Lord Of The People: My Explosion Rate Is 100% - Chapter 137

Chapter 137

Chapter 137 Natural disaster restricted area! Organize the harvest! (seeking subscription)

Lord's mansion.

In the study.

Zhou Zhou looked at the map of the thorny dunes in front of him.

[Area map name: Bramble Dune map (current exploration degree: 3%)]

[Map Quality: Black Iron Level]

[Total area: 315 square kilometers]

[Introduction to the map: This map draws the general landform of the Thorny Sand Dunes and related map information! Specifically including... the range of scattered monsters, the range and location of the scarlet lord's territory. ]

"The area of this black iron-level territory is smaller than that of the Scorching Sun Desert and the Land of Sand and Gold."

"However, there are so many power distribution in such a small place."

Zhou Zhou looked at the many red dots on the map of Thorn Sand Dunes with a bit of tongue-twisting.

Among them, the regional scarlet lord-the sand corpse lord is the largest scarlet lord force!

Below it, there are five ordinary scarlet lord forces with black iron-level territories!


There is also an alien lord force here.

and a blue star human race lord force.

"Finally met the second blue star human lord force."

Zhou Zhou's eyes fell on the red dot of the Blue Star Human Race lord's power.

This human lord force is called Thorn City.

The territory level is Black Iron Superior.

He has about 200 arms professionals.

According to Wu Tu's special annotation description above:

Most of his more than 200 arms professionals were obtained by purchasing slaves of arms professionals in Yuquan Town.

I don't know where the other party got so many hearts of fog and was able to buy so many professional slaves.

Look away.

Zhou Zhou looked at the 8 lord forces on the map, and thought of a sentence inexplicably in his mind.

Chi Xiaowang has more than eight!

"No matter how many **** there are."

"Also a fisherman's game."

"Tomorrow, I will go to this thorny sand dune and catch the **** in it."

Zhou Zhou made a decision in his heart.

The day after tomorrow is the day when the Lords of Ten Thousand Races battlefield event will start.

He must find a way to improve his strength and influence before the day after tomorrow.

And with his current power.

These eight lord forces may not be enough for him to fight together.

If God can't take it, you will be blamed instead!

Naturally, he would not give up the opportunity to swallow the fat in front of him.

"Tell me about the surrounding unowned areas."

After Zhou Zhou learned about the situation of Thorn Sand Dunes, he looked up at Wu Tu and said.


"My lord!"

Wu Tu said respectfully, and then took out the second map from his pocket.

This map is not a map of a specific region or territory, but a rough regional map.

It roughly draws the area within a radius of nearly 10,000 square kilometers of Scorching Sun City.

Zhou Zhou looked at the map.

It has a total of six areas drawn on it.

The most central part of it is the territory of Scorching Sun City that already includes the Scorching Sun Desert and the Land of Sand and Gold!

Its right area is the thorn dunes.

The area on the left is Yuquan Town.

Immediately below is a bronze-level natural disaster restricted aresand blast restricted area!

And under the sandstorm forbidden area is a silver-level area, the Green Field.

As for the area directly above, it has not been explored yet, so it is an unknown area for the time being.

Zhou Zhou frowned slightly.

Fish Spring Town is a town under the Aurora Kingdom.

He is getting along fairly well with Aurora Kingdom now.

Besides, he didn't have the power to provoke the Aurora Kingdom, so after solving the Thorny Sand Dunes, he naturally couldn't attack Yuquan Town.

Right above Scorching Sun City is an unknown area, so I won't mention it for now.

And directly below it is actually a Bronze-level natural disaster restricted area that has never been heard of - sandstorm forbidden area!

"What's going on in this natural disaster restricted zone?"

Zhou Zhou asked Wu Tu directly.

"Report to the lord."

"The so-called restricted area for natural disasters."

"Refers to a certain regional territory or multiple regional territories, there are extraordinary natural disasters that are difficult for living beings to interfere, change and recover!"

Such extraordinary natural disasters are different from ordinary natural disasters.

"Once certain regional territories are confirmed as natural disaster restricted areas."

"It often represents the intervention of extraordinary factors in the natural disasters in these areas!"

"For example, this Bronze-level natural disaster restricted aresandstorm restricted area!"

"If it is replaced by an ordinary natural disaster, it will appear as a short-term sandstorm disaster phenomenon at most."

"But the natural disasters here, in addition to normal sandstorms, there are elemental riots of wind element and earth element!"

"Even if a bronze-level professional is involved in the sandstorm here, I'm afraid they won't last for a quarter of an hour, and they will be torn apart by the rioting wind element energy and earth element energy inside."

"If a black iron-level professional enters it, he will die instantly!"

"Only silver-level and above silver-level existence."

"It is possible to pass here safely."

"But you can't stay for a long time, otherwise accidents are easy to happen."

"in history."

"There was once a platinum-level adventurer who stayed here for a day and a night, and then never came back."

"Because it is extremely dangerous for living beings, and there is not much value in occupying it."

"Even very powerful countries have no interest in occupying such areas, and don't even want to give them away for nothing."

"That's why the countries on the Supreme Continent call this kind of area a natural disaster forbidden area!"

Wu Tu said.

Zhou Zhou frowned upon hearing this.

Most of his soldiers are of black iron bronze level strength.

If it is true what Wu Tu said.

Then wouldn't he have nothing to do with this area?

"Then how did you cross this area and know that there is another area behind it?"

Zhou Zhou suddenly thought of it and asked Wu Tu.

"This sandstorm forbidden area has existed for decades."

"Professionals have already explored a sandstorm plank road that can only be used by one person."

"One of the subordinates passed this plank road, and then knew that there is a silver-level area behind it, the Green Field."

Wu Tudao.

"Are you alone? Bold enough."

Zhou Zhou looked at him in surprise.

"Report to the lord."

"This sandstorm plank road has been tried by many people. Although there are some failed examples, most creatures have successfully passed the sandstorm forbidden area through it."

"The subordinates checked the past information of these passers and summarized their passing experience."

"Then I dare to try."

Wu Tu said quietly.

Zhou Zhou looked at him.

Discovered in just a few days.

In the eyes and behavior of this young man, there is already a bit of the calm and composed temperament of an adult unconsciously.


Zhou Zhou sighed with emotion.

At the same time, I also appreciate it more in my heart.

The boy in front of him.

In many ways, he has surpassed most adults.

"well done."

Zhou Zhou praised.

Then he took out a bottle of extraordinary potential promotion potion from the space ring and handed it to him.

"This is for you."

"Do things well in the future."

"The lord will not treat you badly."

Zhou Zhoudao.

Wu Tu has long been loyal to him.

In addition, I have done such an excellent job.

He is naturally willing to spend a lot of money to train him.

Wu Tu was taken aback.

When he saw the medicine in his hand, his eyes immediately became unbelievable.

"Thank you Lord Lord for the reward!"

Wu Tu immediately knelt down and said excitedly.

At this time, his face was flushed, showing a bit of a youthful heart.

Zhou Zhou stepped forward to help him up.

"In the future, you will continue to explore all the unknown territories around Sun City!"

"It would be best if they could map all their regions."

"In addition, if there are new developments in the future."

"You can report to me anytime!"

"The task of lighting up the maps around the territory is entirely up to you."

Zhou Zhou patted him on the shoulder, as if entrusting him with a big responsibility.

Although Wu Tu doesn't understand the stalk of lighting up the map.

But he can understand the general meaning of this sentence.

So he agreed without hesitation.

Zhou Zhou nodded.

After a while.

Wu Tu left.

Zhou Zhou looked at the map for a while, and then walked out of the lord's mansion.

He first came to Monster Ranch and found Maki.

Just as he thought.

When Mu Gu was upgrading his territory, he himself was promoted from a bronze upper-level monster rancher and bronze upper-level monster priest to a silver lower-level monster rancher and silver lower-level monster priest.

All the skills in a suit have been advanced from the bronze upper level to the silver lower level!

He is now able to manage seven monster ranches at the same time!

The upper limit of the number of monsters that can be bred in each silver lower-level monster ranch has also been increased from 1250 to 1500!

And the upper limit of the strength of the monsters cultivated has also been raised from the bronze upper level to the silver lower level!

Zhou Zhou heard the words.

Let him take a group of soldiers and architects to upgrade the existing four bronze upper-level monster ranches to silver lower-level before tomorrow morning.

In addition, three new monster ranches will be built for backup!


From now on, Mu Gu can breed 6,000 fog monsters every day!

His daily fixed income has been greatly increased!

After arranging things on Makiya's side.

Zhou Zhou came back directly.

He didn't return to the lord's mansion, but came to Ashburn, showed him the gold senior mist energy ** paper, and asked him if he could learn.

Although Ashburn was shocked that Zhou Zhou was able to find the blueprint of the alchemy technology product of the fog energy cannon.

But hearing the words, he still shook his head.

"Sorry, Lord Lord."

"This subordinate is currently a bronze high-level alchemist."

"Not even a silver-level alchemist."

"So I can't learn this blueprint for the time being."

He said with some regret and shame.

if it is possible.

He also didn't want to disappoint the lord, and also wanted to learn how to make this rare fog cannon technological product.

But he really can't learn.

Zhou Zhou was a little disappointed when he heard the words.

But not too disappointed.

Ashborn was able to quickly break through to a bronze high-level alchemist in such a short period of time.

This was beyond his expectation.

Can't ask for too much.

"It's a pity for the blueprint of the golden advanced fog cannon."

"I can only use it later when I find a chance."

Zhou Zhou thought.

Then he returned to the lord's mansion and sorted out all the gains from the novice lord's test.

Because it was at noon today.

The more than 70,000 flame demon corpses finally finished extracting all the spoils.

Throw away previously calculated loot:

The remaining loot, under the influence of the perfect loot, has a total of:

66897 bronze fog hearts! 3376 silver-level fog hearts! 514 gold-level fog hearts! 52 Platinum Fog Hearts!

59094 bronze-level abyss crystals! 1876 silver level abyss crystals! 114 gold level abyss crystals! 52 platinum level abyss crystals!

39284 bronze-level abyss contract books! 21082 silver-level abyss contract books! 12,151 gold-level abyss contract books! 14 platinum-level abyss contract books!

3798 bottles of Bronze Level Potential Promotion Potion! 374 bottles of silver-level potential promotion potions! 12 bottles of Gold Potential Promotion Potion! 10 bottles of Platinum Potential Promotion Potion!


The novice lord test also brought 438 black iron senior life professional talents to his territory! 30 Bronze Advanced Life Career Talents! 18 silver senior life professional talents! 18 golden senior life professional talents!

As for the unused supreme challenge exemption card, after the supreme challenge, it became a useless souvenir.


There are also a large number of basic resources and some advanced resources opened in the resource pack.

After Zhou Zhou counted the gains, he stopped staying up all night and went back to the bedroom to rest.

Keke, only updated more than 8,000 words, and the update of 4000 words failed. . .

The little author will continue to work hard next time, everyone will be a little author and owe a chapter.

(end of this chapter)