--(Mary), i. 70, 72, 73
Allenby (Mrs.), i. 155
Arnold (Dr.), his visit to Naseby with Carlyle, i. 125, 126, 132; his Life, 181
Art, objects of, article in Fraser, ii. 145
Arthur (King), the myth of, not suitable for an epic poem, ii.. 111
Attar's Mantic uttair, i. 311, 312, 314-317, 319, 320, 342
Ausonius, i. 205 _note_
Austen (Miss), ii. 13, 131, 174; FitzGerald could not read her novels, 190
Austin (Mrs.), characteristics of Goethe, i. 53
Azael the Prodigal, i. 268
BACON, Essay of Friendship, i. 21; of Masques, 153; Sylva, ii. 160
Balfe, ballad by, i. 178
Barton (Bernard), his poems, i. 105; his visit to Peel, 203; his portrait by Laurence, 215, 225, 234; his death, 243, 246; edition of his Letters and Poems with Memoir by FitzGerald, 246, 251, 252, 308
--(Lucy), afterwards Mrs. Edward FitzGerald, i. 50 _note_, 158, 186, 215, 216, 246, 249, 310, 326
Ba.s.sano, i. 186
Bath, i. 288
Beaumont (Sir G.), i. 165
Beauty the main object of the Arts, ii. 132
Beauty Bob, FitzGerald's parrot, i. 159
Beckford (Peter), Essays on Hunting, ii. 280
--(W.), i. 288
Beethoven, i. 57, 103, 113, 195, 200, 277, 290, ii. 118, 119, his Life by Moscheles, i. 112
Beranger, his Letters, ii. 152, quoted 181
Berry (Miss), her correspondence, ii. 73
Bewick, his Life contains an account of a meeting of Wordsworth and Foscolo, ii. 197
Blake, Songs of Innocence, i. 25
Bletsoe, i. 61; the Falcon Inn, 74
Bloomfield (Mrs.), mother of the poet, a saying of hers quoted, ii. 88
Boccaccio, ii. 203, 204
Bodham (Mrs.), i. 190
Borrow (George), i. 317, 334, 342; his Romany Rye, 331; Wild Wales, ii.
Bosherston, i. 337
Boswell's Life of Johnson, Croker's edition of, ii. 75
Boughton, pictures at, i. 56
Boulge Hall, his father's seat, i. 38, 75; 'Malebolge,' 79 _note_
Brambelli, i. 194
Bredfield House, i. 1, 63, 64
Brooke (F. C.), ii. 146
Browne (W.), Britannia's Pastorals, ii. 240
Browne (W. K.), i. 55, 123, 167; his marriage, 168, 185; first meets FitzGerald at Tenby, 338; ii. 8, 10; his fatal accident 2-4, 6, 8
Browning Society (the), ii. 323
Brydges (Sir Egerton), i. 87
Burke's Letters, i. 182
Burnet (John), on Painting, i. 147
Burnet's History, i. 68
Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, i. 139; Carlyle's style influenced by, _ib._
Busbequius, i. 230
Byron's Verses on Rogers, ii. 144
CALDERON, translations from, i. 281, 282, 323, 346, 347; ii. 60, 112, 261; edition of the Magico, 262; his lines about Madrid, 274; unfavourably noticed in the Athenaeum, i. 284; Trench's translation from 307; ii. 287; the Calderon medal sent to FitzGerald, 319