heavens and the Earth' to cover up your life with nothingness, and then you will leave here and never interfere with the affairs here again .

"By the way, the secret method of the Eye of Desire is the secret method you want to find the scarlet general."

Long Road.

Zhou Zhou squinted his eyes and looked at it when he heard the words.

(end of this chapter)