On this glorious day, I shall be gracing your town with my presence. My party of top-cla.s.s adventurers and I will be doing your town the favour of exterminating that menace you peasants call 'Betty'. Be grateful.
"M'lord Gerard," a mature female voice said softly. "I don't believe the people of this town are listening to what you are saying."
"... I see that, Lilith," the fully armoured man replied through his teeth.
"..." a man twirling an arrow between his fingers sighed to himself in the background.
"Um! Maybe they're just in awe of Sir Gerard's glorious self?"
The group of adventurers stood in front of a fountain, their outfits unlike any of the townsfolk that are walking around them. They were being stared at by countless people with furrowed brows.
"What is that big guy on about?..."
"That long haired lady is s.e.xy β€β€"
"Girl, I'd date him, if it weren't for that arrogant att.i.tude of his!"
"Screw those adventurers! Always leaving a mess at my inn - never tipping my barmaids!"
The townspeople all had their own thoughts about the small group.
The party of four eagerly left the town, heading toward the mountain pa.s.s, to meet their next adversary.
Having slain a random wild animal that crossed their path, so as to relieve the pent-up frustration from their visit to Golem Town, they came across a cart being pulled by a bull. On the cart sat three men. It looked like they were going toward that ungrateful town that they had just left. Two of the men wore the typical farmer tunics and looked unkempt, but the youngest of the three wore clothes that even adventurers such as themselves had not seen before.
"Halt," the one called Gerard shouted at them. "Greetings, peasants. You may call me Gerard, for that is the name my mother gave me."
"..." the three men looked at each other, then back to Gerard and his party.
"Have you three just come over the mountain pa.s.s?" he continued to ask, not having noticed the awkward looks being shot at him. "I'm willing to grant you the honour of answering a question of mine."
"..." the three men looked at each other, again, then back to Gerard and his party.
"My esteemed party and I have taken it upon ourselves to rid the area of the rabid beasts, especially one by the name of 'Betty'. Have you seen the beast?"
"..." this time, as if on cue, both Aaron and Randal turn to look at me.
"Peasant," Gerard looked at me to say. "Am I to take it that you know of where I might find this 'Betty' beast?"
Somehow, I'm really hating this guy. In my JRPGs, this is the kind of guy that turns out to be the Final Boss' lackey. I'm not about to get caught up in that bulls.h.i.+t! If he wants to go 'rid the area of the rabid beast', then I'll let him!
"Yes, sir," I said, in the most timid voice I could fake. "I was chased by ol' Betty, not a few hours ago, just over the mountain pa.s.s. I ran so long that I even fainted on the King's road!"
I watched the party of four, as they started showing pitying looks, snickering to myself on the inside.
"Kind sir," the long haired lady wearing s.h.i.+mmering cloth came forward. "We thank you for having given us this piece of information. I truly thank the G.o.ds for having kept you alive and well."
"Yes," the cute girl wearing a nice and clean mitre chimed in. "It truly is G.o.d's plan for us to have met you, brave soul. May His light forever s.h.i.+ne upon you."
Are these guys for real? I can barely keep myself from bursting out in laughter!
I watch the party of four walk past us, heading up toward the mountain pa.s.s that Aaron, Randal and I had just come down from. After I thought they had gone far enough, I broke out in hysterical laughter.
"What a bunch of fools!"
"Did you hear that guy? 'I'm willing to grant you the honour of answering a question of mine.' HAHAHA!"
"d.a.m.n, I'm so jealous that they've got such a s.e.xy lady in their midst!"
I haven't laughed like this in a long time, but I'm glad that I'm still capable of finding something funny enough to make my sides hurt.
Although we were stopped along the way, we managed to make our way into Golem Town safely. I was told that it's common for there to be wild animal encounters when slow carts like ours make their way in and out of town, but it seems someone had already taken care of them all - they even left the mangled corpses littered all over the place.
Golem Town is exactly as someone from Earth would picture a medieval town. The town's made up of different sections. There's the residential area, where the townspeople call home, and the business district, where manned-stalls line up one after another all the way up and down the streets. In the middle of the town, a big fountain with a statue of some kind of bunched up rocks sprayed water as decoration.
Aaron and Randal, as promised, dropped me off at the inn. We said our farewells, and they were off to sell their straw.
I wonder if I'll see those two b.i.t.c.hy uncles ever again? Even my aunties, when they still visited my family, couldn't talk so much trash about each other.
I smile and shake my head.
Above me is a hanging sign that has the word "INN" sitting in front of a carving of a building. I think it looks cla.s.sy, and even someone from another world - like me - could understand what kind of building this was with just one look. Nothing left but for me to walk in. It is starting to get dark.
I walk in, and stand at the entrance of the inn. It's filled with people of all looks. There's the normal tunic-wearing uncles - like Aaron and Randal - but also people with scars on their faces, with their weapons leaning on their tables. It really is like all the transmigration light novels I've read in the past!
No one seems to care that I'm here, so that's good, I suppose. I quietly make my way to what looks like the reception area. It's not like this place is some 4-Star hotel with good air conditioning or anything.
I see a young woman, probably around the age of 20, shuffling papers and writing on unrolled parchment with an ink quill - how fantasy-like! She's quite the looker, too!
"Welcome to the inn," the young woman said, without looking up at me. "One night costs 50 copper, there's a meal in it for you, and you can use the wash in the back."
"Right, I..."
"If you're looking to stay longer," she continued, not caring that I was about to say something. "We have a seven night deal that costs three silver. Take it or leave it."
Suddenly, with a DING like a text message, something that looked like my [Status Page] popped up in my mind's eye.
Secure Lodgings
DESCRIPTION: Villager Theodore Young has finally made his way into Golem Town, however he has no [Coin] to pay for his stay at the inn. You must find a way to secure lodging for the night.
REWARD: Pride in the fact that you aren't so useless that you'd need to spend your first night in this world on the streets.
FAIL PENALTY: Lose [SKILL] Blessed by G.o.ddess β
That reward... Wut?
This game-like system is really starting to p.i.s.s me off.