Lone_Wolf - 201 Celicy's Killers

201 Celicy's Killers

"So where are you going exactly?"

Jason asked.

"Just a day trip and we will be there, there is only one-way road so no need to worry when it arrives I will tell you"

Celicy said and smiled.

Since she couldn't seduce Jason she decided to be thick-headed and shameless and latch herself to him.

Jason just smirked and didn't say anything, he went and checked out of the hotel and got back into his car, Celicy followed behind Jason and got into the car as well, Jason didn't bother talking to her and started the car and drove off.

Celicy is a little skeptical about Jason because no one would let a stranger stay with them without any benefit, Celicy thought of using her body to tie herself to Jason but he is not taking it, so he has no reason to keep her with him but he still does so, she didn't understand why Jason is doing this.

But at the end of the day she doesn't care, her mindset has always been that Jason is lucky enough for her to even offer her body to him and it's his loss that he didn't take it, she is a princess of the Snow Wolf clan and Jason is just a human, due to his being special in her eyes she agreed to give her body to him.

But that will also lead to her downfall, she has just seen Jason as someone who she can control and kill if things go south, not the other way around, she is confident in her powers to take on a puny human.


Its been a few hours since Jason has been riding when he noticed something strange, some vehicles are following them, at first when they were in the city he thought they were just along the lane but now they are outside of the city and in an empty highway these cars are still following them.

He looked at these cars carefully and noticed that the drivers and the people sitting inside were all wearing white suits.

It looked like a gang to him.

"Are they your guest?"

Jason asked as he looked at Celicy.

Celicy snapped out of her mindset and looked at Jason, even she had noticed these people following her and she is aware to they are, she couldn't believe that they are following her.

She thought that using a decoy and sending it the other way while she sticks with a commoner would help her escape from her a.s.sa.s.sins but she is wrong.

They were still able to find her.

'Who could have betrayed me, only my bodyguards knew about my departure with Jason, no wait one of them must have told them about me, that b.a.s.t.a.r.d'

Celicy gritted her teeth in anger and frustration if she gets caught she will get killed and these men that are following her are from her own clan, there clan's next leader is Celicy and many don't want a woman to rule over them but at the end of the day she has the most potential among the members in her generation and her father is the clan head so its a lot easier for her to take over.

But her death will result in other things and many would want her to be dead especially her cousins who are hungry for the position as well.

"Drive fast or both of us will die"

Celicy shouted at Jason

"Oh, looks like we really are in trouble, I guess I should have left you back at the airport itself"

Jason said but his voice was still calm, there was no hint of fear but it carried a tone of ridiculousness which Celicy failed to notice because she is currently concerned about her life.

"Stop talking nonsense and drive, what done is already done, no need to cry about it and you are going to die anyway so at least be grateful that this princess was willing to hang out with you"

Celicy broke her character as she thought it was no use of hiding it right now.

"Princess, what princess?"

Jason asked.

"Stop talking and drive fast or I will kill you"

Celicy shouted and suddenly turned her hand into a large white furry hand with sharp blue claws at the end of each finger and touched the tip of it on Jason's neck.

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"Ahhh, what are you"

Jason shouted and suddenly turned the steering wheel to the side very quickly and ducking his head, the car went to the side and crashed down flipping over twice.

Celicy regretted her decision, she did that without thinking much about it and now she has to face the consequence, the car stopped flipping and several gla.s.s shards dug into her skin and she hit her head as well.

The car is flipped upside down and smoking, the cars that were behind them soon surrounded the flipped car, the men walked out of the cars and rushed towards the flipped car and ripped the door open, they then pulled out both Jason and Celicy out of the car.

Celicy is still cautious and tried to struggle free from their grip while Jason just pretends to be knocked out.

As Celicy got back to her feet she suddenly elbowed the man who is holding her and clawed his neck out, both her hands changed along with her face, long sharp fangs came out of her mouth, her eyes started to glow blue as she took a defensive stance against her a.s.sa.s.sins, her injuries started to heal itself, she growled at the men in white as they transformed as well.

"Cousin, you don't have to be so defensive, aren't we the best friends?"

Suddenly she heard a male voice coming from behind, she turned around and saw a young man with silver hair and blue eyes walking towards her.