Life Simulation: Add Entries Starting From Health Preservation Skills - Chapter 321

Chapter 321

Chapter 321 Heavenly Dao Merits! Attack the emperor!

After the simulation ended, Caretaker Han looked at the options on the system panel.

As a patient with difficulty in choosing, this kind of choice with a clear purpose is much easier for him.

This time it is to strengthen oneself and weaken the enemy at the same time, the same as when dealing with Emperor Xuanmiao.

Han Zhao focused on Option 4.

Current state, you need to pay 2 low-grade gods (20,000 spirit crystals or sky magic stones) for each refresh.

"Battles are the most suitable way for me to grow up." Han Zhao thought to himself, because the number of simulations decreased, the strength of the enemies he encountered became stronger and stronger, and his Shenyuan was used more and more.

"Option 4, refresh." Han Zhao said silently.

Consume 2 low-grade divine resources.

There was a purple-gold glare on the system panel, and the text on [Option 4] changed accordingly.

4. Fragments of the original law of the world of Jiuyou Tianma's mind (can be refreshed for a fee)


Han Zhao looked at the refreshed options and refreshed again without hesitation.

Consume 2 low-grade divine resources.

Option 4Change again.

4. Fragments of the original law of the world of Xuanyin Tianmo Heart Aspect (can be refreshed for a fee)


Han Zhao recited silently again.

Consume 2 low-grade divine resources.

Fourth, the original power of the Emperor's time law (can be refreshed for a fee)

"That's it!" Han Zhao's eyes lit up, he didn't expect to get what he wanted after only refreshing three times this time.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao immediately made a choice.

"System, I choose one and four!"

Obtain the physique 'Space-Time Dao Body Xiaocheng'

Obtain the 'Emperor's Law of Time Origin Power'

With the end of the choice, Han Zhao's body undergoes tremendous changes, and a powerful force of time and space beyond his imagination descends.


At the same time, the sky above Mingcang Mountain suddenly became dark clouds covering the sun, gold, purple, blue, black, and white, five-colored thunder gathered, and a huge roar resounded through the void.

"What sound?! Such a strong sense of oppression! What happened?!"

"It's Thunder Tribulation!!"

"Five-color thunder! Is it the catastrophe of gods and demons?!"

At this time, the terrifying coercion of heaven and earth descended on Mingcang Mountain, and the disciples who were cultivating in the mountain came out of the room one after another. The scene in front of them made everyone terrified. Under the suppression of the power of heaven and earth, the warriors instantly lost their resistance With the power, they are crushed to the ground like ants, even mid-to-high-level practitioners in the Martial Saint Realm are no exception.

The few Martial Gods in Zhenwuzong who were cultivated by Han Zhao in the past hundred years, although they can still stand in place against the coercion of heaven and earth, their whole body trembles and their legs tremble, as if they are about to kneel down in the next second on the ground.


As the last few Martial Gods of the Divine Ability Realm bowed under the coercion of the power of heaven and earth, all the warriors in Mingcang Mountain were suppressed.

"Could it be that the patriarch is about to cross the catastrophe?!"

"Oh my god! Ming Cangshan's mountain protection formation will definitely not be able to withstand such a powerful catastrophe, it's over!"

The warriors were horrified. They were not worried that the Shijue Patriarch would not be able to survive the catastrophe. What they were worried about was that the mountain gate would not be able to hold it.


A gray-white beam of light flew out from the cave in the central mountain range of Mingcang Mountain, and shot straight into the sky.

"It's the Patriarch!"

"The Patriarch has made a move!"

Everyone raised their heads with difficulty, looked up at the sky, and saw that reassuring figure from the back.

Just when everyone thought that the five-color thunder was about to fall, the figure from behind was just a wave of sleeves.


A calm voice sounded from the bottom of everyone's heart.


All over the sky, the clouds of robbery suddenly dissipated, and the sky cleared up again in an instant, as if everything that happened just now was an illusion, but the trembling feeling in everyone's body and mind could not be deceiving, it was the biological instinct against heavenly robbery of fear.

However, at this moment their patriarch is only one hand scattered thunder!

It turns out that there is nothing terrible about the catastrophe, it's just that they are not strong enough.

"Huh?!" After the thunder calamity dispersed, Han Zhao stood in the void with his hands behind his back.

Just now, at the moment when he obtained the Dao Body of Time and Space, he felt a strong will, and his body seemed to be integrated with the Dao of Heaven. It was a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

It's just that this feeling didn't last long, and was interrupted by the sudden arrival of Lei Jie.

It seems that the sky and the earth are not compatible at this time, so the thunder disaster will be sent down.

Han Zhao felt a little dissatisfied, so he shot Lei Jie away.

However, after the thunder calamity was dispelled, he found that the connection with the heaven was a little closer, and the thunder calamity seemed to contain the power of the law of time and the law of space. As the thunder calamity dispersed, these two forces entered him body of.

Just when Han Zhao realized it, the celestial phenomena changed again.


A majestic white jade heavenly palace gradually solidified, exuding majestic power of law.

The crowds of people in front of and behind the Tiangong Palace are like the scene when Han Zhao hit the cave for the first time and crossed the catastrophe of gods and demons.

Above the Heavenly Palace, the fire phoenix spreads its wings and crows to the sky.

Below the Heavenly Palace, the golden dragon hovers, watching all directions.

Under the dragon and phoenix, people, demons, demons, all kinds of phantoms are intertwined.

But the biggest difference is that when he first crossed the tribulation, the throne behind the palace was vacant, and in front of the throne stood a thunder giant with a blurred face and holding a golden hammer and golden pestle.

Now sitting on the throne is a young man with a vague face, wearing a brocade robe with cloud patterns that symbolizes the power of the three supreme laws of time, space, and reincarnation. But the thunder giant holding a golden hammer and a golden pestle is kneeling on one knee in front of the throne at this moment, as if paying homage to the young man on the throne.

Han Zhao's gaze penetrated the void and landed on the young man with a blurred face.

At this time, the face of the young man gradually became clear under his divine sense, and it was clearly himself.

"I am the Emperor of Heaven." The young man's lips moved slightly, and Han Zhao also whispered what the other party wanted to say at the same time.

Buzz buzz!

As if holding Tianxian in his mouth, Han Zhao's voice just fell, and a golden light descended from the nine heavens.

"This is the merit of heaven?!" Han Zhao was shocked, his pupils constricted, and the golden light fell on him. He suddenly felt that the originally silent "Time Seal" in his body reacted. Under the washing of this force, the strength quickly merged with his body.

At the same time, the "Reincarnation Disk" and "Reincarnation Mirror" that he took back into his body were also integrated under the merits of heaven, and the power of the "Reincarnation Disk" was further enhanced, and it is still growing. The powerful law of reincarnation The force spills out.

For a while, the power of the three laws of time, space, and reincarnation in Han Zhao's body rose steadily, and the nine immortal apertures were quickly filled by the three forces.

After Han Zhao absorbed the merits of the Heavenly Dao, the phantom of the White Jade Heavenly Palace slowly faded away, and he returned to the cave in the central mountain range of Mingcang Mountain.

After returning to the cave, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Originally, the mastery of the law of time is the highest, followed by space, and the last of reincarnation.

However, after the baptism of the merits of heaven, the progress of mastering the law of time has reached the acme of refining the gods. If you want to continue to improve, you can only hit the realm of returning to the virtual emperor.

This is nothing, but the progress of mastering the law of reincarnation has surpassed the law of space against the trend, reaching the level close to the law of time, while the progress of mastering the law of space is growing slowly. Down, it looks very abnormal.

However, Han Zhao soon discovered the reason.

After the Heavenly Dao Merit entered his body, it was divided up by the "Time Seal" and the "Reincarnation Disk". After the two treasures were supplemented by the Heavenly Dao Merit, their spirituality increased greatly, and then fed back to him the law of time and the law of reincarnation.

However, Han Zhao's space law can only be absorbed through the space-time body. Without the support of such treasures as Chaos Spirit Treasure, the degree of improvement is naturally not as good as the other two supreme laws.

"In this way, with the help of "Time Stamp" and "Reincarnation Disk", there is hope for the law of time and the law of reincarnation to break through at the same time, but the law of space is difficult. "Han Zhao pondered in his heart. He wanted to use the three supreme laws to become an emperor at the same time, and it seemed that he needed the help of "Space Seal".

The difficulty of breaking through the realm of the emperor is incalculable. In addition to the threat of beheading three corpses and the five decays of heaven and man, the strong emperor can already live the same life as heaven and earth in a sense.

If you don't want to improve your cultivation, you don't have to kill the three corpses, and there is no threat of the three corpses.

And if you suffer heavy injuries or get involved in a catastrophe, it will be difficult to encounter the five declines of heaven and man.

"According to the previous simulation, the "Space Seal" is suspected to have been obtained by the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon, could it be the corpse of the Heavenly Emperor? "Han Zhao's eyes lit up, even if the "Space Seal" is not in the hands of the Celestial Emperor Evil Corpse, the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon who owns the "Space Seal" is absolutely inseparable from him.

Because pure celestial demons cannot use Chaos Spirit Treasure, they will definitely be rejected.

The Evil Corpse of the Emperor of Heaven is not the Jiuyou Heavenly Demon in the pure sense, otherwise, in the previous simulation, he would have been instantly killed by the special effect of [Emperor Slayer].

The Evil Corpse of the Emperor of Heaven obviously still hides many secrets. Compared with asking, it is the most direct for him to check.

But it is too difficult to capture the opponent alive.

Although Han Zhao has captured the opponent's Heavenly Emperor's time source power, he has not expanded at all. No one knows whether the Heavenly Emperor's evil corpse still has a hole card. If the "Space Seal" is really in his hands, he will not The strength to keep the opponent alive must be to fight with all your strength.

"The power of the law of time is close to perfection, and now the "time seal" has been supplemented by the merits of the heavenly dao. Although the spirit of the great way has not been directly born, it can be used again. "

"If you use the "Time Seal" and use the law of time alone to attack the realm of the emperor, there is a great chance of success."

"I can defeat anyone at the same level!" Han Zhao had this confidence.

Anyway, he will definitely rebuild, so even if he only uses the law of time to attack the realm of the emperor, it is only to overcome the current difficulties.

After all, killing the three corpses is the only way for every practitioner.

"I can only choose the path of killing my own three corpses! As long as I accumulate enough simulation times, this path is the most suitable path for me!"

Han Zhao is determined.

Because the three corpses will have the same memory, cultivation, and magical powers as the main body, they will definitely know about the system.

So far, all of Han Zhao's avatars have no memory of the system.

Although the main body is divided into three after one qi transforms into three cleanses, and the three deities of time, space, and reincarnation share the memory, but this technique has been deduced to the perfect stage, and the three are the same deity, but one is prosperous and all is damaged. Community of interests, no accidents.

But the three corpses are another self with independent consciousness, the evil corpse is the collection of evil thoughts of the ontology, the good corpse is the collection of good thoughts of the ontology, and the self-corpse is the collection of self-consciousness of the ontology.

In order to go further, the three will definitely find ways to deal with the main body, so the three corpses must be naturally opposed to him.

Compared to sealing the three corpses, killing them directly, once and for all.


Han Zhao took out the "Time Seal". At this moment, the "Time Seal" has changed from a dusty stone seal to an aurfilled, precious golden seal, exuding an aura that is in harmony with the way of heaven, boundless. , vast, and ethereal, nothingness.

Speaking in human language, it means that it is full of money at first glance! And it's the top member.

At this time, Han Zhao can feel the connection between himself and the "Time Stamp". The previous "Time Stamp" can only be said to be in his hands, but the current "Time Stamp" really belongs to him.

When he cultivates the "time stamp" into the spirit of the great way, then the "time stamp" will only belong to him.


Han Zhao uses the law of time to activate the "time stamp", and the whole person is instantly sucked into the interior by the "time stamp".

When he came back to his senses, there was a white space in front of him.

His spiritual thoughts covered thousands of miles, but he found that there was nothing in the world except white.

It seems that the space here has no end at all.

The only exit is the door of space in front of him.

"According to the situation in the simulation, the time flow rate here should be ten to one compared with the outside world, but the current "Time Stamp" has absorbed the power of the Heavenly Dao merit and the time law of the Heavenly Emperor, and restored part of its power. It should be possible to control the flow of time. "

Han Zhao sank his mind.

At this moment, a fist-sized white light group appeared in front of him, and the white light group glowed dimly. If it weren't for his strong divine sense, it would be difficult to find it.

Han Zhao's divine sense swept across the white light cluster, and he felt complex emotions such as curiosity, fear, and intimacy.

"Could it be that "Time Stamp" has been psychic? "

Han Zhao focused his eyes, and immediately conveyed his kindness through divine thoughts.

After receiving Han Zhao's kindness, the white light group moved closer.

Han Zhao stretched out his hand, and the white ball of light approached little by little, and finally fell into his palm tentatively.

It feels like cotton.


The white light group suddenly disappeared, and it is unknown where it went.

At this time, Han Zhao suddenly had some information about "Time Stamp" in his sea of knowledge.

"So that's the case, the "Time Stamp" has such a magical effect! "

"In this way, there is hope for the outside world to hit the emperor's realm in the "Time Seal" in ten years! "

Han Zhao was certain in his heart that soon, the dharmakaya of the Great Sun Tathagata and the dharma form of Nirvana flew out of his body, and finally they all turned into gigantic golden giants.

Soon, there was an earth-shattering noise from the "time stamp", but the outside world was not affected at all.


Ming Cangshan thunder calamity, various forces sent people to inquire, but they found nothing.

Because Han Zhao killed Zhenjun Chirong in the outer world, which shocked the alien race, the battle slowed down a bit.

In this way, Yuanjie spent ten years of peace.

(end of this chapter)