Lord Of The People: My Explosion Rate Is 100% - Chapter 566

Chapter 566

Arnold also stopped attacking after hearing the words, and looked at Zhou Zhou in surprise.

How dare this guy say such a thing?

Are you not afraid that I will agree on the surface and rebel directly behind the scenes?

Does he have special means in this regard?

"The lord of the little human race also wants me to surrender?"

"I will not betray my country."

"Don't be delusional."

Arnold said coldly.

The actual reason is.

Its family is still in the capital of the Ice Ghost Kingdom.

If it dares to surrender, once the news is sent back, its family members in the capital will definitely not survive.

And this Lord of the Sun should really have the means to restrict surrender, otherwise he would not have said such things.

That being the case.

It will not do that wasted effort.

Zhou Zhou looked at it.

Having advanced telepathy, he could vaguely perceive that the other party seemed to have some concerns.

"If you have any concerns, you can tell me."

Zhou Zhoudao.

He still didn't want to give up the legendary alien hero in front of him.

"You seem to be determined by me?"

Arnold grinned when he heard this.

Then it flipped its right hand, and a random teleportation scroll appeared in its hand.

It immediately communicated with the random teleportation scroll, and wanted to use the random teleportation scroll to teleport hundreds of millions of miles away.

By the time.

Even if the Scorching Sun King wanted to chase him, he would definitely not be able to catch up with him in a short while. It could safely return to the Ice Ghost Kingdom, and then inform His Majesty the news of this battle, so that His Majesty could learn more about the methods of the Scorching Sun King, and serve His Majesty Prepare for a war.

Then the next second.

Its face froze.

"What...what's going on?"

"Why does the random teleportation scroll not respond?"

It loses its voice.

This random teleportation scroll is a level higher than the random teleportation scrolls in the hands of other alien heroes.

How could there be such an outrageous thing as failure?

at this time.

It suddenly felt something, and turned its head stiffly to the side.

I saw an arm-long jet-black spatial crack floating beside it, and the deepest part of it was faintly flickering with thunder.

Under the influence of this space crack, the surrounding space produced ripples.

It was as if a stone had been smashed into the calm water.

Seeing this, Arnold's already icy blue face became even paler.

It doesn't know where yet.

It was precisely because this space crack disrupted the space and made the space unstable that the random teleportation scroll in its hand was invalidated.

It looked at Zhou Zhou, and found that Zhou Zhou was also looking at it with a smile, and then said something that made it completely desperate.

"None of you can escape."

"Surrender yet?"

Arnold was silent for a while, then shook his head.

"just kill me."

It closes its eyes.

Zhou Zhou felt a little sorry to see this.

Then he casually summoned a Chaos Spear, which pierced the opponent's heart and wiped out the vitality of the opponent.

A text prompt appears.

[You killed the legendary lower-level Ice Vampire Thorn-Arnuo, and gained +4 billion promotion energy! Consolidation of loot is complete! ]

[Blessing of the Lord of War: You have obtained an additional 320 billion promotion energy points! ]

[You have obtained a hero biography of your own! ]

[Please work hard to get more hero biographies, and create your own hero destiny! ]


The surging energy of promotion poured into every part of Zhou Zhou's body like a galaxy pouring down.

Zhou Zhou only felt that he was getting closer and closer to the epic level...



There is almost no obstruction.

Zhou Zhou directly broke through the bottleneck of the epic level and reached the lower level of the epic level!

"I am also at the epic level."

Zhou Zhou said with emotion.

Ever since he got the epic lord talent - the blessing of the God of War, he felt that his promotion speed was as fast as if he was on the hook.

It's only a few days.

He himself was promoted from the diamond upper level to the epic lower level.

It's incredible to think about it.

After calming down.

Zhou Zhou looked at the dead Arnold, he shook his head regretfully, and then took the spoils directly.

[Lord Talent Tip: Your loot is strengthened by the 'King of Loot-Perfect Loot', and the quality of the loot is +1! ]

[Title reminder: Your loot is affected by the title of 'Strongest Lord', and the amount of loot is +150%! ]

[Lord talent reminder: You have obtained the perfect loot - 50 **** crystals (lower **** lower level), 3 "Vampire Hidden Thorn" hero skills (lower **** lower level), 3 "Frozen King Body" hero skills (lower **** Lower level), 3 pieces of "Space Recluse" godhead fragments (lower level of the middle god), 3 pieces of ice ghost sacrifice dagger equipment (lower level of the lower god), 3 pieces of ice ghost sacrifice robes (lower level of the lower god), 3 copies of random teleportation scrolls ( middle **** lower level), 1 copy of "Book of Gods" (lower **** lower level), 1 "Hero Inheritance Secret Code" (lower **** lower level), 20 lord talent crystal fragments (bronze level)! ]

Zhou Zhou couldn't help but smile when he saw this trophy.

A legendary low-level foreign hero actually dropped a magical costume!

This kind of outrageous thing, I am afraid that only the super lord talent like the king of spoils can do it.

He took a look at the battlefield first, and found that his subordinates could basically deal with the remaining six heroes, so he stopped meddling and began to check the spoils.

Shenjing naturally needless to say.

The "Vampire Hidden Thorn" hero skill and the "Ice Vampire King Body" hero skill, one is an assassin's offensive hero skill, and the other is a body-strengthening hero skill.

Zhou Zhou looked away after taking a look, intending to award it to Bai Yun, Wu Xin and other heroes. Whoever wants to learn can directly spend military merit to learn.

Then he looked at a "Space Escape" godhead fragment, and then directly chose to study.

After experiencing part of the experience of a lower-level **** of the **** of space and reclusion, he successfully comprehended the law technique of "Space Reclusion".

[Law Technique Name: Space Escape]

[Law skill quality: low-god low-level]

[Introduction to law skills: The user manipulates the power of law to escape into the space, and can temporarily stay in the space interlayer and space turbulence, and restrain all his breath. Creatures who have mastered the "Space Escape" law technique can ignore the weaker space fluctuations and forcibly escape into the space without being harmed. ]

Zhou Zhou nodded slightly as he looked at the law technique.

This rule technique is quite practical.

On the highest continent.

In fact, there are many ways to affect the space.

Basically, creatures with high strength will master the ability to affect space with one or two hands, so as to prevent the enemy from escaping by escaping into space or using space treasures.

And the greatest value of space seclusion is here.

Like Arnold this alien hero.

If it masters the law technique of "Space Escape", it may be able to ignore the world rift created by Zhou Zhou, and escape directly into the space.

That would really cause some trouble for Zhou Zhou.

But fortunately, it doesn't know such methods.

Otherwise, Zhou Zhou would have missed its magical attire.

Then he looks to the next loot.