He was successful, and reached the stairs before the policemen could stop him.
Like a flash Leo recovered and made after the man.
As he reached the top of the stairs Griswold struck the bottom steps.
Whizz! Leo took a flying leap and landed on the rascal's shoulders.
Down went the fellow in a heap. He gave a groan and then a yell of pain.
"You have broken my leg!" he screamed. "Oh, my ribs are all caved in!"
He spoke the truth in one particular-his left leg was broken and he was unable to make further resistance.
In the meantime Carl and the policeman had captured Broxton and handcuffed him.
A little later, before the guests in the hotel could ascertain the cause of the disturbance, the two prisoners were taken to jail.
Then Barton Reeve appeared on the scene.
"I am satisfied Griswold was hired to attack me," said Leo.
"Can't you get him to confess?"
"He pretends it is all a mistake."
"Let us both talk to him."
"Oh, wait; I wonder if the police searched him," went on the young gymnast suddenly.
"We can soon find out," rejoined Barton Reeve.
They questioned the captain in charge. Yes, Griswold had been searched, and his stuff, quite a heap, lay in a lump on a near-by desk.
There was some money, a knife, several keys and a notebook. Leo began to search through the notebook. He uttered a wild cry.
"Look here!" he e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed.
He had found an entry concerning the money Griswold was to get from Nathan Dobb for his dastardly work.
"Come with me," he went on, and led the way to Hank Griswold's cell.
At first they could not make the rascal talk at all.
But after awhile Griswold began to think he was in a terrible dilemma.
"Look here, supposing I confess," he said, "will you be easy on me?"
"Perhaps I will," replied Leo. "One thing is certain, I won't be easy if you don't confess."
"I was coaxed into this job," growled the villain.
"And who coaxed you to do it?" asked Leo quickly.
"Nathan Dobb, the squire at Hopsville."
"Why does he want to get Leo out of the way?" questioned Barton Reeve.
"So as he can keep the thousands coming to the boy," was Hank Griswold's reply, which filled Leo with astonishment and pleasure.
Having said so much, Hank Griswold made a complete confession, only holding back the fact that he and Nathan Dobb had come together through his trying to rob the squire's house.
The confession was taken down in writing, and then Griswold signed it in the presence of several outside witnesses.
By this time it was late in the evening, but Leo was too excited to sleep.
"Can't we take the first train east?" he asked of Barton Reeve. "I am anxious to let Squire Dobb know what I think of him."
"I will see Lambert and see if we can get off," replied the menagerie manager.
They sought out the general manager, and, after putting the whole case to him, got permission to leave the "Greatest Show on Earth" for three days.
There was a midnight train eastward, and this they boarded.
Barton Reeve had secured sleeping accommodations, but Leo was too excited to rest.
The following noon found them in Hopsville.
From the railroad station they walked to Nathan Dobb's house.
"Hullo! there is Daniel Hawkins' wagon standing in front," cried Leo.
"He must be calling on the squire."
The servant girl ushered them in. As they sat in the hall waiting for Nathan Dobb they heard a loud dispute in the office of the justice.
Hawkins and Nathan Dobb were having a quarrel about some money the latter was to pay the former for releasing Leo.
In the midst of the discussion Leo walked in, followed by Barton Reeve.
Both Squire Dobb and old Hawkins were much astonished at the unexpected appearance.
"By gum, Leo!" cried Daniel Hawkins. "You good-fer-nothin', where did you come from?"