Lord Of The People: My Explosion Rate Is 100% - Chapter 629

Chapter 629

Chapter 629 The first **** of the Scorching Sun Kingdom-Lady Ice Flower!

Now the heroes under Zhou Zhou's command have reached 52 in total, which is barely half a hundred.

It's really only a few days since he established the kingdom, it's unbelievable to think about it.

Zhou Zhou thought for a while, and said: "Except for that hero, other professionals among the refugees will not be incorporated into my army for the time being, but will join the city guard army to increase the city's defense force and protect the capital and the people within the kingdom's borders. Cities in other territories."

"After they have enough combat experience, select the best to join the Sun Legion and other out-of-war legions."

"The rest of the city guards, when the time is right, I will also give a formal army formation."

He can't take all the soldiers away every time he goes out, and it is also necessary to leave some soldiers to protect his territory.

Before, Zheng Yuanqi sent people to gather freelancers in the territory to form a freelance city guard similar to a militia organization to protect the territory.

Now the professionals among these refugees can just greatly strengthen the strength of the city guards to protect the family and the country, and protect his base camp from external enemies.

In this way, he can continue to concentrate on leading troops to fight in the future.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"Your Majesty, I still have a very good thing to tell Your Majesty."

When Zheng Yuanqi said this, he couldn't help being excited again.

"What else is there to do?"

Zhou Zhou was startled, and asked in doubt.

Zheng Yuanqi smiled slightly, and then told Zhou Zhou a shocking and surprising news.

"In our kingdom, there is an existence who was promoted to a **** not long ago."


Zhou Zhou came back to his senses and immediately asked, "Who is it?"

"It's a member of the ice ghost clan named 'Vicki'."

"He was already a legendary superior powerhouse before."

"However, the other party has not joined the army of the original Ice Ghost Kingdom, but has been living and practicing in the Ice Ghost Kingdom as a lone strongman."

"He didn't show up until the Ice Ghost Kingdom was destroyed."

"But just last night, the other party didn't know what kind of opportunity they got, and suddenly they were promoted to lower-level gods and lower-level gods."

"Then he came over suddenly and said that he wanted to ask to see your majesty."

When it comes to this.

Zheng Yuanqi also showed a look of doubt.

Logically speaking.

This kind of lone strong man has nothing to worry about. Once he breaks through to become a god, the worldly fetters, wealth, status and other things are even less attractive to him.


After such a lone **** breaks through, they will usually stay away from their hometown, roam the entire Supreme Continent or even the heavens and myriad worlds, looking for a place to establish the Kingdom of God; Rely on your own power, and obtain resources to promote to a higher level of gods.


There are also gods who are greedy for rights in the world, and suddenly want to rob a kingdom, become the lord of a country, and enjoy the benefits of power to the fullest.

But the number of such gods is extremely small.

There is another possibility.

This Ice Demon God named Vicki wants to pick up the opportunity to approach their Majesty, and then take revenge on His Majesty!

But Zheng Yuanqi abandoned this possibility without even thinking about it.


The four gods of the Ice Ghost Kingdom were all killed by their Scorching Sun Kingdom.

He is a low-level **** who has just become a god, even if he has a heart of revenge, what is the use?

Take the initiative to come over to take revenge, isn't that courting death?

When Zhou Zhou heard the words, he also thought of what Zheng Yuanqi thought of.

He thought for a few seconds and asked:

"Is the other party a leader of my Scorching Sun Kingdom now?"


Zheng Yuanqi nodded, "The Ice Ghost Clan in the entire Ice Ghost State has all transferred their nationality to the leaders of our Scorching Sun Kingdom."

"At that time, the other party was just a legendary superior ice ghost clan strongman, and he didn't have any opinions on this matter, so he agreed directly."

Zheng Yuan's way of chess.

Zhou Zhou laughed when he heard this.

Then there is no problem.

Lord talent is created by the supreme will.

Even if it is a god, if it is at the level of a true god, it may be able to resist the effect of resisting the lord's talent.

But a little deity who has just been promoted to the lower rank of a lower **** must not be able to resist his lord talent.

"Where is He now? When did He come?"

"Just came."

"Okay, let's go to Harroth and the others first, and then go to meet this native **** of our Kingdom of the Scorching Sun."

Zhou Zhou already had some guesses in his heart about the sudden breakthrough of the other party into a god.

However, he wouldn't go to meet the other party so rashly. Anyway, now that Harros and the others are here, it would be a waste of his own resources not to use their power to intimidate the other party.

"Your Majesty is wise."

Zheng Yuanqi smiled and nodded.

Then the two of them walked towards Harros and Zew's residence together.

Administration Hall.

A reception room.

When Zhou Zhou, Zheng Yuanqi, Harrods and Zewu came here, they saw the Ice Ghost Clan gods that Zheng Yuanqi mentioned.

The opponent is a female ice ghost clan god.

He is tall, with a cold face, and ice blue eyes. He is wearing an ice blue dress, and his long ice blue hair is tied into the shape of an ice flower.

At this time, he was sitting on the seat, with faint ice flowers fluttering around his body, and invisible divine power fluctuated from him, which seemed to have an inexplicable sense of deterrence.

But those present, except Zheng Yuanqi who felt a little pressure, the other three ignored it.

Zhou Zhou quietly released an invisible shield on Zheng Yuanqi, offsetting the pressure of divine power on the opponent, Zheng Yuanqi's pressure suddenly disappeared, and his expression suddenly became normal.

Then Zhou Zhou's eyes fell on the ice ghost clan **** again.

have to say.

Although the racial aesthetics of the human race and the ice ghost race are different.

But the female ice ghost in front of him still gave him a beautiful and cool feeling.

He looked at each other.

Property information appears.

[Principal: Vicky]

[God Name: God of Ice and Flowers (Ms. Ice Flower)]

[Clerical Occupation: Ice and Snow]

[Territory: Scorching Sun Kingdom]

[Strength class: lower-level **** lower-level]

[Ability overview: Vicky is a blood of the ice ghost royal family who has been living among the people because of the royal turmoil. Before his death, his steward told him that unless he had a certain strength, he must not return to the royal family for revenge. The gods of the Ice Ghost Kingdom would not spare him just because he had royal blood.

Vicky trusts his steward very much, so he has been working hard to practice, until he became a legendary high-level powerhouse, he learned that the ice ghost royal family had killed himself, at a loss, he didn't know where to go, until he became a god, his The mind suddenly gave him instructions, allowing him to come to the kingdom of the scorching sun...]

[Bloodline: Ice Ghost Clan Bloodline (80%), Ice Ghost God Bloodline (20%)]

[Skills: Rule Technique - Rain of Frozen Flowers, Low-level God's Low-level Summon Snowman King, Legendary Low-level Blizzard, Epic High-level - Invisibility, Epic High-level - Extreme Frost Arrow, Epic High-level Ice Coffin, Epic Low-level Summon Big Hail, Extraordinary Low-level Snowfall, Diamond Junior Ice Hockey]

[Loyalty: 90]

[Potential: Upper God Superior]

Zhou Zhou frowned.

Is it actually a **** directly promoted by ordinary ice ghosts?

(end of this chapter)