Lord Of The People: My Explosion Rate Is 100% - Chapter 474

Chapter 474

Chapter 474 Lord Taiyi! Use a cessation order!

The only thing that surprised Zhou Zhou was that Ansel's strength had reached the Platinum level!

At this stage.

Except for freaks like Zhou Zhou, Platinum subordinates are definitely quite top-notch personal strength!

How did this guy do it?

Zhou Zhou was curious.

After that, he didn't hide his doubts, and asked directly.

"Report to the lord."

"The subordinate's strength is so high, it is entirely because the subordinate has been hunting the fog monster alone, and enjoys most of the promotion energy of the fog monster."

"With this method, the strength of the subordinates has improved by leaps and bounds, reaching this level."

Ansel said respectfully.

Zhou Zhou nodded.

I see.

Using the means of the original spirit race, if you choose to hunt the fog monsters alone and enjoy most of the promotion energy, you can indeed improve your strength by leaps and bounds.

But this is the original spirit race's extraordinary talent, born with strong combat power.

As creatures of other common races, it would be difficult to kill a fog monster alone, let alone kill a large number of fog monsters to quickly improve their strength.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a while, and Ansel left.

For the rest of the time, they kept flying with all their strength in the direction away from the storm.

But even so.

The terrifying storm was still approaching them at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The speed of the Starry Night is already slower than the speed of this storm."

"If this goes on, I'm afraid it won't be long before we lords will be caught up and crushed by these storms."

Zhou Zhou frowned.

It seems that he is ready to return to the High Continent with the lords at any time.

[My lord, look here. ]

At this moment, a gentle voice sounded, and then three virtual screens appeared in front of him.

Zhou Zhou looked over.

These three screens show the scenes in three directions: directly in front of their Starry Night, to the left, and to the right.

It was the sights in these three directions that made Zhou Zhou sweat all over his body.

In those three directions, densely packed black-gray storms were connected together, blowing towards them rapidly together with the black-gray storm behind them.

"We're surrounded by these storms?!"

Zhou Zhou took a deep breath.

[Yes, Lord Lord. ]

[If these storms continue to approach us, until the last second before the end of the final battlefield, we will just be crushed in the middle by these storms. ]

Gentle way.

Zhou Zhou nodded.

It seems that they have flown to the 'inner circle'.

[Lord Lord, found the enemy! ]

The gentle voice sounded again.

The voice just fell.

Another virtual screen appeared in front of him.

Zhou Zhou looked over.

I saw five mysterious creatures shrouded in a gray atmosphere floating in the distance, watching them from a distance.


A creature in the middle of them flew out and quickly approached Zhou Zhou's spaceship.

"Ready to fight!"

Bai Yun, Wu Xin and the others also saw the mysterious creature approaching, and Bai Yun immediately gave an order to all the soldiers through the army panel.

After hearing the order, the soldiers immediately entered a state of preparation with serious expressions.

Starry Night also stopped under Zhou Zhou's order.

In the meeting room.

Zhou Zhou looked at the mysterious creature shrouded in gray mist on the virtual screen.

"This should be the creature of the Chaos Protoss."

Zhou Zhou squinted his eyes, looked at them and said.

Others may not see it.

But as a chaotic human race, Zhou Zhou could tell at a glance that the gray mist covering them was the legendary chaotic air!

Chaos Qi is a very advanced energy!

Use it as energy to release skills, and the power and effect of skills will be upgraded several levels!

Among all races.

Even the top ten thousand clan lords such as the Mu Shen clan and the original spirit clan, under normal circumstances, there is no way to use the energy of chaos before becoming a god.

can do this.

There are only a few races such as Chaos Protoss and Chaos Humans!

Zhou Zhou frowned slightly looking at the five Chaos Protoss.

The first time he saw the Chaos Protoss, he thought that his blood of the Chaos Human Race would have some special reaction, but he didn't expect that there was no reaction at all.

If he has a clear understanding in his heart.

"Between the blood of the Chaos Human Race and the blood of the Chaos God Race, there should be no so-called lower blood and upper blood."

"Both of them should be independent bloodlines."


"My blood of the Chaos Human Race feels better than the blood of the Chaos God Race!"

Zhou Zhou thought.

Thinking of this, he became more and more curious about the Chaos human blood in his body.

My own chaotic human bloodline issued by the supreme will seems to be far from being as simple as it seems on the surface.

Then Zhou Zhou didn't think much about it, and his eyes fell on the Chaos Protoss who flew over again.


The Chaos Protoss stopped suddenly, suspended in the sky, his eyes seemed to be able to see through, and looked directly at Zhou Zhou in the spaceship.

"The power of the human lord who can survive until now..."

"You should be the Lord of the Sun, right?"

The Chaos Protoss said.


"I am the Lord of the Sun."

"Are you Lord Taiyi?"

Zhou Zhou seemed doubtful, but in fact he was very sure.

Reason without it.

Among the five Chaos Protoss, only this Chaos Protoss in front of him is the strongest!

"it's me!"

Lord Taiyi laughed loudly, and then his expression suddenly became fierce.

"I also want to thank you."

"If you hadn't defeated the true lord, it would be really difficult for me to deal with those two original spirit clansmen who have a lot of law skills."


"The lords of all races in the entire final battlefield, only you and me are left."

"As long as I get rid of you and get all the ranking points from you, I can directly become the first place in this Ten Thousand Race Lords event!"

"By now, your methods should have been used up in the process of increasing your ranking points, right?"

"What are you going to do with me now?"

Lord Taiyi said in a deep voice.

Zhou Zhou didn't speak when he heard the words, but first passed the map and looked around his location.

It turned out that there was no red dot on it, and even the scarlet lord disappeared, only a few fog monsters running away in panic and despair.

Then another thing happened.

I saw the storm group that had been chasing them before suddenly stopped moving.

"The supreme will is leaving a battlefield for the two of us, so that we can fight and fight as much as we want, so as to decide the last lord of ten thousand races!"

Lord Taiyi also saw this scene and sneered.

Zhou Zhou frowned when he heard this.

But he shook his head.

His ranking points are more than 15 billion higher than the opponent!

He won't take the risk of competing for power if he is alive to win.

Think here.

He took out a Scarlet Token.

It is the cessation order!


He said silently in his heart.

Next second.

The token in his hand immediately collapsed into countless **** mist and disappeared into the air.

Zhou Zhou looked at the battlefield around him, feeling a little touched in his heart.

He has a feeling.

As long as he thinks, he can transfer himself and his subordinates to any safe place he has ever been to in a single thought.

A smile appeared on Zhou Zhou's face.

He looked at the Lord Taiyi.


He waved his hand.

The voice just fell.

He and all the soldiers under his command, including spaceships, trophies and other things belonging to Zhou Zhou, all disappeared.

Lord Taiyi was stunned when he saw this scene, and his face immediately became ugly.

"Escape-type ultimate props..."

"This guy really has it too!"

It gritted its teeth.

(end of this chapter)