Lord Of The People: My Explosion Rate Is 100% - Chapter 500

Chapter 500

Chapter 500 Mechanical Father God-Zhou Zhou Clone!


Bai Yun, Wu Xin, Luo Sheng and other scorching sun city generals all stared blankly at Zhou Zhou floating in the sky.

"The lord has already surpassed me in controlling the army's morale."

After a long time.

Wu Xin said with a smile on his face.

Bai Yun and Luo Sheng, the two generals who also mastered the hero skills of the army, also nodded.

Both of them.

The former mastered the heroic skill Ruyi Army Mind through learning under Wu Xin's teaching.

The latter is because the ghosts and gods have inherited the heroes, and they have automatically mastered the heroic skill of ghosts and gods.

Although they and Wu Xin can do similar things, they can only be controlled within a million troops at most!

Like Zhou Zhou, with one order, nearly 9 million troops are directly ordered to prohibit the terrifying level of military morale control, which is absolutely impossible for them.

Thinking that not long ago, their lord mastered the Greedy Wolf Roaring Moon Formation and its strongest military formation technique - Moon Pendant in one night, they suddenly felt in their hearts: their lord may be very different in controlling the army. General talent!

Thinking of this, they showed even brighter smiles on their faces.

It is a good thing for generals like them that their lord has such talent.

at the same time.

In the sky.

When Zhou Zhou saw the soldiers below, he immediately fell silent in less than two seconds, and a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

Blessed with two military hero skills, the effect is really extraordinary!

"It's a pity that there is an upper limit on the number of Greedy Wolf Howling Moon Formation."

"Otherwise, if I can make these 9 million soldiers and generals all stand up and turn into the incarnation of greedy wolves, then the combat power, I am afraid that even if the gods descend, there will be a battle?"

Zhou Zhou thought in his heart.

As for the talent - Thunder Immunity, he has naturally used it, and he has given the alchemy technology blueprint of "Mechanical Chocobo" of the lower level of silver to Zheng Yuanqi, and asked him to give it to the alchemist in the dwarf alchemy workshop.


The flying tools of his soldiers are already dominated by the Starry Night and the Black Ghost.

But this does not mean that the previous mechanical chocobos are useless.

As alchemy technology vehicles that can fly in the sky and travel on land, Zhou Zhou has ordered Zheng Yuanqi to convert them into civilian alchemy technology.

With such convenient civilian props.

Residents of Scorching Sun, whether traveling or doing business will definitely be more convenient in the future.

Zhou Zhou also plans to turn some of them into civilian vehicles after the Black Ghost and Starry Night become popular on a large scale in the future.

By the time.

Realizing Blue Star's "aircraft traffic" on the highest continent will no longer be a dream.

He stopped thinking about it, and his eyes once again fell on the nearly 9 million soldiers below.


"Our goal is the scarlet kingdom dominating the Sun Territory!"

Our goal is simple.

"Destroy it and replace it, and build our kingdom!"

"Are you afraid!?"

He looked at the nine million soldiers below and said loudly, and under the diffusion of the chaotic energy in his body, the voice resounded in the ears of every soldier.

"Don't be afraid!!"

"Don't be afraid!!"

"Don't be afraid!!"

Nine million soldiers roared in unison, and everyone had a surging fighting spirit. Even the lords of the Star Alliance, in the roar of nine million soldiers, were inspired with courage and passion in their hearts, as if No matter what enemies are ahead, they can all be defeated.


"Follow me on the spaceship!"

Zhou Zhou didn't talk nonsense, he was the first to fly into the starry night ship headed by the sky.

After a night of research on the technological blueprints exploded by Lord Father God, coupled with the expansion of the spaceship factory for manufacturing spaceships, Wen Ya's efficiency in manufacturing spaceships has significantly improved a lot.

In less than one night, two Starry Nights and three Black Ghosts were built.

Now he has 13 Starry Nights and 4 Black Ghosts under his command.

There are so many spaceships, let alone nine million soldiers.

It is no problem to hold 17 million soldiers.


More than 17 million will not work.


Nearly 9 million soldiers, a large number of doctors, clergy and other war logistics personnel boarded the spacecraft one after another, and then flew towards the Tahan Kingdom.

In front of the gate of Scorching Sun City.

Li Ya, who had already walked out of the blessed land of the junior lord, stared at the spaceship column in the distance.

She couldn't help but hear the content of Zhou Zhou's conversation with her just now.

"Zhou Zhou, why don't you go to my father, after accepting my father's Aurora Kingdom, won't you be more confident in attacking the Tahan Kingdom?"

"Haha, my kingdom will give me a better sense of accomplishment if I conquer it myself."

"As for my father-in-law's Aurora Kingdom, it won't be too late to receive it after I conquer the Tahan Kingdom and establish my own kingdom."


"You and I probably haven't thought about it. The lord of the ten thousand races who just wanted to invest at the beginning has grown to the point where he can confidently and easily conquer the Kingdom of Tahan?"

Li Ya murmured in her heart.

The smile on the face is also happier.

In the spaceship.

Zhou Zhou sat on the main seat of the captain's cabin, looking at the map in his hand.

This map is the map of Tahan Kingdom!

There are 54 regional territories in the entire Tahan Kingdom!

Before, he had captured six regional territories including Yeming Town, Red Bee Town, and Wangshi City, leaving 48 regional territories left!

Among them, there is 1 extraordinary-level regional territory, 3 diamond-level regional territories, 10 platinum-level regional territories, 20 gold-level regional territories, and 14 bronze-level regional territories!

"As long as I can conquer all these areas."

"Not only is the territory upgraded."

"The 30 regional territories required to establish a kingdom can also be easily completed."

Zhou Zhou had a faint smile on his face.

Before, in order to improve the regional territory level of Scorching Sun Territory, he merged most of the regional territories he conquered.


There are only two or three areas under his command that have not been integrated.

But luckily.

As long as the regional territories on the side of the Tahan Kingdom are conquered, the demand for the number of regional territories for establishing the kingdom can also be met.


"Let's take a look at this platinum-level regional territory 'Blood City' first."

Zhou Zhoudao.

"Yes! Your lord!"

A gentle voice sounded, and then fell silent again.

Zhou Zhou thought about it.

Seeing a colorful light flying out from between his eyebrows, it fell to the ground and turned into a silver-clothed Zhou Zhou.

It is the ultimate lord - Zhou Zhou!

The ultimate lord at this time - Zhou Zhou, is very different from yesterday.

Because his body exudes an amazing heroic aura at this moment!

Zhou Zhou felt the coercion of the opponent, and a smile appeared on his face.

He looked at him.

A text prompt appears.

[Clone Name: Ultimate Lord-Zhou Zhou (Mechanical Clone)]

[Hero Title: Mechanical Father God]

[Personality: Median God Hero Destiny Personality]

[Territory: Scorching Sun City (Machines)]

[Strength Realm: Black Iron Junior]

[Ability overview: The mechanical avatar of the Lord of the Sun has a special talent - the ultimate algorithm. ]

[Skills: Talent-Ultimate Algorithm, Talent-Infinite Body, Hero Skill-Super Computing, Hero Skill-Real Simulation, Extraordinary Lower-level Mechanical Technology "Great Unified Core Energy", Extraordinary Lower-level Mechanical Technology "Apocalypse Satellite IV" (research not yet completed) , diamond low-level mechanical technology "Soul House", platinum high-level mechanical technology "Light Shield against Enemies", gold low-level mechanical technology "Invisible Ghost", mechanical technology "Giant Ax Ripper" series (bronze low-level~platinum high-level), mechanical Technology "Self-Explosive Beetle" series (Bronze Lower Level ~ Platinum Upper Level), Mechanical Technology "Artillery Gunner" series (Bronze Lower Level ~ Platinum Upper Level), Mechanical Technology "Shadow Flying Eagle" series (Bronze Lower Level ~ Platinum Upper Level)]

[Potential: Master God Superior]

[The biography of the hero: Under the bestowal of the Lord of the Human Race, the Lord of the Sun, he obtained the inheritance of the hero and became the first generation of mechanical father god! The hero's personal popularity +2, the reputation of the human race +50,000, the reputation of the machine race +200,000, and the reputation of the highest continent +5! ]

Zhou Zhou nodded in satisfaction.

(end of this chapter)