Lord Of The People: My Explosion Rate Is 100% - Chapter 444

Chapter 444

Chapter 444 Create a monster army! Lu Caier's doubts!

"The lord of the machine clan...Okay, I understand."

After a long time.

Zhou Zhou came back to his senses and said after thinking for a few seconds.

The compass of the Vengeful Spirit in his hand still has 3 guiding times left.

Finding a machine clan lord is naturally not a problem.

Afterwards, he went to the No. 6 machine again and took a look at the Black Ghost, and he was naturally quite satisfied with the result.

But he also has a problem.

"Why do we have to build a spaceship factory in the Starry Night?"

"Isn't it possible to build on the ground of Scorching Sun Territory?"

Zhou Zhou asked doubtfully.

"Report to the lord."

"As a finished spaceship, Starry Night itself has the most complete spaceship construction and repair system inside."

"Wen Ya built the first starry night spaceship factory and the first black ghost spaceship factory in the spaceship because she wanted to borrow these two systems to complete the construction of these two spaceship factories as quickly as possible."

"In this way, with these two successful examples in front, the spaceship factory behind can be built on the ground faster and better."

Gentle way.

Zhou Zhou suddenly realized.

It turned out that the No. 6 and No. 7 machines were regarded as factory test points.

Then he chatted with Wen Ya for a while, and after learning more about Wen Ya's plans for the spaceship factory in the future, he left the Starry Night and returned to his blessed land of junior lords.

After returning to the blessed land, he first took out 100 fragments of "Certificate of the Legion".

Zhou Zhou looked at these fragments.

A text prompt appears.

[Is fusion? ]


Zhou Zhoudao.

Next second.

I saw that the 100 fragments of "Certificate of the Legion" suddenly emitted a faint white light, covering all the fragments.

After a long time.

The white light dissipated.

A complete "Certificate of the Legion" appeared in Zhou Zhou's hands.

Zhou Zhou used it, and saw the "Certificate of the Legion" in his hand instantly disintegrate into countless light spots, and a line of red text condensed in front of his eyes.

[Please confirm the name of your kingdom-level legion:]

"Legion of monsters."

Zhou Zhou said in a deep voice.

The fragments of "Certificate of the Legion" reached more than 100 pieces when they conquered the monster ranch this morning.

However, there were many things at that time, and he didn't have time to use it. Now that he is free, it is time to give the monster army a formal army formation.

In the following time, Zhou Zhou began to fill in the information of the monster legion's legion members.

After filling and confirming.

A text prompt appears.

[You have created your own Black Iron Legion! ]

[The Lord-Legion function has been officially launched! ]

[The Black Iron Legion buff 'Brave' has been activated! ]

[You can increase your legion level by collecting battle points, so as to obtain more advanced legion gains and other legion benefits! ]

Zhou Zhou nodded in satisfaction.

Monster Legion is officially established today.

And now the number of his monster ranch is more than twice as much as before.

Combined with his emphasis on cultivating storm demons, the output of "Certificate of Legion" fragments will greatly increase from tomorrow!

"Perhaps tomorrow, I can get together the next copy of "Certificate of the Legion"."

Zhou Zhou thought to himself.

His domain has so many troops and types.

The official establishment of the two legions is naturally far from enough.

For example, the Tiantu Army needs an independent army organization.

His dragon subordinates are now more and more, but they have not enjoyed the benefits of the formal legion organization, so after the legion certificates are collected, he has to get a formal legion organization for the dragon subordinates.

In the future, you can also consider giving the Starfire Adventure Group a formal legion organization.

Final words.

The lords of the Star Alliance now have more and more troops.

So in the future, members of the alliance will definitely need something like "Certificate of the Legion" in order to facilitate the management of the legion under their command and improve the combat effectiveness of the legion.

"This "Certificate of the Legion" is also a very important resource."

Zhou Zhou sighed with emotion.

If so.

Does he need more than ten or eight "Certificates of the Legion"?

It seems that the storm monsters who produced "Certificate of Legion", "Recruitment Book of Storm Spirit", "Proof of Job Transfer of Storm Spirit" and "Thunder Elemental Gem" will be a fixed choice for Monster Ranch.

At least for a long time in the future, it is absolutely impossible for the Storm Demon to be deleted from the monster ranch.

After that, he stopped thinking about other things, took out the Greedy Wolf Totem and began to study it.

at the same time.

Lu Caier is in the wounded barracks, treating the wounded with a group of doctors and priests.

After being busy until late at night, Lu Caier walked out of the wounded barracks.

Seeing the cries of pain gradually subsiding in the wounded barracks, a smile appeared on her face.

She was really happy to see the soldiers recover under her medical skills.

"Although I haven't treated diseases and saved lives for many years."

"But my craftsmanship is still not behind."

Lu Caier is very satisfied with her performance today.

Then she stretched and was about to go back to her residence to rest.

at this time.

She froze suddenly.

Because she suddenly noticed that the level of her Immortal Medicine Doctor Immortal had been raised from a diamond lower level to a diamond intermediate level without her knowing it.

She couldn't help opening her mouth wide, feeling a little unbelievable.

how come?

Although I have been in a deep sleep for a long time, before I came today, I still felt that I was still a long way from the diamond intermediate level.


It should take another half a year or a year before I can be promoted to the diamond intermediate level.

Why did you break through now?

She was very puzzled.

Then she walked to her residence again and again, and began to think again and again, what did she do today that made herself get such a rapid improvement and saved herself so much time.

But she walked all the way home, never thinking that she had done anything special.

In addition to teaching the doctors in the territory today, more advanced doctors pass on knowledge.

After the lord came back with the wounded soldiers, he went directly into the wounded soldiers camp and began to treat the wounded soldiers for their injuries.

Didn't do anything special...

Um? !

I am puzzled.

A flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in her mind.


There is a special place!

Lu Caier remembered.

When she was treating the wounded soldiers today, for some reason, she had a very clear mind and a particularly sensitive response. When she used the medical knowledge she had mastered, she could always draw inferences from one instance and appear more medical theories in her mind.

There are only two ways for doctors to improve their doctor level.

The first one is to improve the doctor's level by effectively treating a large number of patients, accumulating treatment experience, and obtaining promotion energy.

The second is to master more theoretical knowledge of medical ethics by studying medical classics.

As long as one masters enough theoretical knowledge of medicine, and then applies it to a proficient level, the promotion energy required for a doctor to advance will naturally continue to rise, thereby completing the breakthrough of the doctor level.

And Lu Caier's behavior during the day today unintentionally fits the doctor's promotion method!

At that time, she didn't pay much attention to this weird state, she only thought that she was very talented in the medical path.

Now she felt something was wrong.

(end of this chapter)