Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable - Chapter 1051: Registration Undercurrents

Chapter 1051: Registration Undercurrents

Chapter 1051: Registration Undercurrents

These sudden thoughts appeared in Luo Tians mindwhen he found Lin Dong.

But these thoughts were merely his daydreams.

After encountering Hai Yulong, he realized how strong the Hai family was.

Since the Ancient World was a place where power was king,thenwhy not establish a force of his own?A brand new force that were kings among the strong. This force he was going toestablishwas going tosurpa.s.s all the king-level forces and reach something like transcendent-level existence.

Discovering Lin Dong was only the beginning.

Luo Tian wasveryclearthat since the system allowed him to trigger such a quest, there should be follow-up questsafter that.Xiao Yan, Lin Lei, Luo Feng, Tang San All these awesome novel protagonists might appear before him!

How can he not become a transcendent force with all these awesome protagonists from the novels?

It wasabsolutelygoing to happen, andit was necessary for it to happen.

Wasnt the Hai familyvery strong?

A peak king level existence, right?

Then lets crush them with hisownpower!

Use a transcendentlevelforce to suppress them, and see what qualifications they have to continue acting arrogant!

Lin Dong smiled and replied, Of course I want to. Who doesnt want to become a student of the Misty Cloud Academy? You have to know that Misty Cloud Academy is the highest level school in this world, a sacred place for every martial artist. Being able to enter the Misty Cloud Academy is something a person can be proud of for a lifetime!

But a single quota in the black market has reached more than 300,000 xuan coins. And thats the purported price because there is no stock. Which family would sell their quota? Everyone wants to give it a shot. Once someone succeeds, even if you only manage to enter the second stage of the compet.i.tion, the influence around you would still reach a very high level.

Luo Tian smiled, Its fineas long asyou want to. You dont need to worry about anything else that comes after.

Lin Dong was instantly shocked. He looked at Luo Tian in agitation, Boss, could it be that you managed to get me a selection spot?

Luo Tian replied, As a boss, I naturally have to look out for my little brother. Hahaha

The Towering Cloud City didnt have a lot of cultivation resources.

It was even rarer for a rogue cultivator.

Towering Cloud City would only bury Lin Dongs talent.

Luo Tian didnt want Lin Dongs talent to go to waste. Even if thewholeworlds super geniuses fusedtogether, they still couldnt compare with him. He was like a piece of uncut gem that wouldabsolutelyblind everyones eyes once it was carved and polished.

Lin Dongwas so movedthat he almost cried. He was very clear about how precious a selection slot was. His heart tightened upon thinking about how Luo Tian was treating him. Hethensaid with grat.i.tude, In the future, no matter how much I, Lin Dong, achieve and how far I can go in the martial path, you will always be my boss. I will always and forever be your little brother!


A system alert suddenly sounded off in Luo Tians mind.

Congratulations to player Luo Tian for accepting your first disciple, Lin Dong!

Disciple: Lin Dong

Level: Condensation Element 3rd rank

Potential: Five star

Nurturing: Five star

Lin Dongs attributes all appeared in Luo Tians mind.

The Disciple System hasbeen activated!

Thiswas a new feature of the level 2 system.

Luo Tian was secretly rejoicing inside. He once again affirmed, Sure enough, sure enough! His potential value is five stars! Based on this alone, he isdefinitelythe Lin Dong in Wu Dong Qian Kun! The strongest little brother legion is about to be born, hahaha


Luo Tian was justifiably excited.

Luo Tian patted Lin Dongs shoulder and said, Theres no need to mention being a little brother, etc. We are all brothers.Since were brothers,then we need to take care ofeach other.

Luo Tian was laughing uncontrollably inside. Lin Dong was his little brother!

Thiswas similar to tripping over a treasure!

Lin Dong nodded, Got it, boss!

Creak~!The sound of a door opening was heard.

Finally, the doors to the Misty Cloud Academys Towering Cloud City branch openedup.

Two old men walked out.

One of the old men, dressed in white robes, walked forward with a slight smile and said, The enrollment begins!

Its finally starting.

Master, quickly come over and line up. Stand in front of me. Bai Xiong waved his hand.

Luo Tian glanced at Lin Dong and said, Letsgosign up.

Lin Dong immediately followed behind Luo Tian.

Bai Lingling glanced at Lin Dong with surprise in her eyes. She then asked Luo Tian, You gave the quota to him?

Luo Tian didnt standin front ofBai Xiong and said, What about it? Do you know him?

Lin Dong smiled bitterly, I am the trash of Towering Cloud City, so anyone in my generation knows of me. Miss Bai naturally knows who I am.

Among hisownpeers,there was no one who didntrecognize Lin Dong.

In many peoples eyes, he was a piece of trash that couldnt cultivate. It waskind oflike Luo Tian when he first arrived on the Tianxuan Continent. Nearly everyone treated him like a useless wastrel.

Luo Tian smiled and said, Its good you know each other.More people will know you in the future, and more people will be stepped on by you.Dont worry about the past because the future iswhatsimportant.

Bai Lingling didnt say anything.

Bai Xiong extended his hand to Lin Dong andsaid with a smile, I am Bai Xiong, Boss Luo Tians disciple, heh heh.

Lin Dong shook his hand, I am Lin Dong!

Bai Xiong was able to get acquainted with anyone very quickly. Right after introducing himself, he pulled Lin Dong overin front of himselfand said, You stand in front of me.

Being ranked early was very important because it could determine ones life and death.

Bai Xiong looked like he didnt care too much, which made Lin Dongfeelgrateful. But he knew clearly that Luo Tian had given all of this to him.

Upon seeing them chatting happily, Bai Lingling said softly, Dont you know that he cant cultivate? Even if he gets a spot in the selection, he will only end up suffering from humiliation. You arent helping him but harming him.

Luo Tian replied, Thats all in the past. From today onward, his name will resound throughout the Ancient World. Maybe even realms in all directions.

Bai Lingling wasbrieflystunned, as she didnt understand what was inside Luo Tians head.

She didnt say anything more on that subject.

The group slowly went forward.

The Deng family disciples were right at the front, followed by the other three great families. The Bai family was last.

Every disciple would receive a wooden sign after reporting their name.There wasa string of numbers written on the wooden sign, a codethat representeda persons ident.i.ty.The a.s.sessment wouldbe basedon this wooden sign.



Theold manmade some calculations before lowering his head to write down the name while a disciple on the side handed over the xuan coins.Over a dozen people had done this, so theold manhad received hundreds of thousands of xuan coinsby now.Thiswas all blatant, like a normal transaction.

My lord, this is a small token of appreciation from my Ouyang family. I hope your lords.h.i.+p can accept it. Ouyang Hong said respectfully. He wasvery carefulwith his words as if he was afraid of upsetting theold man.

The white-robedold manglanced at the large pile of xuan coins and didnt reveal any particular expression. He just coldly said, Put it there. Next!

A completelyunappreciative look like hewasoriginally owedthat money.


(T/N: Im not sure why its called the disciple system because hes not teaching them anything. I would call it a Gang System or something similar because they call him boss.)