Life and Writings of Maurice Maeterlinck - Part 19

Part 19

----With twenty-five ill.u.s.trations in colour, by F. Cayley Robinson.

London: Methuen, 1911.

----London: Methuen (Methuen's Shilling Books), 1911.

_The Seven Princesses._ A Play. Translated by Wm. Metcalfe. (Gowans's International Library, No. 28.) London: Gowans & Gray, 1909.

_Macbeth_, par W. Shakespeare. Traduction nouvelle de Maurice Maeterlinck. L'Ill.u.s.tration Theatrale. Paris: 28th August, 1909.

(Contains interesting photographs of the Abbey of Saint Wandrille.)

William Shakespeare. _La Tragedie de Macbeth._ Traduction nouvelle, avec une introduction et des notes, par Maurice Maeterlinck. Paris: Fasquelle, 1910.

_Mary Magdalene._ A play in three acts. Translated by A. Teixeira de Mattos. Methuen: 1910. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1910.

_Mary Magdalene._ Shilling Edition. Methuen, 1912.

_Alladine and Palomides._ _Interior._ _The Death of Tintagiles._ Three plays by Maurice Maeterlinck, with Introduction by H. Granville Barker.

London and Glasgow: Gowans & Gray, Ltd., 1911. (Gowans's Copyright Series, No. 2.)

_La Mort._ _Figaro_, 1911.

_Death._ Translated by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. London: Methuen, 1911.

_La Mort._ Paris: Fasquelle, 1913.

[1] Sister of Francis Viele-Griffin.


_Thoughts from Maeterlinck._ Chosen and arranged by E.S.S. London: George Allen, 1903.

_The Inner Beauty._ London: Arthur L. Humphreys, 1910. (Reprint of _The Inner Beauty, Silence, and The Invisible Goodness._)

_Morceaux choisis._ Par Maurice Maeterlinck. Induction par Mme Georgette Leblanc. Paris, Londres, Edinbourg, et New York: Nelson (1910).

_Hours of Gladness._ By M. Maeterlinck. London: Allen, 1912.

Selections from Maeterlinck's works have appeared in the following anthologies, etc.: de la Jeune Belgique._ Paris: Leon Vanier, 1887. (Twelve poems reprinted in Serres Chaudes.)

_Poetes belges d'expression francaise, par Pol-de-Mont._ Almelo: W.

Hilarius, 1899. (Twenty-one poems selected from _Serres Chaudes_ and _Douze Chansons_).

_Poetes d'aujourd'hui_, morceaux choisis accompagnes de Notices biographiques et d'un essai de Bibliographie, par Ad. van Bever et Paul Leautaud. Paris: Societe du Mercure de France, 1900. (Eight poems from _Serres Chaudes_ and _Douze Chansons_.)

_Anthologie des Poetes francais contemporains_, par G. Walch, Vol. ii.

Paris: Ch. Delagrave [no date]. (Eight poems from _Serres Chaudes_ and _Douze Chansons_.)

_Die belgische Lyrik, von 1880-1900._ Eine Studie und Uebersetzungen von Otto Hauser. Groszenhain: Baumert und Ronge, 1902. (Thirteen poems from _Serres Chaudes_.)

_Anthologie des Poetes lyriques francais de France et de l'etranger depuis le moyen age jusqu'a nos jours_, par T. Fonsny et J. van Dooren.

Verviers: Alb. Hermann, 1903. (Two poems from _Serres Chaudes_ and _Douze Chansons_.)

_Die Lyrik des Auslandes in neuerer Zeit_, herausgegeben von Hans Bethge. Leipzig: Max Hesses Verlag [no date]. (Seven poems translated from _Serres Chaudes_ and _Douze Chansons_.)

_Contemporary Belgian Poetry._ Selected and translated by Jethro Bith.e.l.l. London: The Walter Scott Publishing Co., Ltd., 1911.

(Twenty-five poems from _Serres Chaudes_ and _Douze Chansons_.)

_Toutes les Lyres._ Anthologie-Critique ornee de dessins et de portraits (nouvelle serie). By Florian-Parmentier. Paris: Gastein-Serge (1911).

[Contains: Masque, par Djinn, criticism, etc., of nine pages, and three poems from _Serres Chaudes_.]

Drey, Agnes E. _Poems after Verlaine, Maeterlinck and Others._ London: St Catherine Press, 1911.


_Sept essais d'Emerson._ Traduits par I. Will avec une preface de Maurice Maeterlinck. Bruxelles: P. Lacomblez, 1894 and 1899.

_Expositions des uvres_ de M. Franz, M. Melchers, chez le Bare de Boutteville, 47 Rue Le Peletier (ouverture le vendredi 15 novembre 1895), preface de Maurice Maeterlinck. Paris: Edm. Girard [no date].

_Jules Laforgue_, par Camille Mauclair, avec une introduction de Maurice Maeterlinck. Paris: Mercure de France, 1896.

_The Cave of Illusion._ A play in four acts by Alfred Sutro. With an Introduction by Maurice Maeterlinck. London: Grant Richards, 1900.

_Martin Harvey._ Some pages of his life. By George Edgar. With a foreword by M. Maeterlinck. London: Grant Richards, 1912.



Archer, William. _Study and Stage._ A year-book of Criticism. London: Grant Richards, 1889.

Bacaloglu-Densuseannu, E. _Despre simbolizm si Maeterlinck._ Bucuresti, 1903.