Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable - Chapter 1036: Nothing Left

Chapter 1036: Nothing Left

Chapter 1036: Nothing Left

Annoyedto the point of being p.i.s.sed!

In his mind, he was about to use his Wolverine Transformation Card.

Right now, G.o.d Flame, Divine Explosion, and Summon s.h.i.+nsu are all in their cooldown period.

His Hulk Transformation Card was also under cooldown.

The only thing left in his a.r.s.enal was the Wolverine Transformation Card.

But can he kill Hai Yulong withinthat five minute period?

Luo Tian wasnt confident because there were too many people present.

Once he cannot kill him, then the person dying willabsolutelybe himself. Time was too short, and Luo Tian wasnt confident. If the surrounding crowd of people werent present, he wascertainhe could kill Hai Yulong within the five minutes given!

How awesome was Wolverine?!

If he couldnt even kill Hai Yulong, then Wolverine would be a useless character thatshouldnt have been created.

After weighing his options, Luo Tian decided not to use the transformation cardjust yet.

He will save it as a last resort.

He wasnt going to use it unless he was on the brink of death!

Moreover, he would most likely be treated as a mutant if he used his transformation card in front of all the people from Towering Cloud City.Thismight even cause others to suspect that it was he who transformed into Hulk as well. Remember, Hulk was worth tens of thousands of xuan coins in bounty.

Once this secretis revealed, he willbe forcedto face death constantly.

Lets wait a bit first. Luo Tian brought out the Heavenly Plume s.h.i.+eld.

Bai Yuans eyes turned to slits when he started laughing.I was almost tricked by you!Usingillusions to confuse thisold man? I almost thought that you were a sorcerer. Its good that you arent one. Now, I can fight without any restraints! Hahaha

He was laughing just like Hai Yulong.

The experts hiding in the crowd instantly lost their spirit.

Cheh~, and here I thought he wasreallya chosen one by the heavens. I didnt expect him to be an imposter.

I almost got harmed by making a move! I would have offended the Hai family in the process! It is fortunate I held back, or else I would have fallen for the pit this kid dug!

How can it be that easy to become a sorcerer? If he can become a sorcerer,theneveryone in Towering Cloud City can become one, too!


Many people started laughing in mockery.

People were no longer interested in Luo Tian.

They no longer harbored the thought that Luo Tian could be a sorcerer. There were some who were willing to take the risk of offending the Hai family to save Luo Tian. Now, those thoughts had disappeared into thin air. No one was stupid enough to save an ordinary martial artist to offend the Hai family, right?

Wasnt that equivalent to courting ones own death?

Eldest Senior Brother, its fortunate we didnt make a move, or else we would have suffered a big loss.

Im surprised this kid would have such an ability. Could it be something he used to trick us into helping him? What a brilliant move. Its fortunate that we didnt fall for it.

Eldest Senior Brother? Eldest Senior Brother where, where, where are you going?!

At this time, there was one person who made a move.

Yi Yunmeng also made her move.

Within the courtyard, Bai Yuan grinned when he saw how Luo Tian had nowhere else to go. He raised his right arm and a sharp claw made of energy shot out. Kid, I want to see who will help you block this now! Hahaha Go to h.e.l.l for me!

Dragons Claw smashed forth toward Luo Tian once more.

This time, the energy within it was muchstrongerthan the previous.

Luo Tian furrowed his brow from the incoming attack.

At this moment, Bai Xiongran out andshouted, Bai Yuan! If you dare touch my master, I will f.u.c.k you over!

Bai Lingling followed suit, wanting to block in front of Luo Tian.

She was the one who got Luo Tian involved in the Bai familys affairs. If she hadnt asked for his help, Luo Tian definitely wouldnt have gotten into such a deadly situation.

Luo Tian shouted at them, Dont you two come over!

His shout made Bai Xiong and Bai Lingling freeze. Luo Tian didnt want anyone to die for him. Theres no way the siblings could block a single move from Bai Yuan. His Fire Qilin had more than a thousand health points, which meant Bai Yuans attacks weredefinitelyvery strong.

But having low health points was also the Fire Qilins weakness.

It had a high attack but weak defense and low health points.Once someonefinds outabout this weakness, they woulddirectlykill off the Fire Qilin first.Then, his summoned battle pet wouldnt be of much use for the rest of the fight.

But this was the health point of a level 1 Fire Qilin. It wouldnt be that weak once it reaches level 2.


Smelly scoundrel

When those two stopped and watched how Luo Tian was at a dead end, they felt like a boulder was weighing on their chest.

Luo Tian liftedupthe Heavenly Plume s.h.i.+eld and said, Since I told you not to come over, dont come over. Theres no need to worry about me.


Theres no need tobe in arush, my good niece. I will kill him first to avenge my sons death. Then it will be yours and your brothers turn. Bai Yuan said excitedly as he watched his claw about to reach Luo Tians chest.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Tian strengthened his grip on the Heavenly Plume s.h.i.+eld and hid behind it.




Luo Tians body sankdownwhile his back pressed against the wall. The wall instantly collapsed by the power colliding into his body.


Blood churned in Luo Tians chest before he sprayed out a mouthful of blood because he couldnt hold it in.

His internal organs felt like they hadbeen flippedupside down. Even if the Heavenly Plume s.h.i.+eld managed to resist most of the power, Luo Tian couldnt handle the impact of the energy. After all, the cultivation gap between them was too large. Bai Yuan was a genuine expert in the Martial Void realm.

But Bai Yuans face was also red right now. The recoil force forced him to stagger backward continuously and almost made him falldown.

His expression darkened when he stared at the s.h.i.+eld Luo Tian was holding. He then said, Another spiritual treasure. I didnt expect you to have so many treasures on you. That means today, you have to die no matter what.

After saying that, Bai Yuan releasedall ofhis Martial Void powers before sending out a palm strike.

Luo Tian shouted, Come again, you motherf.u.c.ker! Do you think this daddy is afraid of you?!

He was trying to wait out his cooldown timer!

So he could only stall for time!



A palm had chopped down while Luo Tians legs were already entrenched in the ground.Now, hewas pusheddeeper so thatnearlyhis upper body was inside the ground.He managed to resist and sprayed out a few mouthfuls of blood in the meantime. He could only gasp for air while staring at Bai Yuan, who was grinning hideously.

Hahaha Whats wrong? Is this all the strength you have? So weak! You want to kill thisold manjust with your ability? Come and try! shouted Bai Yuan.

One must mention that the Heavenly Plume s.h.i.+eld wasprettystrong.

The first rebound of power caused over a thousand points of damage.

Bai Yuan had suffered considerable internal injuries after attacking several times in a row.Now,his attacks had been weakenedquite a bit from the previous few times.


Come at me, you ungrateful thing! roared Luo Tian while counting down the timer internally. Just a little bit more. A little bit more will be enough.Once I get the opportunity, I willdefinitelymake it so thatyou cannot stand up anymore.

Bai Yuan was also furious.

His eyes darkened before saying viciously, I want to see if your body is as powerful as your mouth!

Dragon Kings Claws!

Go to h.e.l.l for me!