"I don't mind--a white cottage, but quite a tiny one," he replied.
"Hum!" said Thor, "that's very good-natured, I must say. There'll be no room for visitors, do you hear, Terry?"
"Oh yes; p'raps there will sometimes," said Peggy.
"You'll let your poor old Terry come, won't you, Peg-top?" said Terence, coaxingly.
"Dear Terry," said Peggy.
"Haven't you been very dull all day alone, by the bye?" Terence went on.
"Not very," Peggy replied. "f.a.n.n.y took me a nice walk, and this morning----" But she stopped short before telling more. She was afraid that Thorold would laugh at her if she said how much she liked the children at the back, and then she had another reason. She wanted to "surprise" her brothers with a present of pipes for soap-bubbles, and very likely if she began talking about the back street at all it would make them think of Mrs. Whelan's, and then they might think of the pipes for themselves, which Peggy did not wish at all. She felt quite big and managing since she had paid a visit to the Smileys, and had a plan for going to buy the pipes "all by my own self."
"To-morrow," said Thorold, "there's to be a party at our school. We're all three to go."
Peggy's face fell.
"It's Sat.u.r.day," she said. "I thought you'd have stayed with me."
Terence and Baldwin looked sorry.
"_I'll_ stay at home," said Terry.
"No," said Thor, "I really don't think you can. They're counting on you for some of the games. Peg won't mind much for once, will you? I'm sorry too."
But before Peggy had time to reply, Baldwin broke in.
"I'll stay at home with Peg-top," he said, in his slow, distinct way.
"It won't matter for me not going. I'm one of the little ones."
"And we'll go a nice walk, won't we, Baldwin?" said Peggy, quite happy again. "And I daresay we may have something nice for tea. I'll ask papa," she added to herself. "I'm sure he'll give me some pennies when he hears how good Baldwin is."
Miss Earnshaw came the next morning, and in the interest of being measured for her new spring frock, and watching it being cut out, and considering what she herself could make with the sc.r.a.ps which the young dressmaker gave her, the time pa.s.sed very pleasantly for Peggy.
Miss Earnshaw admired the red shoes very much, and was interested to hear the story of the unknown lady who had given them to Peggy, and told a story of a similar adventure of her own when she was a little girl.
And after dinner she, for f.a.n.n.y was very busy, took Peggy and Baldwin out for a walk, and on their way home they went to the confectioner's and bought six halfpenny buns with the three pennies papa had given Peggy that morning. At least the children thought there were only six, but greatly to their surprise, when they undid the parcel on the nursery table, out rolled seven!
"Oh dear!" said Peggy, "she's gave us one too many. Must we go back to the shop with it, do you think, Miss Earnshaw? It's such a long way."
"I'll go," said Baldwin, beginning to fasten his boots again.
But Miss Earnshaw a.s.sured them it was all right.
"You always get thirteen of any penny buns or cakes for a shilling," she said; "and some shops will give you seven halfpenny ones for threepence.
That's how it is. Did you never hear speak of a baker's dozen?"
Still Peggy did not feel satisfied.
"It isn't comfable," she said, giving herself a little wriggle--a trick of hers when she was put out. "Six would have been much nicer--just two for each," for Miss Earnshaw was to have tea with her and Baldwin.
The young dressmaker smiled.
"You _are_ funny, Miss Peggy," she said. "Well, run off now and get ready for tea. We'll have f.a.n.n.y bringing it up in a minute."
Peggy, the seventh bun still much on her mind, went slowly into the night nursery. Before beginning to take off her hat she strolled to the window and looked out. She had seen none of the children to-day. Now, Brown Smiley was standing just in front of the house, a basket on her arm, staring up and down the street. She had been "of an errant" for Mrs. Whelan, but Mrs. Whelan's door was locked; she was either asleep or counting her money, and the little girl knew that if she went on knocking the old woman would get into a rage, so she was "waitin' a bit." She liked better to do her waiting in the street, for she had been busy indoors all the morning, and it was a change to stand there looking about her.
Peggy gazed at her for a moment or two. Then an idea struck her. She ran back into the nursery and seized a bun--the odd bun.
"They're all mine, you know," she called out to Baldwin; "but we'll have two each still."
Baldwin looked up in surprise. "What are you going to do with it?" he began to say, but Peggy was out of sight.
She was soon downstairs, and easily opened the back door. But the yard door was fastened; she found some difficulty in turning the big key. She managed it at last, however, and saw to her delight that Brown Smiley was still there.
"Brown," began Peggy, but suddenly recollecting that the Smileys had real names, she stopped short, and ran across the street. "I can't 'amember your name," she exclaimed, breathlessly, "but I've brought you this," and she held out the bun.
Brown Smiley's face smiled all over.
"Lor', miss," she exclaimed. "You are kind, to be sure. Mayn't I give it to Lizzie? She's been very bad to-day, and she's eat next to nought.
This 'ere'll be tasty-like."
"Lizzie," repeated Peggy, "which is Lizzie? Oh yes, I know, it's Crippley."
Brown Smiley looked rather hurt.
"It's not her fault, miss," she said. "I'd not like her to hear herself called like that."
Peggy's face showed extreme surprise.
"How do you mean?" she said. "I've made names for you all. I didn't know your real ones."
Brown Smiley looked at her and saw in a moment that there was nothing to be vexed about.
"To be sure, miss. Beg your pardon. Well, she that's lame's Lizzie, and me, I'm Matilda-Jane."
"Oh yes," interrupted Peggy. "Well, you may give her the bun if you like. It's very kind of you, for I meant it for you. I'd like----" she went on, "I'd like to give you more, but you see papa gaved me the pennies for us, and p'raps he'd be vexed."
"To be sure, to be sure, that'd never do," replied Matilda, quickly.
"But oh, miss, we've been asking father about Brackenshire, and the cottages. 'Tis Brackenshire 'ills, sure enough, that's seen from your front."
"I knew that," said Peggy, in a superior way.
But Brown Smiley was too eager to feel herself snubbed.
"And oh, but he says it is bee-yutiful there--over on the 'ills. The air's that fresh, and there's flowers and big-leaved things as they calls ferns and brackens."
"And white cottages?" asked Peggy, anxiously.
"There's cottages--I didn't think for to ask if they was all white. My!