Lone_Wolf - 36 Rodes

36 Rodes

The man is wearing a brown long coat with a fedora hat and a black mask covering the lower half of his face when Jason was taking a stroll he got lucky enough to see this man and recognized who it is, it is the same man from the underworld.

So he followed him to this coffee shop.

'Who would have thought I would see Mr. Mask today, what a coincidence'


An hour ago

Jason was taking a stroll in Nalan district as e didn't know much about this district, he was looking around when he saw this man walked towards a certain woman who is wearing a black office outfit, she had blond hair and wearing clear gla.s.ses, she appears to be in her thirties and it looked like she is holding a suitcase.

When she saw the man walked towards her she started to walk as well, the man followed her and Jason went behind him and saw him and the blond woman walk into a motel.

'Wait is he going to f.u.c.k her now?'

Jason thought this must be some type of secret meeting but why would they enter a motel if not for doing stuff.

'But I don't want to miss this opportunity, I have to go and check it out'

Jason soon followed behind and entered the Motel, he took a key from the receptionist by using his manipulation powers.

"Which room did that blond woman and the man wearing fedora go into?"

"2nd-floor room 303"

"Give me a key to the rooms next to it"

The receptionist gave one key to him and Jason walked towards the elevator and went to the second floor, as he walked out of the elevator he saw the fedora man walk into the room 303, Jason followed behind and entered the room 304 and sat down on the bed and concentrated his hearing.


"So did you bring it?"

The woman asked with a cold tone.

"Of course, It was hard but I did get my hands on it?"

The man said.

"Good, give it to me"

The woman asked.

"Not so fast, what about mine"

The man asked.

"I have it here"

The woman opened her suitcase and showed the man the thing inside the suitcase.

"Haha, with this I will be able to take down anyone, hahaha, here take it, it is yours"

The man tossed a tube filled with blood towards her, she caught it and placed it in between her breast, then she gave the suitcase to the man.

"Great doing business with you Jenny, tell your boss I will visit him once everything is done"

"You too Mr. Rodes, and don't overuse it, you aren't still compatible to it properly"

"Hahaha don't worry"


"So his name is Rodes huh? and who could that woman be? Jenny is her name and Rodes mentioned about her boss, what did they exchange?"

Jason had many questions but he decided to hold on until he gets his hands on something good.

He heard the door unlocking and he also walked out, when he came out of his room he saw the Blond woman Jenny, he walked behind her and entered the elevator together.

Jason looked at her figure from behind and was impressed by it, even in her thirties she had a great figure that would put most women younger than her to shame.

'Miss Jenny, what could be your secret and how are you related to Mr. Rodes I am so tempted to break you and get all the information but where is the fun in that?'

Jenny could feel Jason's stare but she didn't react, she would always get stared by men everywhere she went but this stare gave her chills, but she ignored this feeling.

The elevator door opened and Jenny walked out followed by Jason, she then went away but Jason decided to stay,

Jason didn't want to follow her because he had Mr. Rodes in his list, he walked away from the entrance of the motel and waited for Rodes to come out, after a few minutes he saw Rodes walking out with a suitcase in his hand which belonged to Jenny.

He then started to walk towards the other direction Jenny went and Jason followed him


This is how Jason ended up here in this coffee shop as he looks at Mr. Mask aka Rodes and it looks like he is waiting for someone.

'Who could it be Mr. Rodes that you are waiting for?'

Jason ordered another cup of coffee, finally, his and Rodes wait is over as he saw two people entering the coffee shop.

Jason was surprised seeing one of them, it is none other than Ana, his spy/slave from the hunter organization, there is a middle-aged man with her, he is wearing a black suit and pants, he looked like a typical hit man.

'What is she doing here?'

Ana noticed her master Jason but she didn't react as she is now with her superior.

Ana sat down with her superior next to Rodes.


The man in the suit said.

"William, long time no see"

"I prefer not to see you, you betrayed the hunter organization and joined the underworld, what is your explanation?"

"Well, I don't have any specific reason, I can just say that the hunter organization is a leech"


"Now, Now, let's not talk about that, we are here for the day after tomorrows event, you know that a big fight will break after the auction"

"Hmph, I know that is why the hunter organization is teaming up with your underworld"

"Hahaha, its good that we come to an agreement, but who will take the Blue Silver will be discussed after we get it"

"But first we have to deal with the supernatural beings, many of them are coming and especially those annoying vampires, they will be here and the worst part is the auction is at night"

William said with an annoyed face.

"Haha, William you are still as thick-headed as ever, you don't understand that the real mastermind is the one who is auctioning the Blue Silver, I still don't know the purpose of him doing this, that is why he is the most dangerous person tomorrow and what's worst is that we have no clue of who and what he is"

Jason was impressed by Rodes intelligence.

'Well mister Rodes you may be very useful for me in the future'

Jason is now already planning how to use Rodes to cause more chaos.