Level Up Legacy - Chapter 1324 A Small Vacation

Chapter 1324 A Small Vacation

Chapter 1324 A Small Vacation

"What does that mean?" asked Nyx, who had remained quiet so far. After all, Arthur himself did not seem keen on asking more questions. Rhys turned toward her and presented a different report, pus.h.i.+ng it forward for the two of them to see.

The report was different from the previous one. In mana-rich worlds, many variables existed. The Nightroad Research Inst.i.tution had begun filtering out what changed the outcome of each world. They started by mirroring their world with others.

"We suspected that certain natural disasters had a role in it, but it was the same for both worlds that had them and those that didn't. Then, we began screening for the power levels in the world, but that didn't seem to affect the outcome either. We started looking at individuals, which was much harder. We didn't receive any conclusive data until you revealed yourself in Kera. You fought off a calamity, and that was enough to include you in our research."

"And you concluded that I made a difference?"

"There is no other world where you survived. In every other world we examined, we were unable to find you. You either did not exist or were simply a normal human among billions," explained Rhys. "And this brings us to the core of this discussion. What do you expect the survivability of this world to be?"

"Have you measured it?" asked Arthur with a frown.

"We created a certain sequence of events that can happen in any order before the human race is exterminated. You might have heard about the famine overtaking Janea and killing its crops?"

"I have."

"It has already begun to affect the world. Janea was the main exporter of food to the entire world, supplying areas with poor soil. But now, with the acceleration of famine due to the merging of the two worlds, the sequence of events has already begun."

"Your claims have a certain flaw, Mr. Nightroad," said Arthur, looking at the data before him. "I was the one to merge the two worlds, so how could this world have better survivability with my existence?"

"I am a man of science, and I trust statistics. We have to learn from the worlds that survived the effects of mana, and the merge never happened in those worlds. I believe our world is special in a way that hastened the sequence of doom. It might be your existence."

"Talk some sense, uncle."

"Let me stop being a scientist for a second. Devaheim exists, and there's no denying that," said Rhys, frowning as he folded his arms. "Our world split because you, the creator, were not ready to face them. Now, the worlds have merged because you are. The split bought us some time, but it prevented humans from being anything other than empyreansa power level that Devaheim could crush."

"Are you saying we have a better chance with the worlds merging?"

"It depends on your actions and goals. If we can unite the world against Devaheim and begin cultivating troops, we might stand a chance. But in the end, it depends on you, King of Wrath. You are the sole person capable of stopping the G.o.ds."

Nyx felt like she was living a nightmare. These two men were talking about the end of the world as if it were a fact, yet somehow wanted to stop it. Arthur was silent for a few seconds before he smiled.

"You've already uncovered the reason I fight against Devaheim, right?" asked Arthur, squinting at Rhys. "You already know the reason worlds are ending."

"Devaheim is behind it," said Rhys with an expressionless face. "The destruction of worlds allows them to further evolve, growing more omnipotent. Each destroyed world gives them one more G.o.d in their ranks. This is the law of equal exchange."

"In order to create G.o.ds, they need enough mana of creation to fuel that," explained Arthur with a smile. "They're not only destroying worlds but also consuming souls that are attempting to enter reincarnation. This is the reason that no more worlds are appearing."

"Then you should understand what needs to be done," muttered Rhys with a frown. "We have to eliminate mana from the universe to stop this cycle. And to do that we must crush Devaheim."

"You read the book of Ragnar Netherborne," noted Arthur with a nod. "That was indeed the sole purpose of our ancestor before he was betrayed. What makes you think I'll follow the same path?"

"Because it's the only way for us to survive," said Rhys with a nod. "If you're willing to create a world without mana, then my company will support you in every way possible. We will ensure that no one can stand against you. In that way, we can unite the world."

Nyx realized what this meeting was about. These two men had the power to rob people of their abilities and military power that could work without runes. Indeed, no one would be able to stand against them if they wished to unite the world.

"How are we any different from tyrants?" asked Arthur while tapping on the table. "I don't want to start a world-scale war just to enforce my beliefs."

"It's to enforce unity and peace," rebuked Rhys, shaking his head. "Did you have time to converse with Miss Diana about what happened in Sourna?"

"Not yet."

"Let me give you a little spoiler: Rolan of Orlan was there. He was acting on behalf of his father, the empyrean of Orlan. There are talks that some sort of alliance is forming between the remaining nations of the world. After the fall of two nations at your hands, it became necessary to unite their forces."

"Orlan and Sourna?" muttered Arthur with a frown. "I heard that Diana fought against Deluge."

"I am familiar with the Sin of l.u.s.t and his actions, although I lack the proper details to explain them. It seems the calamities are also planning something. My satellites picked up the fight between you and Eros. How did the two manage to escape?"

"My memory of that time is anything but clear," admitted Arthur with a frown. During his enraged state, many things slipped past his mind, and his sole goal was not to destroy the world.

"One of the pirate's men used a small shard that negated wrath and its abilities," clarified Rhys before a hologram appeared, showing them footage of the fight. "We have reasons to believe that the calamities have already found a method to counter your wrath and are formulating a plan to kill you."

"How is this relevant to your plan to take over the world?"

"'Take over' makes it sound like I'm a villain," said Rhys with a smile. "If the calamities are working together, and Deluge was already in the palace of Sourna to fight against Diana, that can only mean that the world is uniting but against you."

"Nothing new about that. Everyone has been teaming up against me since day one, uncle," said Arthur with a smile. His golden eyes examined Rhys. "Can you tell me the real reason you sought me?"

"I already have," said Rhys, pointing at the folder before them. "You can take that copy and study it. It proves that you are our only chance to create a world without manaa world that can survive!"

Nyx watched as Arthur thought for no more than three seconds before he rose. He picked up the folder and left the tent, and she had to follow him. Rhys remained seated as the two left the camp, without any more words exchanged between them.

"What do you think?" Arthur broke the silence once they could see the beginning of the Uncharted Lands. "Can I wage wars without being a villain?"

"Villains don't exist in the real world," muttered Nyx as she walked behind him, staring at the ground. "People can do the wrong things with good intentions, and quite comically, the opposite. The world can consider heroes as villains and villains as heroes."

"And how do I navigate the world then?"

"You can do what feels right at the moment. The rest will determine what kind of person you are," said Nyx as she stared at the starry night. "But for now you need to rest and take your time."

Arthur was quiet before he smiled and nodded. The two entered the Uncharted Lands and returned to the clan. Dawn was breaking through the sky when they parted, but Arthur did not accompany her on her routine. Instead, he went back to his pavilion.

Diana opened her eyes slowly when he sat beside her. Her blue eyes, tinged with a little orange, looked at him with confusion before she gave him the sweetest smile. Then, her hands reached out to wrap around his neck before she pulled him to bed. The two of them cuddled like that without any words, and Arthur decided he would take a small vacation just for the two of them.