Lewd System - 16 I Am The Bes

16 I Am The Bes

"Well that was tasty," Zen wipe his mouth with a sly grin and wink. His golden eyes and flawless golden blonder hair, made the raven-haired loli wizards heart drop and she was also amazed on how the h.e.l.l he was able to eat her powerful explosion magic!

"How did you eat my explosion magic!? And how are you so d.a.m.n handsome!!! Aaaaah my eyes! My virgin eyes!!!" Megumin screams with a loud girly voice and closed her eyes with her little palms.

"Pfffft! What do you mean he is so d.a.m.n handsome?!" Aqua turns her eyes over to Zen and stares him down.

"Holy c.r.a.p! Its like I am looking at a G.o.d of Thunder! My holy G.o.ddess eyes can't look any longer!!! He is so freaking hot!!!" Aqua squeals while blus.h.i.+ng, suddenly she starts to sweat profusely and a strange liquid seems to be dripping down her pale slender thighs.

"Did I do that?" Zen smiled as she shows off his G.o.dly muscles and flexes his 12-pack abs.

"SHUT UP!!!" Aqua yelps as she covers her wet thighs.

"I guess you really are a water G.o.ddess after all," Zen chuckled as he taunts her. He knows that wasn't water dripping down from her cute G.o.ddess p.u.s.s.y. Aquafina ;)

"You are a dirty lewd b.a.s.t.a.r.d!!!" Aqua goes to slap to him in the face, but he easily grabs her hands.

"I am the best lewd b.a.s.t.a.r.d," Zen winked as he spun her around in a tango dance and then throws her against the wall. *Thud!*

Background- "Ouch!" Aqua yelps in pain as she rubs her face.

"G.o.ddess' can be so annoying, anyhow what's your name little one?" Zen asked as he coughs out some of Megumin's explosion magic.

"Are you like some kind of wizard like me!?" Megumin excitedly asked as she cutely jumps up and down like a baby kangaroo.

"Not really..." Zen scratched the back of his head while adjusting his Lewd System stats. 'Hmm seems like I cultivated some powers by absorbing her 'explosion magic' seems like I can copy other's moves quite easily. Now that I think about I need to spend more time alone figuring out the schematics of this Lewd System so I can become more powerful and of course smarter when it comes to controlling my powers.' He thought to himself while Megumin inspects his epic body.

"You have to show me more magic skills! What other cool powers do you have!?" She added into her list of annoying questions.

"I can fly," Zen said.

"No way! Please teach me!" Megumin jumps on top of him and pulls on his jacket, "Teach me!!!" She hollers like a spoiled brat.

"Jeez, you are annoying. Get off me," Zen picks her up with only two fingers. That's how powerful he was. He could actually lift objects that weigh 100,000 tons! With his Superman Prime abilities and other anime powers, including his cultivation bloodline!

"So what's your name and deal by the way?" Zen asked(Which was a bad idea).

"Ahem,I am the Arch Wizard of the Crimson Demon Clan! The greatest explosion wizard of all the lands! No one can surpa.s.s me! I am blah blah ~~~~ [ten more tiles]" Megumin keeps on talking, but Zen is already gone.

"HEY!" She pouts like a little she-devil. Steam comes out of her tiny ears and nose.

"Well, that's Zen for you. He is really good with girls. But sometimes he doesn't like wasting time..." Kazuma sighed while looking at these two new girls. He felt out of place.

"I thought there would be more busty girls here? Well, at least the guild receptionist his hot as f.u.c.k. She is one buxom blonde babe. Maybe I should ask her for some information about this world. And then maybe have a little fun with her! Hahaha!" Zen rubbed his hands together with insane laughter.

"He seriously has problems," Aqua said with a disgusted look on her face. 'But hot d.a.m.n is he handsome. I want him to deflower me so badly! Oh no impure thoughts! Impure thoughts! I am a G.o.ddess for G.o.ds sakes! Geeeeeyaaaaaaaah!' She shrieks to herself.

Zen looks at Aqua, "Man this girl is a nutcase. This is going to be a crazy start for an adventure," He walks to the guild girl.

"So what's your name. Beautiful?" Zen gave her a big bright confident smile.

"Um ah um ah its Luna! What do you need today!?" She stutters while blus.h.i.+ng.

"I need you."