Lone_Wolf - 129 The Meeting Of Monsters

129 The Meeting Of Monsters

Outside this house, in front of its gate stood a man with Capricorn like horns, he is the same man that was seen with the woman who hunted down that weird fusion between an Alligator and snake.

He is her follower, Charles.

It seems he is waiting for someone as he just stands there motionless.

Soon the s.p.a.ce in front of him seems to tear apart and an old man comes out and stands in front of him, this man is tall and has a robust body, he is wearing very old fas.h.i.+on coat that royal families use to were thousand of years ago, he has blue eyes and white hair along with white beard, he is wearing a red ring which is shaped like a crescent moon.

"I am here to represent the Hunter Organization"

He said.

"Welcome Lord Bloodmoon, my lady is waiting for you inside"

Charles said and bowed his head in greeting.

This Lord Bloodmoon nodded and walked into the small house. this man is one of the ruling leaders of the twelve royal hunter family and the strongest of them all.

Soon a huge black portal opened up and an old bald man walked out of it, he is wearing a black robe and a black haze is surrounding him, his skin is very pale and s.h.a.ggy and he has a hunch back, he is holding a staff which has a skull on one end and a sharp razor blade at the other end, the inside of this skull seems to be glowing purple and it also seems to have black eyes with yellow cat-like pupils.

"I am here to represent the Magician Court"

He said.

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"Welcome, Warlock Diovan. you may enter, my lady has been waiting for you"

This Warlock Diovan nodded and walked past him and enter the small house, Warlock t.i.tle is only given to the strongest mages in history and he is one of them.

Soon after a mirror frame seem to appear out of nowhere and it started to glow a red, it seemed like it is real blood.

Soon a very beautiful woman came out of this mirror, her beauty transcends mortals, if she goes out and lives with humans they will think she is a fairy who works under the G.o.d, her very pale skin, dark red hair, slender body with big aspects, sharp long nails, red plum lips, and eyes very dark red, she emits blood l.u.s.t like no other, she is wearing a long white dress which seems very royal, her expressions are normal but just from looking at her a man would fall in love with her instantly and a word from her would make him even kill himself for her sake.

"I am here to represent the Vampire Emperor"

Her words are clear, she has no interest in joining this conversation but her emperor ordered her to do.

"Welcome Grand d.u.c.h.ess Bloodstine, my lady is waiting for you"

This time the Charles said with more respect as she is the strongest being who came today and his lady had told them to always be very careful with Vampires as they are still a mystery.

She ignored him and walked past him and entered the small room, she is one of the members who works directly under the Vampire Emperor, the Emperor's word is the law to all Vampires even if they are Grand Duke and d.u.c.h.ess, and now that the Emperor has grown more powerful n.o.body dares to defy him.

Then a loud roar was heard and suddenly a humongous beast came tearing through s.p.a.ce and landed in front of the Capricorn man.

This humongous beast is a Jaguar, suddenly this beast started to shrink down and turned into a very beautiful woman with black skin, she has huge breast, thick thighs and hips, and a very slender abdomen as her abs could clearly be seen, her muscles are very well defined, she is wearing very little clothes which is only covering her breast and v.a.g.i.n.a, the rest is all exposed, even her bottom.

"I am here to represent the Beast Emperor"

Her words were also the same as the Vampire d.u.c.h.ess, she is also a very powerful being and she only follows her king's order.

"Welcome Beast Queen Elena, you may enter my lady is waiting for you inside"

She nodded and walked into the small house.

Charles turned around and also walked in and closed the gate and also walked into the small house.

He followed the Beast Queen Elena as he took a look at her bare a.s.s and closed his eyes, soon they entered a long corridor, the house from the outside seemed very small but inside is a whole new story, after a long walk, they soon arrive at the end of the corridor and were greeted by a grand welcome, a long line of maids and butlers stood there as they bowed.

As these two walks past these maids and butlers, Beast Queen Elena and Charles soon arrive in front of a huge dining table and they saw four people already sitting on it.

In the center of this table sat a very beautiful woman who is equally as beautiful as the Vampire d.u.c.h.ess and Beast Queen Elena.

"Welcome Beast Queen Elena, please have a seat"

She said and gestured her to sit

"Thank you, Princess Anuka"

She said and bowed her head, Charles pulled up a chair for her and she sat down.

This Princess Anuka is none other that Charles Lady and she is also the strongest being in this room.

The room is tense as Anuka's four guests are few of the most powerful beings in this world, Anuka could read the atmosphere as every one of them is too arrogant to start talking.

Anuka smiled seeing this.