Lord Of The People: My Explosion Rate Is 100% - Chapter 553

Chapter 553

"Yes! Subordinates remember!"

Bai Yun said respectfully.

Zhou Zhou nodded.

The soldiers of Aurora Kingdom are all veterans who have experienced great battles.

This kind of veteran has rich experience. Not only can he play a greater role on the battlefield, but he can also guide recruits to become familiar with the battlefield and train recruits to become veterans.

The time Zhou Zhou came to the Supreme Continent was still too short.

So he is very eager for these veterans to join him, even if he pays some price for it.

As for the resurrection and healing of the three heroes of the original Aurora Kingdom, it was just a matter of his convenience. Anyway, he does not lack the crystal of faith now.

It would be best if those three heroes could join his team because of this.

if not.

He will not have much to lose.

Leave them within the territory of the kingdom, so that if there is a surprise attack in the country when he goes out to fight in the future, Zhou Zhou does not believe that they will stand by and watch.

However, the possibility of such an accident is very small.


As he occupies the four kingdoms, the cities in all regions will raise the highest imperial city walls.

There is the supreme king.

After he got the news, he could bring his soldiers back to the territory for support as soon as possible.

Second come.

After the statue of God of Death is established, the enemy will be affected by the fear of death once they enter the kingdom area and start a battle, and their combat power will be greatly reduced. Unless the opponent is too strong, it will not cause much harm.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhou looked at Bai Yun again.

"After you go out for a while, ask someone to bring Zhao Changshou and Yaxibourne Hall over."

he said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Bai Yun nodded, then turned and left.

After a while.

Zhao Changshou and Yaxibourne Hall came over.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

The two said respectfully.

"sit down."

Zhou Zhou nodded.

After the two sat down, he looked at Ashburn Hall and said with a sigh, "We haven't seen each other for a long time, haven't we?"

"Your Majesty is taking care of everything, and I understand His Majesty, and don't you see it now?"

Ashburn Hall laughed.

Zhou Zhou nodded, and then glanced at his attribute information.

It turned out that the current Ashburn Hall is now a platinum-level alchemist and a diamond-level alchemy pharmacist.

"During this time, you have made remarkable progress."

Zhou Zhou was surprised.

"If His Majesty hadn't invested a lot of resources in our Alchemy Technology Department and Pharmacy Manufacturing Department, so that the subordinates have sufficient resources, it is impossible for the subordinates to improve so quickly."

Ashborn Hall said more respectfully when he heard the words.

Today's dwarf alchemy workshop is no longer the small workshop that could only produce life potions, energy potions, and mechanical chocobos.

With the input of Zhou Zhou's massive fog hearts, potion formulas, alchemy technology formulas, corresponding medicinal materials and alchemy materials.

The current dwarf alchemy workshop has been transformed into the official alchemy technology research department and pharmacy manufacturing department of the Sun Kingdom!

It is not only in charge of the alchemy technology product manufacturing and pharmaceutical manufacturing business of the entire Scorching Sun Kingdom.

The army under Zhou Zhou's command provided all the medicines needed for daily battles.

And also involved in many fields such as medicinal material cultivation, prescription research, alchemist technician and alchemist pharmacist personnel training.

Ling'er's God's Medicine Garden also has a close cooperative relationship with them.

Even the recently emerging spaceship flight business in the territory was jointly developed by Ashburn Hall and Wen Ya.

The Black Ghost is just the beginning.

According to Yasibourne Hall's idea.

Since mechanical chocobos, a low-level land and air vehicle, have gradually faded out of the sight of the legions with the establishment of spaceship factories and the popularity of spaceships such as Starry Night.

It is better to gradually turn it into a civilian vehicle.

Let the citizens of the Scorching Sun Kingdom also live a life of going out in a 'car' or even a 'single-person aircraft'.

Zhou Zhou naturally agreed with this idea.

The development and popularization of transportation is one of the important factors that determine the strength of the country, and it can also increase the personal wealth of the citizens and the national tax revenue.

He has no reason to refuse.

"this is for you."

"Let the pharmacy manufacturing department make a batch of such pharmacy for backup."

Zhou Zhou stopped chatting and took out the "Giant" potion and handed it to Ashburn Hall.

Ashborn Hall took it, glanced at the formula of the "Giant" potion, his eyes flashed with surprise, and then respectfully said:

"The minister will do it immediately."


"Yes, I will retire."

Aceborne Hall is gone.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhou took out the architectural drawings of the Grim Reaper statue and handed it to Zhao Changshou who was beside him.

"Uncle Zhao."

"Build this statue of death in the fastest time."

Zhou Zhoudao.

The day after tomorrow, the Supreme Will will start the King of Kings event.

Although I don't know what the specific content of the event is.

But according to past inertia.

Dangerous for sure.

It would be better if this statue of the **** of death could be built sooner.

Zhao Changshou took the blueprint and glanced at it, his expression immediately became serious.

Can the invading enemies feel the fear of death?

The effect of this statue of God of Death can almost be called the treasure of protecting the country.

"The minister will definitely finish it immediately!"

Zhao Changshou said seriously.

Zhou Zhou nodded.

Zhao Changshou built most of the buildings in the Kingdom of Scorching Sun for him, and he is at ease about his work.

Then the two chatted for a while, and then Zhao Changshou laughed and said:

"Your Majesty."

"Tomorrow is the founding ceremony, and it is also your enthronement ceremony."

"Your Majesty, are you ready?"

Zhou Zhou smiled and nodded.

He is still looking forward to the founding ceremony and his enthronement ceremony.

at this time.

Anya knocked on the door, and then walked in after getting consent.

"Your Majesty."

"Tiantu Legion - Legion Commander Wu Tu please see me!"

Anya said respectfully.

"Let him in."


Anya left.

"If your majesty is busy, the minister will also go to prepare for the construction of the statue of the **** of death."

Zhao Changshou also stood up with great insight when he saw this.


Zhou Zhou nodded.

Zhao Changshou resigned and left after hearing the words.


Wu Tu walked in.

"I have seen His Majesty."

he said respectfully.

"What's wrong?"

Zhou Zhou asked curiously.

"Your Majesty."

"This is the map I just collected!"

"This map contains the territory distribution of the sixteen alien kingdoms in today's alien coalition!"

"In addition to this, it also includes the territory of six other strange alien kingdoms and three stranger kingdoms."

"They are all elementary kingdoms without exception."

"The last thing worth noting is that just north of these primary kingdoms, there is an intermediate kingdom called the Ice Ghost Kingdom."

"The Ice Ghost Kingdom is very close to the Alien Kingdom of the Alien Alliance."

"The subordinates make bold guesses."

"The Ice Ghost Kingdom is probably also secretly intervening in today's big battle."

"However, we haven't got much map information about this strange middle-level kingdom."

"Your Majesty, please give us more time."

"The minister will definitely be able to lead the Tiantu Legion and get all the map information of this intermediate kingdom."

Wu Tu said in a deep voice while handing the thick map booklet in his hand to Zhou Zhou.

(end of this chapter)