Lord Of The People: My Explosion Rate Is 100% - Chapter 622

Chapter 622

Chapter 622 Deal! Dangerous situation of the human race!

"But because of the supreme agreement, you also know that we can't help you for no reason, so if you want our help, you have to pay something equivalent."

Speaking of which.

Bai He's expression was both helpless and grateful.

Zhou Zhou also understood each other.

If the race behind the Lord of Ten Thousand Races can help the Lord of Ten Thousand Races without any scruples, then this King of Kings event will probably become a different kind of "fighting father" event.

The Supreme Will does not allow this to happen.

From a certain point of view, this is something that gives ordinary lords of ten thousand races like Zhou Zhou a great advantage, but makes the lords of top races such as the original spirit race feel aggrieved.

"I'm here this time, and I really want to ask the Hall Master to help me with one thing."

Zhou Zhoudao.

"It's the human race."

Baihe corrected.

Zhou Zhou nodded, and then said: "Recently, my territory has received a large number of refugees every day."

"Many of these refugees have traveled long distances. I don't know how many dangers and difficulties they will encounter on the road. They may even be hijacked by aliens and become slaves. After my subordinates reported to me, I learned that Because of these reasons, many refugees died on the way to the Kingdom of the Scorching Sun."

"As their future lord, I should be responsible for their safety."

"So I would like to ask the high-level of our human race to issue an order. If our human race forces encounter refugees who want to go to my Kingdom of the Scorching Sun, can they send some soldiers to **** them and ensure their safety? .

"You don't need to send it too far, just send it to the next human force."

Zhou Zhou said.

This is the best way he can think of to let the refugees reach the Kingdom of Scorching Sun as safely as possible.

As for other better methods, Zhou Zhou has not thought of them yet.

Baihe nodded, and then said with a smile: "I've heard about this too. I heard that more than 80% of these refugees are women. They seem to go there for the effect of beauty."

"Speaking of joining your kingdom, there are still such benefits. The heavens and myriad worlds are really full of wonders."

he said with emotion.

He has a wide range of knowledge. When he was young, he traveled to other worlds vigorously.

But even so.

This outrageous effect of becoming beautiful after joining a territory and becoming a subject under his command, he has only heard of it in some myths and legends.

I didn't expect to see the real thing today.

"Just some small blessings."

Zhou Zhou smiled, without too much explanation.

Bai He didn't ask too much.

"Okay, I promise you."

After thinking for a while, Bai He agreed directly.

Zhou Zhou's potential and performance are clearly seen by all the senior leaders of the race.

Almost all high-level people in the race think that Zhou Zhou is the future hope for the rise of the human race.

There are even a very small number of high-level human races who believe that Zhou Zhou has a chance to become the supreme lord of the ten thousand races in the future!

Although the voice behind is not recognized by the vast majority of high-level human race.

But it can also be seen how much they recognize Zhou Zhou.

Some human refugees want to join Zhou Zhou's Kingdom of the Scorching Sun.

It's not about changing races and joining the enemy.

They naturally don't care about such trivial matters.

So Bai He directly made a decision and agreed.

"What are you going to give?"

Bai He asked.

Zhou Zhou did not hesitate, and directly took out an artifact from the King's Treasure Box.

This is a long sword exuding faint colorful light.

Its whole body is gray and white, and it looks old and simple.


When Bai He saw this artifact, he was taken aback.

"Well, the low-level artifact of the low-god - the Celestial Sword."

Zhou Zhou nodded.

"Where did you get it?"

Bai He immediately asked.

"It's just my own little chance."

Zhou Zhou said, and then asked curiously: "You are a true god, a low-level artifact of a low-god, is it necessary to be so surprised?"

"That's all?!"

Bai He stared at Zhou Zhou with wide-eyed eyes, losing his composure for the first time, "Do you know how many gods of our human race don't even have a single artifact? Do you fight with the divine skills you comprehend?"

Magical skills.

is the common name of law skills.

Most gods like to use magical skills to describe law skills. For ordinary creatures who are not gods, they like to use the official concept of law skills.

Zhou Zhou stopped talking.

Can he say this thing, kill a legendary low-level powerhouse by himself, and he can explode several pieces?

In my current King's Treasure Box, there are more than 20 pieces and more than 20 copies of the low-god artifacts and low-god-level "Book of Gods" that were released by legendary powerhouses.

But of course he won't say it.

After all, this level of wealth is amazing.

Just look at Bai He's reaction now.

So when Zhou Zhou heard the words, he immediately showed a blank expression, showing a look of ignorance.

Seeing this, Bai He was a little helpless, and then explained something, which made Zhou Zhou nod repeatedly.

"I plan to ask all the forces of the human race to help me with this low-level **** artifact for a year."

"What do you think?"

Zhou Zhou asked.

"Three years."

Baihe heard the words, thought for a while, and said.


Zhou Zhou nodded in agreement.

A low-level lower-level artifact of the lower gods.

For the entire human race to protect his people for three years.

I can't make any more money.

"What is the situation of our human race now?"

Things are done.

Zhou Zhou didn't leave immediately, but chatted with Bai He for a while, and then asked.

"not so good."

"Originally, our human race is among the ten thousand races, and our strength is barely considered to be mid-to-lower. We are also close to several powerful race civilizations, and we are often invaded by them."

"Now comes the catastrophe of all races..."

"After this event, our human race may lose its strength, and it may even fall to the civilization of an inferior race."

Bai He looked worried.

Facing Zhou Zhou, the future star of the human race.

He has completely regarded him as one of the hopes of the future human race, even the most important hope.

So I don't shy away from talking about this kind of thing.

Instead, he wanted to let Zhou Zhou know more about these things.

Zhou Zhou didn't speak when he heard the words.

He didn't expect the situation of the human race to be so serious.

"Is the situation of our human race so serious before? How did we survive at that time?"

Zhou Zhou couldn't help asking.

"There are light moments."

"There are also serious times."

Even genocide crises, we have experienced many times, but we have survived.

Baihe's voice was low, and his eyes drifted into the distance.

"As for how to survive..."

"Probably because a lot of people died."

"Because some people died."

"Some people survived."

"including me."

Bai He said it simply.

But Zhou Zhou heard a sense of heaviness.

"If you have other difficulties in the future, you can bring them up to us."

"You are not alone."

"Our human race is weak among all races, although our strength is low."

"But we also have the courage to risk our lives for the future."

"at this point."

"Those high blood races with few people may not be able to do it."

Bai He laughed.

Zhou Zhou nodded.

He sat quietly in his seat for a while, and then waved his right hand on the table, and saw another nine low-level **** artifacts appear on the table.

"Three years is too short."

"It's better to protect my subjects for thirty years."

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhou Zhou still said.

As a human race.

He is willing to do his best to help.

But no more.

He was a little afraid.

at this time.


It was Bai He who looked at the ten artifacts with a dull expression.

He looked at Zhou Zhou for a long time.

Then suddenly burst into laughter.

He thought of how to deal with Zhou Zhou when he was discussing with other high-level human races. Some high-level human races said that Zhou Zhou's future growth time is too long, and he will invest too much at this time. I am afraid it will take a long time for him to repay the human race.

It was he and other high-level human races who tried their best to keep the human race's attention to Zhou Zhou.

Now look at these ten artifacts.

Baihe felt relieved.

Waiting for a long time to feed back the human race?

They underestimated Zhou Zhou too much!

Don't you start feeding back now?

These ten artifacts.

It is enough to raise the combat power of ordinary gods of the entire human race to a small level.

This kid...

Is it really the hope of our human race...

Baihe looked at Zhou Zhou, thinking about it.

(end of this chapter)