'What the f.u.c.k? This looks nothing like the Konosuba world?' Zen rubbed his chin in confusion.
"Because it isn't fufufu! Now what sinners have the G.o.ds brought me today! For I Aqua the G.o.ddess of Light and Divinity shall guide you to the right path! " A girl with aqua hair aqua appears from a radiant heavenly light above. She is floating and getting closer to Zen and Kazuma.
"Are you like some kind of fake G.o.ddess? You didn't even have big bouncy b.r.e.a.s.t.s like the ones I read about," Zen said with a disappointment look as he glared at the so-called G.o.ddess Aqua.
"Yeah so far this is a letdown," Kazuma adds in while picking his nose like a dumba.s.s.
"NANI!? How dare you insult a G.o.ddess of my high caliber and IQ! Pssssh so rude you geeky unenlightened mortals are!" Aqua huffed and turns away her head to the side with an annoyed expression. She looked all cute and pouty like a puppy dog. Even though Aqua was flat-chested, well she wasn't too flat, she just had perky cup sized b.r.e.a.s.t.s that a palm can easily wrap around with one squeeze. Kind of like large pears or plums. But what she lacked in bust, she had an advantage with a huge curvy plump s.h.i.+ny pale b.u.t.t that looks a white sugar-plum. More or less, her a.s.s was pretty cute and thick! Plus her tiny thin blue silk dress was showing it off pretty well, her bright blue corset panties were even seen!
"I am no mortal. Well at least you have a nice a.s.s," Zen chuckled and slapped Aqua's cute a.s.s without a care in the world. Her yummy phat a.s.s jiggles everywhere. He would dare slap a G.o.ddess' rump! Then again Zen had no morals. He was Lewd G.o.d after all. Or better yet a Harem G.o.d.
"You dirty Shut-neet b.a.s.t.a.r.d! How dare you strike a G.o.ddess in her most holy " Curses out Aqua as she fiercely blushes and covers her exposed redden a.s.s cheeks that were slapped by Zen.
"I don't know why we are here, but I guess I will just take you along," Zen snaps his fingers and used his Living Tribunal powers to teleport out of Aqua's G.o.d realm at 100x the speed of light!
The Living Tribunal was a power that far exceeded the Infinity Gauntlet and many other powerful weapons used in the Marvel world. Zen was already divinely powerful, with his infinite bloodlines and anime/comic book powers, but he also had insanely powerful gear! He was way too OP for any G.o.d. He made other Harem Kings look like a f.u.c.king joke. He made Issei look like an ant.
"WHAT KIND OF POWERS DO YOU HAVE!!!? HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE! NO ONE CAN BREAK THROUGH THE G.o.d PURGATORY REALM!!!" Aqua's blue eyes widen with disbelief as she was teleported through a powerful wrap-hole portal! "Aaaaaaaaaah!" She cried out, she was about to p.i.s.s herself from how scared she was.
Zen finally teleported to the Konosuba world. Kazuma and Aqua both fell from the skies and landed right on a pile horse s.h.i.+t.
"Eyyyyyaaaaaaah! I don't who you are! But I already hate you!!!" Aqua pointed at Zen and started to cry with shock in her face.
"Zen you really are a p.r.i.c.k," Kazuma sighed with a face covered in horse s.h.i.+t.
"That new look suits the both of you," Zen puffed his fancy jacket and breathes in the amazingly rich air in the Konosuba world.
"So this is the Konosuba world, time to get to business. I need to increase my cultivation to its highest peak! It won't be so hard(No pun intended) with all the lovely ladies in this world!" Zen roared triumphantly aloud.
A new world was about to feel the wrath of the Harem G.o.d!