Lord Of The People: My Explosion Rate Is 100% - Chapter 615

Chapter 615

Chapter 615 Platinum-level mysterious caravan! Platinum Level Monster Ranch! Gold Level Homecoming!

Zhou Zhou thought about it.

A whole body is gray and white, with three hill-like protrusions in front of it, and a seemingly ancient and mysterious crown appears on top of his head.

It is the final crown!

He takes it off and looks over.

Artifact information appears.

[Artifact Name: Final Yan Crown]

[Artifact Rank: Low God Intermediate (growable)]

[Artifact ability 1 - power of the end: As the lord of the end, you have the power of the end that can end everything in your body. When you attack any substance, you have a 12% chance of crushing it; When attacking any creature, you have a 1.5% chance to kill it directly. ]

[Artifact Ability 2-Final Legion: The soldiers of the Lord Flood have a ray of Fate when they attack, and when they attack any substance, they have a 1.5% chance of crushing it. ]

[Artifact Ability 3-Final Arrival: By destroying the power of the lord, the power of the final law can be collected. When enough power of the final law is collected, the grade of the final crown can be upgraded, and more abilities of the final crown can be unlocked! ]

[The current collection progress of the power of the final law: 30%]

[Introduction to the Artifact: The exclusive artifact of Lord Final Yan, which contains the power of the end of all things! ]

"Finally Yan Wangguan has been promoted from the low-level of the lower **** to the middle-level of the lower god."

"After being promoted, my own crushing probability has increased from 10% to 12%."

"The probability of instant death has increased from 1% to 1.5%."

"The crushing probability of my soldiers has increased from 1% to 1.5%."

Zhou Zhou nodded.

I am quite satisfied.

Although the probability of improvement is not high.

But that is the law of crushing and the most terrifying law of instant death.

Even a sporadic improvement can be regarded as a huge improvement.

And this is only the middle-level lower god.

Waiting to be promoted to the middle god, upper god, or even the true **** level?

Zhou Zhou had a premonition in his heart.

The future growth potential of this final crown and the final lord profession it represents will be quite amazing.

"In addition, the number of my resurrection, after all the power of final nirvana is transformed, will also reach an astonishing 9 times."

"Moreover, it turns out that by destroying the middle-level kingdom, you can get 10 legendary talents, 10 members of the final guard, and 50% progress of the power of the final law."

Zhou Zhou nodded.

Popularity of talents.

Judging from Zhou Zhou's perspective now, he doesn't care as much as before.

After all, he can get ten times, a hundred times or even a thousand times the number of high-level talents if he conquers any elementary kingdom now.

But he still needs the number of resurrections, the members of the final guard and the law progress of the last power.

Afterwards, without thinking too much, he took out 100 gold-level lord talent crystal fragments and fused them into a platinum-level lord talent source crystal.

Then select Use.

The upgrade prompt appears.

[Because you have two gold-level lord talents of 'Monster Ranch' and 'Mysterious Caravan' at the same time, please choose one for promotion:]

"Monster Ranch...Let's upgrade it later."

Zhou Zhou looked at the talents of these two lords, and after thinking about it, he decided.

Anyway, the lord talent crystal fragments in his hand are enough to upgrade.

Upgrading the Monster Ranch really improved him a lot.

"Promote the mysterious caravan first!"

Zhou Zhoudao.

[Lord talent has been selected! ]

[Promotion in progress...]

Next second.

There was a familiar warm feeling between the brows on his forehead.

After a while.

This warm feeling gradually disappeared.

The new text prompt appears.

[The lord's talent has been successfully promoted! ]

[Congratulations, your gold-level lord talent 'Mysterious Caravan' has been promoted to Platinum-level lord talent 'Mysterious Caravan'! ]

[The effect of your platinum-level lord talent after promotion is as follows:]

[Lord Talent: Mysterious Caravan (Platinum Level)]

[Mysterious caravan: Your territory has a mysterious caravan blessed by the supreme will. You can send them out to buy the resources needed in your territory, and you can also sell goods made by the people in your territory. ]

[Supreme Blessing - Mysterious Transaction: In the eyes of your citizens, the mysterious caravan is just an ordinary caravan that helps the territory to conduct transactions; The details of the special caravan, outsiders will never know who it is serving, nor what their ultimate purpose is. ]

[Supreme Blessing - Unlimited Right of Passage (Empire Level): Mysterious caravans can conduct commercial transactions in any area of influence at or below the empire level, even if it is a closed area that refuses the entry of outside creatures, mysterious caravans also have the right to enter among them, and conduct their commercial activities. ]

Zhou Zhou nodded.

Although this upgrade only increased the authority level of the unlimited right of passage from the kingdom level to the empire level.

But for Zhou Zhou, this level should be enough.

There is no way if it is not enough.

He didn't have enough lord talent crystal shard resources in his hands, so he got together a diamond-level lord talent source **** crystal.

Then he took out 10,000 bronze-level lord talent crystal fragments from his own lord talent crystal fragments, fused them into a platinum-level lord talent source crystal, and then upgraded the monster ranch.

He glanced at the information and found that the talent information of Monster Ranch was the same as the last upgrade, and there was no change.

"It seems that Mu Gu has to come over and talk about it in person."

Zhou Zhou thought.

Then he thought about it, and simply continued to choose to upgrade a lord talent.

The lord talent he upgraded this time is none other than the silver-level lord talent-return to the city.

During this King of Kings event, I estimate that most of the time I will spend time doing faction tasks outside.

At this time.

It is very important to be able to bring people back to the city freely to and from the territory.


The upgrade is complete when you return to the city.

[Lord Talent: City Return (Gold Level)]

[Returning to the city: No matter where you are, when you chant the specified password for 2 seconds, you will immediately return to your territory and recover 60% of your physical state within the next 10 seconds.

You can also designate 100,000 creatures or 100,000 units of supplies to return to your territory together; if the designated person is a creature, 30% of their physical state will be recovered within the next hour. ]

[Lord talent reminder: This talent can be activated 3 times a day. ]

Zhou Zhou nodded.

This upgrade is not bad.

The time for chanting the password to return to the city has been changed from 3 seconds to 2 seconds.

The creatures and supplies that returned to the city together also directly broke through from 1,000 units to 100,000 units!

And the number of daily activations has changed from 2 to 3!

It can be called a big improvement!

Now he has:

45542 pieces of black iron lord talent crystal fragments!

3617 Bronze-level lord talent crystal fragments!

279 silver-level lord talent crystal fragments!

65 gold lord talent crystal fragments!

1 diamond-level lord talent crystal fragment!

8 extraordinary lord talent crystal fragments!

9 epic lord talent crystal fragments!

2 legendary lord talent crystal fragments!

6 mythical-level unique lord talent crystal fragments!

"It's getting late now, and it's not convenient to go to Qianhuan Small World. Let's go tomorrow, and upgrade the territory first today."

After thinking for a while, Zhou Zhou decided in his heart.

(end of this chapter)