Live Dungeon! - Chapter 197: Cat Habits Die Hard

Chapter 197: Cat Habits Die Hard

Garms brief slip in performance was quickly rectified, in turn making the teams performance against the Winter General exceptionally stable. With Tsutomu supporting Garm, who had put himself back into the zone of his physical limits, they could now confidently handle the boss monster.

Im right behind you! Xeno said as he stood within the perimeter of <<Area Heal>>, sounding quite lively despite being covered in blood. Ready to switch in whenever you need!

I switched you OUT because you were about to die, you know, Tsutomu said coldly as he cast some support and healing spells for Garm

[I mean, I did NOT expect him to last as long as he did so I guess I can count on him a fair bit.]

Tsutomu had always considered Xeno to be the type that could draw out more power in a real fight than in practice, but if he were to be honest, he had not expected to see this much improvement in such a short time. Xeno did take more hits compared to Garm, but Tsutomus healing could easily make up for that.


Furthermore, since the Winter Generals attacks were not so different from what he knew from Live Dungeon, Tsutomu could calculate their approximate damage levels easily. This meant, on top of knowing the Winter Generals attack power levels and his teams status ratings, he could manage the Tanks health and heal them with impeccable timing.

<<Power Arrow>>.

Diniels penetrating arrows hit the Winter Generals legs, breaking parts of its white armor. Amy, aiming at the same spots, executed a series of attacks, steadily whittling away the Winter Generals health.

Even though they had watched Ealdred Crows battle footage beforehand, few could fight this enemy so effectively on their first encounter. Diniel could do this because of years of experience, Garm by a relentless dedication to his Explorer craft, and Amy by natural talent. If not for these factors, they most likely would not have been able to perform this well.

In the beginning, the team seemed to have a hard time, but as the fight went on, their performance began to stabilize. With Xenos hammy shouts and Tsutomus commands echoing around them, Garm managed to hold the Winter Generals attention without dying. Meanwhile, Diniel and Amys attacks started to deal damage.

And now, after being hit with a barrage of fire arrows, the Winter Generals armor started to crack. Amys <<Rock Splitter Blade>> broke off a piece, exposing the monsters pale skin and drew a stream of its blue blood.

<<Combat Cry>>.

With a Blue Potion candy in his mouth, Garm unleashed his blood-red aura. His presence now seemed even more intimidating than that time when he had crawled back to his feet after being crushed by the Fire Dragon.

<<Dual Wave Slash>>!

<<Double Arrow>>.

With the Tank in a stable position, the Attackers could function to their full potential, steadily chipping away at Winter General. Amy had her sights set on destroying the Winter Generals right-handed swords, but her haphazard attacks occasionally came dangerously close to hitting Garms face, prompting him to complain,

Hey, slow down and watch who youre attacking.

Meh! How bout you go chill in the back or something? Dini and me will manage just fine!

Youre in way over your head. Diniel can get away with it because shes strong but not you.

Oh yeah? Lemme at em and see how well I do!

Garm and Amy quickened their movements as if to compete for aggro. Diniel, seeing that Amy was no longer targeting the right-handed swords, shot her a look of disappointment while continuing to attack the Winter General.

Are you sure we shouldnt stop them?

Considering how well theyre doing, I guess its fine. Maybe its better this way, even.

Tsutomu calculated the amount of aggro they were generating and decided to let them be. Xeno, seeing Tsutomus reaction, let out a dry chuckle as he stepped out of the <<Area Heal>>.

This red aura is getting on my nerves!

Stop darting around like that. Youre being a nuisance.

Amys attacks and Garms red aura blasts grew fiercer, unexpectedly syncing well and accelerating their damage output. Amused by their fierce competition for aggro, Xeno directed the God Eye to focus on both of them.

As their unyielding clash showed no signs of stopping, a high-pitched, flute-like scream echoed. For a moment, Tsutomu looked slightly surprised as he glanced in that direction, then he proceeded to give instructions to the three on the front line,

Thats earlier than expected! Guys, were in the second phase! Incoming from the northwest! Retreat!

Tch, I almost got it!

Shut up and get out of here!

Amy pursed her lips in frustration, feeling that she was mere moments away from pulling the Winter Generals aggro away from Garm who, similarly, wore a face that blatantly showed his urge to kick her in the back. Both of them proceeded to regroup with the others. Then, a massive pale blue horse came effortlessly charging through the snow from the northwest.

Garm, you still good to go?


From what I saw on the Pedestals, that horse is incredibly fast, so be careful.

Got it.

Tsutomu handed a Potion candy to Garm as if he were changing a boxers mouthpiece.

This horse big enough to be ridden easily by a three-meter-tall humanoid monster was supposed to make its appearance in the final phase of the Winter General boss battle. Tsutomu was taken aback by its early arrival since his damage calculations had indicated that only about half of its health had been depleted. Still, he maintained a composed demeanor, not revealing the slightest surprise on his face. Tsutomu also addressed Amy and Xeno, who were noticeably excited,

Amy, help out Diniel and destroy its right-handed swords if you can! Xeno, watch the Winter Generals movements and try to adapt to the situation.


Very well!

For the benefit of the team, Tsutomu wanted to disable the right-handed swords due to the fact that they generated blizzard attacks. In response to Tsutomus instructions, Amy and Xeno replied with cheerful voices that seemed to dispel the cold.

Diniel, attack the horses legs. Itll be tough for the Tanks if it can move freely.

Gimme a new warmer.

Here. Im counting on you.


Diniel, after being handed an extra warmer packet, placed it in her clothes and then nodded to Tsutomu.

While Tsutomu was giving instructions to the other party members, the Winter General jumped on its heavily breathing, armor-clad horse. The monster shook the horses reins fiercely, prompting the pale blue steed to dash toward Garm at a tremendous speed.

The snow beneath the horses hooves exploded as if it were gunpowder as the creature rushed forward. Garm, reflexively dodged the swing of the boss monsters left-handed sword from horseback, but he could not evade it completely, ending up with a trickle of blood flowing from his neck.

<<High Heal>>.

Tsutomus healing magic brought Garms health back up while maintaining it in the range where he was still in the zone. It was done so quickly that the others who observed it happen, Xeno and Amy, exchanged glances in disbelief.

<<Power Arrow>>.

Diniel, with her eyes frighteningly wide open, shot an arrow with all her might, but the Winter General skillfully maneuvered its horse out of the way. Diniel continued to shoot in quick succession, but then, when the Winter General generated a blizzard with its right-hand sword, deflecting the arrows.

While Diniel reached into her Magic Bag on her back to get some new arrows, she kept an eye on Amy as the latter discussed with Xeno about the horse. When Amy noticed her gaze, she turned around awkwardly.

W-whats up?

Dont slack off and do something about the swords. Its getting in my way.

Aww, cmon, Dini, you do it! Its so cold just getting close to it!

Ignoring Amys feigned shivering, Diniel turned to Xeno.

Xeno, figure something out.

I think thats a little too much for me!

Xeno maintained a cheerful smile as he watched the Winter Generals movements while Garm continued to face off against it. Tsutomu, after casting <<Protect>> for Garm, chimed in,

Well, maybe we dont HAVE TO destroy it. There might be another way to prevent it from using its right-handed sword.

Any theories?

From what Ive seen, we just need to keep the swords away from the Winter General So, rather than destroying it, knocking it out of its hand or even stealing it might work.

Sounds like its time for Amy to reawaken her cat habits, Diniel said, pointing at the Winter General with her chin. Cmon, go get em.

Whatd you mean, by habits!? Stop it!

Amy, panicking because Tsutomu had also heard that comment, promptly hid her hands.

I mean, Tsutomu just said to

Wha! Okay, okay, not another word! Im going in! Just stop talking!

Amy covered Diniels mouth with her hands, interrupting her. Then, when Amy went away as if she was running from her crimes, Tsutomu started getting suspicious.

Huh? Did Amy steal something from me?

Ill tell you if she fails to do something about the swords.

Uh, I mean, stealing is a crime, right? Maybe we should file a report to the security force?

Dont worry. She mustve already put it back while you werent looking.

I dunno

While engaged in a conversation, Tsutomu still closely observed Garms condition and provided precise support, while Diniel used fire arrows to provide Amy with cover.

Amy now a suspected thief made a beeline toward the Winter General on horseback, fully concentrating on the right-handed sword she intended to snatch. When the horse ran over Garm, its speed reduced slightly, and then


Amy leaped like a cat, passing over the Winter General in an instant, and swiftly grabbed both of the swords on its right side. Tsutomu, not having expected success on the first try, opened his eyes wide.

Gah, its cold!!

However, as it turned out, the swords were freezing to the touch, causing Amy to yelp and reflexively fling them away. Tsutomu, seeing Amy discard the swords almost as soon as she got her hands on them, resisted the urge to facepalm as he cast <<Heal>> for Garm.

<<Stream Arrow>>.

Fortunately, Diniel had prepared for this. Countless fire arrows rained down from above onto the swords in the snow, quickly destroying them.

Xeno, use <<Combat Cry>> and switch with Garm.

Leave it to me! <<Combat Cry>>!!

<<Heal>>. Diniel, back Xeno up. Amy, stand back and observe help out if things look bad!

Due to Garm having a broken arm and severe internal injuries as a result of being run over by the horse, Tsutomu cast <<Protect>> and <<Haste>> on Xeno and had him switch in. While issuing instructions to the others, Tsutomu cast <<Air Blades>> to distract the Winter General. The blades of wind were easily deflected by the monsters remaining swords as if it was swatting away insects.

While Tsutomus attacks would not do much damage to the Winter General regardless of whether or not they hit, they still were effective as a minor distraction, providing some meaning to a Healers attack skills that would have been useless in Live Dungeon. In fact, this extra distraction was one of the reasons why the two Tanks, Garm and Xeno, were able to survive against the Winter General.

And with a silver blast of <<Combat Cry>>, the Winter Generals attention on Garm shifted over to Xeno. The red-eyed horse and the Winter General both directed their murderous intent towards Xeno, almost making him tremble.

HAHAHA! Here I go!!

Could he really handle an opponent who had just severely wounded Garm? What would happen if he were to fall here? Such worries swirled in Xenos mind, but he refused to break down. With a forced smile on his face, Xeno boldly shouted and confronted the monster.

It felt as if its swords were already thrust right in front of him. As the horse carrying the Winter General charged forward, a red arrow flew to Xenos rescue it struck one of the horses front legs, causing it to stumble and stamp its hooves in place.

Now that is what I call reassuring.

Diniel, having shed her usual laid-back demeanor, was providing him with support. Additional encouragement came from Amy, operating the God Eye to show the good parts of the fight. Empowered by all this help, Xeno fearlessly faced the Winter General.
