Lord Of The People: My Explosion Rate Is 100% - Chapter 476

Chapter 476

Chapter 476 The reaction of the lords of all races and the temple of knights (Part 1)

Zhou Zhou had a smile on his face.

It's not in vain. For the past ten days, all his thoughts and energy have been focused on becoming stronger.

Now it's finally time for me to harvest.

Think back to the beginning.

Zhou Zhou couldn't help but sigh.

When he had just seen the activities of the lord of the ten thousand clans on the battlefield, he thought that it would be good if he could compete for the strongest lord of the same clan.

Regarding the title and rank rewards of the strongest lords of all races, he didn't even dare to think about it. He only thought that the strongest lords of all races should belong to those top lords of all races.

For example, a few days before the start of the event, the real lords, taiyi lords, and day-by-day lords who reached the upper ranks of mythology.

But as time goes by day by day.

Under my unremitting efforts, my strength has changed by leaps and bounds every day, and these top lords have been surpassed by myself one by one.

Lord Feng Shu of the Divine Race, Lord Holy Light of the Bright Angel Race, Lord Mangtian of the Amethyst Behemoth Race, Lord Father God of the Machine Race, Extreme Lord of the Extreme Dragon Race, Lord Chasing Heaven of the Shepherd God Race...

These lords, who sound so powerful that they are out of reach, have now become their own defeats.

Zhou Zhou thinks about it like a dream.

After a long time

He took a light breath and put back his wandering thoughts.

Being able to achieve this kind of achievement in front of me, I am certainly worthy of being happy.

But if the supreme lord is not settled, he will always need to work hard and develop carefully!

I am far from being proud.


Before letting go of his pride, Zhou Zhou still wanted to see what the blue star lords thought of his achievements.

He is not a person who is willing to go out at night in brocade clothes!

Especially when the Blue Star Lord no longer poses a threat to himself.

Thinking of this, he immediately opened the world channel.

Not surprisingly.

World Channel is currently discussing his affairs.

[The scorching sun boss is so terrifying! ]

[To be honest, I really didn't expect that Mr. Scorching Sun would be able to win the first place in the hands of the lord of all races! ]

[Who would have thought? I originally thought that the Lord of the Scorching Sun would be awesome among our Blue Star Lords, but I didn't expect that in front of the Lords of Ten Thousand Races, he was still the same awesome, you guys are convinced! ]

[The strongest lord of the same clan and the strongest lord of all clans at the same time, this is really strong! ]

[Haha, I feel that our human race will become famous after the scorching sun boss ascended to the top of the strongest lord of all races. Thinking about it, I am a little proud, my **** racial pride! ]

[Hey, the human race became famous with the Lord of the Sun, and I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. ]

[There are pros and cons to everything, why think so much? If you look forward and look backward, you will not get much achievement, and you will be done! ]

[No stamp! ]

[Brother Jiaoyang, sister, I am your fan, can I join your star alliance? It's okay to be a non-staff member! ]

[I'm envious, I heard that the lord members of the Star Alliance have made a lot of money in the past few days, I don't know if it's true or not. ]

[I have a friend who is a friend of a lord member of the Star Alliance. Although the lord member did not disclose any specific information, I heard that he has already made money under the hands of the scorching sun boss. ]

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo points ]

[It's really hard to work alone, and I'm tired, I really don't want to be this broken lord. ]

[Why do you say so many frustrating words? Pull yourself up, I don't know how the lords of the ten thousand races will feel when they see that what they dream of has become the property of our human lords? I'm sure their emotions must be very complicated. Who would have thought that the end of this event would be robbed of the biggest limelight by an ordinary human lord? ]

The lords guessed right.

When the lords of the ten thousand races saw that the scorching sun lord from the human race actually snatched the title of the strongest lord of the ten thousand races from the top race lords such as the true lord, the lord of Taiyi, and the lord of Zhutian, they really felt very complicated. .

Especially the real lords, the lords of Taiyi, and the lords of Chasing Heaven feel even more deeply.

Yuan Lingshan.

Yuan Ling City.

The true lord looked at the notification of the battlefield activities of the lord of all races in front of him, and did not speak, but kept silent.

He didn't expect that either.

Before the event started, I had already made up my mind to win the final reward of the strongest lord of all races, but I didn't expect that I didn't achieve it in the end, and only got the second place.

And before the opponent defeated him, he snatched away one of his original spirit race leaders.

Think here.

The real lord hated it so much.

The original spirit race, as a race conceived by heaven and earth, was originally sparsely populated.

He has developed his territory up to now, but he has only summoned two original spirit clansmen from the summoning gate.

Now a clansman was directly lost in the hands of that human clan lord!

Think here.

He suddenly felt heartache and couldn't breathe.

After calming down, He began to think.

"It should be some kind of law skill, and it is a law skill with a very high grade. It seems to be a bit [absolute law], and we who can add divine power can't resist it."

The true lord muttered to himself, then frowned.

This human lord can defeat them, the top lords of all races, and become the strongest lord of all races. He really is not an opponent that can be underestimated.

After this battle.

All the lords of all races will probably get to know this Lord of the Scorching Sun from the human race again.

This is opportunity.

"Also a risk."

"Will that Lord of the Sun be able to resist?"

The true lord thought about it for a while, and then stopped thinking about it.

It is not good for Him to think too much about the future of others.

With this time, why not improve yourself.

"Now there is a gap between me and you."

"But the future... may not be certain."

The true lord murmured.

In a certain chaotic space.

Lord Tai Yi, who was surrounded by the air of chaos, sat on a throne, looking gloomyly at the text prompt of the full channel announcement of the Lord of Ten Thousand Races in front of him.


He snorted coldly, feeling very angry in his heart.

"Despicable guy, if you didn't use that final prop that can avoid battles, I should be the lord who has become the strongest lord of all races!"

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

He was very angry.

Ever since he was defeated by Shangzhen Lord on the battlefield of Ten Thousand Clan Lords, unwillingly, he has been trying his best to improve his own strength, hoping that one day he can find the place to defeat the opponent.

Therefore, in his development plan, he has already thought of ways and cards to deal with other lords of the ten thousand races in this battle of the ten thousand race lords in order to obtain a large amount of ranking points, so as to seek the reward of the strongest lord of the ten thousand races .

Unexpectedly, the accident of the Lord of the Sun was inserted in the middle!

Not only are the ranking points far higher than their top lords, but what frustrates him the most is that the opponent doesn't even give him a chance to face-to-face, and directly leaves the final battlefield, blocking all his attempts to seize the opponent's rank. Points possible!

How could this make Him willing?

(end of this chapter)