Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability - Chapter 823 Advice

Chapter 823 Advice

823 Advice

823 Advice

If the Mirror People have infiltrated Morora, what would they do? Lumian pondered for a while, placed the book back in the Travelers Bag, and stepped down the stairs to the hall.

It was dinner time, and the bar was bustling. Julie flitted between tables like a b.u.t.terfly, serving drinks and meals to the customers.

The patrons were well-behaved; no one tried to act inappropriately by grabbing Julies a.s.s or touching her chest.

They werent being moral or civilized. None of them had clean hands; those who entered Morora were all hardened criminals. Their compliance was because someone had made a fatal mistake not long ago: Julie had been unstable lately, often in a daze. Unlike her usual self, she couldnt always gracefully avoid wandering hands and arms amidst the laughter and noise. One evening, someone found an opportunity to give her a hard pinch in the a.s.s.

Julies suppressed fury and rage exploded instantly.

If Lumian hadnt intervened in time, reminding her it wasnt a legal duel, that drunkard would have ended up in the kitchen missing a vital part of his anatomy.

In the end, since the drunkard refused Julies duel challenge, after much negotiation, he voluntarily chopped off his hand as an apology.

Otherwise, he might have lost control and attacked the repugnant bar owner, forcing him into self-defense.

Lumian glanced at Julie, whose face was devoid of smiles, and walked into the kitchen, where Lez was finally taking a break, enjoying his dinner.

He picked up a caramelized finger, put it in his mouth, and chewed noisily.

Lumian sighed quietly and said, I need to step out for a bit. Keep an eye on Julie.

No problem, Lez replied, pointing to the plate of now-missing fingers.

Boss, want some? Ive found a new cooking method-first deep-fry, then steam in a seasoned broth for twenty minutes.

No, thanks. Lumian turned and left the Carnivore bar, walking through the dark, unlit streets to the Knowledge Cathedral.

He found a corner where he could see the graveyard and the entrance to the underground mausoleum through a window. Pulling over a wooden chair, he sighed and patted the backrest.

The Church of Knowledge is getting more considerate

There hadnt been chairs by the bra.s.s bookshelves before.

Too bad theres nowhere to rest my feet. Lumian sat down, gazing at the graveyard through the stained gla.s.s, using the crimson moonlight to observe the entrance to the underground mausoleum.

According to his information, Celeste, who had been on duty in the underground mausoleum for two days, would return to the surface at nine tonight.

Lumians goal was to make others believe he was at the Knowledge Cathedral to study while actually observing the mausoleums entrance and the experimental subjects activities.

His true purpose was simple: to mask his love of studying with the guise of observing the mausoleum and experimental subjects.

With this excuse, he wouldnt have to waste time idling around the bar, drinking and boasting. He could finish the remaining books sooner.

By the cathedrals bright candlelight, Lumian read for a while, then forced himself to lift his head and observe the mausoleums entrance for a couple of minutes.

After repeating this several times, he suddenly thought of his sister.

Back then, Aurore always urged him to study but would occasionally drag him from his desk, forcing him to look at the trees outside the window and the distant mountain pastures.

Now, he had to rely on himself.

Time pa.s.sed, and the cathedrals clock chimed loudly.

A group of black-robed enforcers left the Knowledge Cathedral, crossed the graveyard, and reached the mausoleums entrance.

Soon, the previous group of enforcers emerged from the gray-white stone steps leading to the mausoleum, moving in an orderly fas.h.i.+on.

With his Hunters vision and the crimson moonlight, Lumian saw that the leader was Celeste, wearing a black robe and a blindfold.

The Demoness emerged from the entrance area slowly and expressionlessly, removing her blindfold.

The line behind her was long, each person carrying a lantern.

At that moment, Lumian felt a sudden, eerie sensation as if the deep darkness at the mausoleums entrance had come to life.

The darkness instantly swallowed the last experimental subject in line.

Lumian blinked, seeing no movement in the darkness. The anomaly seemed like an illusion.

Frowning slightly, he counted Celestes team members again.

Quickly, he concluded, One person is missing and one lantern

Lumian watched Celestes team until they returned to the Knowledge Cathedral.

Near the stairs, Celeste turned her head slightly, glancing in Lumians direction.

Lumian crossed his right leg over his left knee, leaning back in the chair, calmly meeting her gaze.

He felt Celeste had likely noticed his observation.

This meant she probably still retained some self-awareness.

Phew, no need to worry about Julie losing control for now Lumian sighed quietly, watching Celeste and the enforcers disappear at the stairwell.

He had been worried that Celestes issues might trigger Julie to lose control before they were fully prepared.

That would interfere with his studying!

Reading for a while longer, Lumian noticed Mororas Archbishop Heraberg patrolling the bra.s.s bookshelves.

Thinking for a few seconds, he spoke as Heraberg neared, Your Grace, I have a question.

Dressed in a plain white robe with bra.s.s threads, Heraberg smiled kindly.

Ask away.

Holding his book, Lumian sincerely asked, The mausoleums taboos seem to target the living. What if an undead or an immortal creature enters?

Heraberg gave Lumian a deep look and smiled. The dead should remain in eternal slumber. What do you think?

Meaning, an undead would fall into eternal sleep upon entering the mausoleum? As expected, 0-01 has death and darkness characteristics

So, I cant exploit any loophole with the Eggers familys golden mask

Lumian sighed regretfully. I think so too.

Heraberg, with his white hair and beard, spoke like a teacher. While studying, remember to take care of your health and stay mentally sharp. Dont stay up late reading. Maintain your usual pace.

Wh- Is he worried Ill degrade and succ.u.mb to the books inherent corruption? Need to control the corruption rate? Lumian pondered, then stood up and responded, Yes, Your Grace.

He immediately tucked the book into his Travelers Bag and left the cathedral under Herabergs approving gaze.

Crossing the square outside, Lumian saw Julie stepping lightly out the cathedrals side door, looking relaxed.

Here to check the situation first, huh Lumian watched her disappear into another alley, heading back to the Carnivore bar.

Approaching the bar, he heard a pained, agonized scream not far away.

Julies doing? Lumian chuckled to himself. Feeling bad, cut a finger.

Feeling good, cut another. Cant she find another hobby?

Luckily, there were enough exiles in Morora.

Still, Lumian knew their presence had tripled the daily death toll since they arrived.

They couldnt stay long, or the exiles replenishment wouldnt keep up, and Morora would face a shortage crisis.

The bar was closed. Lumian went behind the counter, poured himself a gla.s.s of liquor, and sipped it slowly, as if waiting for something.

After a while, Julie appeared at the door in a s.h.i.+rt and skirt, her cheeks still flushed. She glanced at Lumian and smiled. Boss, were you waiting for me?

She played with a frosty, b.l.o.o.d.y object in her hand.

Lumian took a sip of Lanti Proof and asked, Do you know my name?

Julie approached the counter, shook her head, and smiled. I only know youre my boss.

Celeste, as an enforcer, should know the names of every Morora resident, Lumian said directly.

Julies expression changed slightly, then she sighed and smiled. But she said Louis must be a fake name.

I dont believe you didnt ask someone on the outside to investigate my real ident.i.ty, Lumian said, leaning on the counter and sipping his drink.

Julie pouted, not answering directly, only saying, It doesnt matter.

True. Lumian nodded with a smile. I caught a Mirror Person from Underground Trier who told me his companions went to Lenburg to find Morora. Now, new intel suggests they might be here.

Julies smile faded, replaced by a serious look.

Lumian finished his Lanti Proof, set the gla.s.s down, and headed upstairs.

Julie sat in silence for a while, then left the Carnivore bar.

In an empty house in Morora.

The Demoness put on a gold ring set with blue gems and sat before a half-length mirror.

The reflection wavered slightly, showing some changes.