It is the duty of the N.S.A. to exercise the greatest wisdom, forbearance and tact in handling the affairs of the Cause. Many of the differences which arise between the believers are due to their immaturity, their extreme zeal and sincerity.
He will pray for you all in the Holy Shrines, that the Beloved may a.s.sist and strengthen you in the discharge of your sacred duties to the Faith and its adherents in Australia and New Zealand.
With Baha'i love, R. Rabbani.
[From the Guardian:]
Read and approved,
Haifa, Aug. 8th, 1945.
Dear Baha'i Sister:
The beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer your letters dated June 12th, 15th and 25th, and to acknowledge receipt of the numerous enclosures you forwarded with them.
As he has already expressed to you in his recent messages he greatly regretted the tone of certain recent communications from the N.S.A.
He cannot too strongly point out to you all that any condition of inharmony places in jeopardy the wonderful achievements recently made in the spread and consolidation of the Cause in Australia and New Zealand.
The beloved Master pointed out over and over again that unity and love among the friends promotes harmony and the rapid spread of the Faith, and that when these are sacrificed and disputes, anger and violent criticism take their place, the Cause cannot move forward.
The N.S.A.s the world over, owing to the spiritual immaturity of the believers, must at the present time exert the greatest patience in dealing with the friends; otherwise, as seems to be rapidly becoming the case in Australia, the friends will take sides, bitterness will increase and what started out as a small thing, (however unjustified and regrettable a departure from the Baha'i spirit) will become a menace to the progress of the Faith and definitely r.e.t.a.r.d its progress.
He feels that Mrs. ... and Miss ... , both of whom love their religion and are devoted to its promotion, should be called upon to forget and forgive the past, and concentrate on serving the Faith. These are the ways in which the Baha'is can demonstrate true spiritual n.o.bility and detachment.
In such delicate and complicated cases, the N.S.A. should appeal to the believers to put the interests of the Cause first, regardless of any personal sacrifice of feelings this may require.
He a.s.sures you he will pray ardently for the speedy and satisfactory solution of this entire matter.
With warm Baha'i greetings, R. Rabbani.
[From the Guardian:]
Dear and valued co-workers:
It is my fervent hope and prayer that the members of the Baha'i communities of Australia and New Zealand, will, now that the machinery of the Administrative Order of their Faith has been erected, redouble their efforts to proclaim, with one voice and in a most effective manner, those vital and healing principles for which the great ma.s.s of their war-weary and much tested countrymen are hungering. This supreme issue must have precedence over all other considerations, must be given immediate and anxious attention, must be faced courageously and continually, and be regarded by individual believers as well as their elected representatives as the supreme objective of the manifold administrative inst.i.tutions they have reared and are still labouring to establish. Complete harmony, mutual understanding, unity of purpose, coordination of efforts, prayerful consideration of, and mature deliberation on, all the aspects and requirements of this great and sacred objective can alone ensure its triumphant consummation during these years of stress and peril through which mankind is pa.s.sing. May the national elected representatives of both communities set a superb example to their fellow-workers throughout that far-off continent, and enable them to win memorable victories in the service of their glorious Faith and its G.o.d-given inst.i.tutions.
Your true brother, Shoghi.
Haifa, March 25th, 1946.
Dear Baha'i Sister:
Your letters, written on behalf of the N.S.A. and dated June 15th, and 16th, July 26th and Sep. 15th, 1945, and Jan. 7th, 1946, together with their enclosures, have been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer them on his behalf.
He is very pleased to see the progress the Cause is making in Australia and New Zealand and hopes that the N.S.A. will not only inspire and encourage the believers in their teaching activities, but will also constantly impress on them the need for the greatest love and unity to prevail in their midst; the will only really turn to the Faith when they see that in it true religion is practiced as well as preached!
The recent articles attacking the Cause are a sign that its influence is sufficiently felt to be feared-a great compliment to the progress you are making in spreading the message!
Concerning the various points raised in your letters: He noticed, from your letter of Jan. 7th, that you were planning to hold the annual Convention in May, and cabled you that it must be held in the Ridvan period-as are all the other National Baha'i Conventions the world over,-even though some other date might be more convenient locally.
He feels that the Yerrinbool Summer School should hold longer sessions; in this respect the friends cannot do better than to pattern themselves on the American Summer Schools, some of which now hold two or three Summer sessions, and even a "Winter Session". Although such a large number of sessions may be premature for Australia at present, the goal should be kept in mind as you seek to expand your school.
There can be no schism in the Baha'i Faith because the Guardianship is established on an una.s.sailable foundation, supported by a signed, sealed doc.u.ment-the Will. Schism can only flourish where there is ambiguity or no specific proof. The New History Society is like a branch that has no roots, and will soon dry up and wither. It has not caused, nor can it cause, a breach among the believers.
He was very happy to see you are now establishing Regional Teaching Com.'s, and hopes you will concentrate all your resources, and the energy of the friends, on establishing new a.s.semblies and groups.
He a.s.sures you, one and all, that his loving prayers will be offered for your guidance and for the success of your important work.
With warm Baha'i greetings, R. Rabbani.
P.S. He was very pleased to see the article on the Faith in "Truth". The Cause is certainly getting very good publicity out there!
[From the Guardian:]
Dear and valued co-workers:
The activities initiated by the dearly beloved friends in Australia and New Zealand, and so diligently promoted by them all are highly meritorious; and will, no doubt, bear abundant fruit in the days to come.
The utmost effort should be exerted by individuals as well as local a.s.semblies to increase the number of the active supporters of the Faith and to enable them to disperse as widely as possible, to multiply the groups that must sooner or later evolve into a.s.semblies, to achieve greater publicity for the Faith through the radio and the press, to extend the range of the activities of the Baha'i Faith, to foster the inst.i.tution of the summer-school, and to consolidate and enlarge the scope of the Haziratu'l-Quds. These are the main objectives that demand the concentrated attention of the Australian and New Zealand believers during the months that lie immediately ahead. No sacrifice is too great to ensure the realisation of these n.o.ble aims. All must arise and unitedly endeavour to carry to a successful conclusion these vital tasks, with which the immediate destinies of the Faith are so closely linked. That the Beloved may guide and sustain you in all your undertakings, that He may crown your a.s.siduous labours with magnificent success is my dearest wish and ardent prayer.
Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi.
Haifa, May 25th, 1946.
Dear Baha'i Sister:
Your letter dated April 27th has been received and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. He also acknowledges receipt of the enclosures forwarded with it.