Let Me Tease You - Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Ye Junchi noticed that JiYuan has fell into a silence, he raised his eyebrows and said, “I’m not joking. What, are you afraid that the Ji family would be implicated with my involvement?”

Actually, the original body owner doesn’t have any deep feelings for the family. But now is not the time to consider this issue…

JiYuan poked System with a black face.

“The difficulty level in cooperating with Ye Junchi is too high. According to the original character, ‘I’ would definitely refuse Ye Junchi’s help. ‘I’ would not budge on my stance even when threatened with death, let alone cooperating to find the murderer.”

JiYuan continued, “Nope, that won’t do, System. This is already an OOC task to start with. I request to skip the task or let me slightly OOC (to accept YJC’s help).”

System : “You still want to bargain in this?”

“I don’t care! At worst, I’ll just won’t do this task!”

System thought for a moment. The task was indeed quite forceful.

System : “Alright then. But if you went out of the line and done some serious OOC, you would still be punished.”

Ain’t that just a matter of acting skills?1

Secretly feeling relieved, JiYuan sorted out his thoughts, controlled his facial expressions and lightly said, “That is just treating the symptoms but not the root cause. If you really wanted to help me, how about finding out who is the murderer instead? Then you and I will be able to prove our innocence.”

“Is innocence that important?”

Ye Junchi’s eyebrows rose up again; looking as if he doesn’t really care, “But if that is what you wanted to do, I will help you ba.”

JiYuan was feeling horrified, “Has his brain gone bad? Why is he so easy to talk with?”

System went silent for a moment, “Shouldn’t you be happy?”

JiYuan : “I am feeling even more afraid ah! Is he coveting my body?!”

System coldly said, “Are you better-looking than him? At most, he just wanted to drink your blood.”

“….” JiYuan doesn’t want to talk to System anymore.

Gui Chi’s speed was not fast but not slow either. Right in front of JiYuan’s face was the biting cold night wind; the feeling of flying in the air was very wonderful.

Above their head was a scattering of stars; the bright moon hung in the vast piece of night sky. Below their feet was an endless and distant, vast dark land.

The night breeze blowing at them and the cold were biting into JiYuan’s bones. He came into a suspicion that Ye Junchi let him stood in front so to block the wind.


“But…” After some time of silence, Ye Junchi opened his mouth and said in a slow manner, “… you really caused me a big trouble, little thing.”

JiYuan was feeling confused and innocent, “What trouble?”

He doesn’t require Ye Junchi to answer anymore, as he immediately understood what had happened. Gui Chi suddenly swayed, like it abruptly lost the spiritual power to control itself and they plunged down to the earth.

JiYuan was expressionless, “…..” AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH GONNA DIE!

When the two people were about to hit the ground, Ye Junchi who has been maintaining a calm demeanor, held onto JiYuan’s waist and nimbly stepped onto the nearby branch.

Breaking the momentum of their fall, he lightly jumped onto the ground.

JiYuan who has been scared stiff until his soul flew out, leaned into Ye Junchi’s arms. His hands and feet were still feeling soft; they were slightly trembling around Ye Junchi’s waist. Cold sweat were covering JiYuan’s back, it was some time later before he came back to his sense and he stiffly blinked.

Gui Chi laid quietly on the ground like an ordinary sword; looking very wronged.

Fear was still lingering in JiYuan’s heart. He said, “System, I almost thought I am going to die.”

“Don’t you still have Ye Junchi here?”

“It’s because he is here that I’m scared. What if he used me to cus.h.i.+on his fall?!”

System : “… you must have some confidence in him.”

JiYuan indifferently rejected the request for confidence. He wanted to let go of Ye Junchi but he was afraid that the moment he let go, his legs would give away and have him kneel down with a ‘thump’.

So he could only hardened his face and pleaded with System a few times (to OOC a bit); to continue holding onto Ye Junchi.

Ye Junchi doesn’t mind that at all, and said, “You seemed to have changed a lot.”

System : “You see, I didn’t judge you as OOC but the other party already thought the same.”

JiYuan : “Shut up.”

“I am really curious, about what kind of a rarity between Heaven and Earth is your blood. To be able to restrained my demonic power, or I should say to be absorbing my spiritual power. Only by drinking your blood that I could calm down the restless flow in me.”

Ye Junchi’s voice was not fast and not slow. He talked about the matter lightly but JiYuan saw a fleeting coldness in his eyes. Suddenly feeling cold, JiYuan secretly shuddered and poked System, “Could you translate that to simpler term for me?”

System : “It means if he doesn’t drink your blood, he will be a trash demon lord.”


Relying on System’s explanation, JiYuan who couldn’t completely decipher the meaning of Ye Junchi’s gaze, finally understood what he saw just now was an icy killing intent. In the demon lord’s heart, he(YJC) must be feeling very wronged. Wanted to chop him(JY) but fear that he would become a waste after chopping.

JiYuan felt a little bit of guilty conscience said, “… I don’t know what actually happened too.”

Ye Junchi didn’t say anything, he just stared at JiYuan for a long while. Then, his slender fingers reached out to gently brush away JiYuan’s hair at his neck.

Squinting his eyes, he saw the bite marks and wounds on the tender white neck. Ye Junchi pressed JiYuan against a tree. Then, he wordlessly bowed down his head and bit on the wounds.

Having a pair of soft and warm lips pressing on his neck, it really give off a kind of an ambiguous charming feel. A moment later, it was not charming at all.

JiYuan felt that from the way they keep hurting each other, someone is going to be a waste soon (either him first or Ye Junchi).

Old wounds were being opened again, JiYuan could only talk nonsense with System with a pair of watery eyes to divert his attention (from the pain).

He was not that delicate, to cry over injuries like this. Just that the body was originally very scared of pain, so his eyes started to tear up whenever the body felt painful.

Come to think about it…. the one who wanted to cry should be Ye Junchi. Ye Junchi obviously knew that drinking his blood could only suppress the poison’s attack for some time. After that, the attack would only be stronger, but he couldn’t not drink it.

This feeling of his own blood being sucked out by someone else was not wonderful at all, he even felt a bit horrified. Because as long as the person at his neck is willing to do it, the artery which was situated right next to the wound could be split open any time.

The original body’s special const.i.tution was really evil/sinful…..

When Ye Junchi stepped away from him, JiYuan was starting to feel dizzy. It was not that he lost too much blood but because his brain was overly scared by his own thoughts.

The man originally has bright red lips; when it was dyed with blood, it became even more astonis.h.i.+ng.

In the dark curtain of the sky, bright moonlight scattered down in thousands specks of clear splendor.

Here, the area was quite open (free of cloud) and the cold moonlight fell onto half of his face.

One half of his face was bright while the other half was dark; when combined together, it gave out a feeling of hair-raising beautifulness.

Ye Junchi’s tongue lazily reached out to lick the blood on his lips. Looking at the bright red tongue and lips, one could even feel it was s.e.xy.

JiYuan stared for a moment, then immediately s.h.i.+fted away his gaze. He s.h.i.+vered, “System! Bad news!”

“What is it, baby?”

“Ye Junchi suddenly changed his style! And became my favorite type!”

“… grab the opportunity, try your best to ‘bend’ him. Good luck, you are the best.”

‘The best’ JiYuan was being restricted and single-handedly brought back to the demon realm by Ye Junchi.

Compared to the human realm, the demon realm’s environment was quite backwards and terrible. The sky were often hazy gray in color. Even the air seemed to be unstable, filled with a restless and desolate atmosphere.

The cultivation talent of the demons were much higher than humans but their major setback was procreation. They were spa.r.s.ely populated in the broad, boundless demon realm.

So … as a demon lord, the palace took up a vast surface area; a wastage of s.p.a.ce.

JiYuan didn’t notice that before but when he was carried back this time, he witnessed a piece of endless land in the palace.

Sighing, he said, “… this is the evil of capitalism. I am indeed the son of the ‘party and people’.”

[T/N : I’m not a chinese born in China so I do not understand the reason the authors keep mentioning their ‘party’ and ‘people’. Is it something related to China being a republic? Or they practice socialism? I wouldn’t know, I don’t study this in school